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Messianic 'Rabbi' with 7 Wives in the UK

Soldier of the One

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Oh, Daily Fail, how you entertain us!

Polygamist Messianic 'rabbi' has 7 'wives' who he indoctrinated to believe he is a Davidic king. Ah, one of them escaped and spills the beans:

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... aniac.html

A snippet to whet your appetites:

My hellish life in the rampant rabbi's harem: For 10 years Tracey lived with her preacher and his six other wives. But he was just a bed-hopping, violent egomaniac

Tracey Sharp, 46, lived with 'husband' Philip and his six other 'wives'

Spent ten years with man 'instructed by God to have multiple wives'

She left Sussex 'harem' in September with her two children by Philip

Enjoy! :shock:

eta riffles

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This guy was featured on a TV show about either big families or polygamy a few years back. He's bat crap insane.

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This guy was featured on a TV show about either big families or polygamy a few years back. He's bat crap insane.

I saw that also. & I agree he was insane.

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Are there Youtube videos of said program? :D

Just irks me that he's referred to as 'rabbi' and his church as 'synagogue'. Faux Jews irk me a lot.

Not even mentioning the patriarchal crazy.

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