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About this blog

Random things that I want to talk about. I like shopping online, working out, environmental issues, traveling, and current events. I'm also a cheechako, as I'm only 1/2 way through the 20 year requirement to lose that title, so I might talk about local issues and surprising facts about the northernmost state. 

Entries in this blog

Something in the Air

Full disclosure: I am 100% Anti HOA. There are no  arguments that will ever change my mind on this. This may or may not be relevant in a few minutes.  Over the weekend, I noticed that my "Next Door" app was "blowing up" (by that, I mean, there were multiple reports and people were posting on it.)  We have a local person who started a couple of facebook groups and volunteer groups to help people find their missing dogs and cats. (We have a separate one for birds.) The dog/cat rescue people h

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae in Local issues

I hate Trump

I hate him and his stupid puppet that was installed as the Governor. Don't open it, don't exploit coronavirus, no pebble, just go golfing or something.  https://www.adn.com/business-economy/energy/2020/08/17/trump-finalizes-drilling-plan-for-alaskas-arctic-national-wildlife-refuge/

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae

Fuck You, Taco Bell

So I just found out that Taco Bell (probably my favorite of any national chain drive through "restaurants") is axing most of their vegetarian items - including the 7 layer burrito. I don't go to Taco Bell often, but when I did I always ordered a 7 layer burrito. (Or a crunchwrap with a million modifications.)   It's been my go-to since 1996. I have recommend Taco Bell to vegetarians for years - they have always been excellent toward the non-meat eating crowd (of which I am no longer a membe

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae


Earlier today,  I was at work with my Google Play Music on shuffle, and a song from the OBC recording of Annie popped up randomly. Weird, but whatever. It was one of my favorite musicals as a kid and I still have a bit of a soft spot for spunky red-headed orphans (see also PIppi Longstocking, Sansa Stark) Of course I listened to the entire thing, including a bunch of early mixes I hadn't heard before. I grew up in the time of tapes, and we were poor for a good portion of my life. I still remembe

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae

Everything Sucks : A Poem

Okay, so it's not really a poem. But here is a list of everything that sucks right now. No particular order of importance.  Five children died in a fire and people are terrible in the comments The largest statewide newspaper was sold to a Republican politician who just might be running for office in 2018. Everyone is terrible in the comments. Wildfires are not uncommon but they definitely are much worse because of human activity and policy. Hurricanes. I'm not linki

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae


It's spring. I can smell it. Other clues include the snow melting and my driveway being a lake, my cat wanting to be outside sunbathing instead of inside attached to me, people smiling instead of being grumpy gus-es , and the seagulls returning to terrorize the neighborhood.  It seems like everyone is getting married and having babies and going on amazing vacations. Of course I go on amazing vacations too, but Facebook makes me think that other people's vacations are way better. Speaking of

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae

Trigger Warning: Fuck Obamacare

I was a huge supporter of Obama because of his health insurance plan. And then we got stuck with "Obamacare" which is anything but affordable if you don't live in one of the big cities. My "insurance" is now three times as much as it was three years ago, and offers less. Four years ago I didn't have health insurance and I think I might go back to that.  So now I get to decide if I want to pay into my retirement plan or pay for insurance. OR, I can just not have health insurance and still pa

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae


Warning: This is kind of ranty and I probably sound incredibly selfish & self centered (not to mention ungrateful). Personal thoughts on Christmas below. I hesitate to flat out say that I "hate" Christmas.  But I kind of do hate it. It's stressful. It overshadows all the other holidays. It's so stupidly materialist and terrible. I remember being a kid and it seemed kind of magical. There were light shows, and it was dark and cold and that was always sort of fun. It used to sno

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae

Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire

So here I am, in 2016, watching this film again. Because I saw a tumblr about something and I was like, "Yeah, I totally feel like harry in Goblet of Fire." No one is actually talking to me, I've got this huge task in front of me and everyone thinks I'm doing stuff but I'm actually not because I'm completely terrified about failing...  Anyway, so this movie is TERRIBLE.  I never realized how terrible it is. I love HP. I read the first two books because my mom got them for me when I was

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae

Garden Thoughts

I appear to have lost the ability to create/choose my own tags. I also don't have my FJ Reviews Blog listed anymore  Noting this here because sometimes people with the answers read my blogs. I know, I know, I could have asked in Tech, but I'll probably forget by the time I navigate to that forum.  So the other evening the winds had turned and the potato plants had died a while ago, so we decided it was time to harvest everything. While I was picking through the bushes looking for beans and

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae

Making Friends after 25

When I was a kid, until I was, oh, 5 or so, friends were easy. I was friends with the children of my parents friends who were my age.  Then we moved. And we moved again and again and again. Even when we weren't moving every few years, for some reason my parents thought it would be best to put me in different schools every so often. This wasn't as big of a deal as other people made it out to be. Especially since I knew that as soon as I went to college I'd have to leave everyone behind anywa

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae

Tourist Season

I know I promised mountain goats.  This is that story. Please don't leave because of the title.  As long as I have lived here, I've been able to "group" the tourists. (Well, the ones that make themselves known as tourists.) They show up. They help our economy. They drive us all mad.  We've got the cruise ship crowd   Wealthy, elderly, generally happy and slightly clueless. Most of these tourists are harmless. Fun story; last year we went on a couple of whale watching/g

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae

Au revoir, l'été

Summer Solstice has come and gone. While this isn't exactly the end of summer, it's definitely a turning point. Day length has peaked with 19 hours, 21 minutes, and 32 seconds of daylight. I'm not quite ready to turn in my flip-flops, tank-tops, and other assorted hyphenated signs-of-summer yet. I am, however, ready for some deep sleep. With that, here are some random thoughts from this week.  One of the "benefits" of 19+ hours of daylight is that not everyone realizes that it's actually

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae

Two states will avoid an absurdly hot summer!

According to this "article" which cites NOAA, only two states in the US will NOT experience hotter than average temperatures this year. Unfortunately, they are states that are already pretty hot during the summer.  Here's to you, Nebraska and Kansas! Way to escape the heat by already being hot in the summer.  http://gizmodo.com/only-two-states-will-avoid-an-absurdly-hot-summer-this-1778407429

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae

I wrote this a month ago

Recently, I took a vacation to Hawaii. One of the last things we did was look at a "Living History Coffee Farm." This was not something we had planned, this was something to do between check-out time and flight time. This turned out to be one of the memorable moments of the trip.  As I drove to the farm, which was very conveniently located, I noticed the landscape changing from the almost-desert of North Kona into the green South Kona. The farm was a tiny remnant of 1913. There was a donkey

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae

The Tapir

This was going to be about how I'm (finally) on a taper for my training. But instead, enjoy this video of the tapir.   

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae


http://www.npr.org/2016/03/27/472056754/despite-the-math-bernie-sanders-has-already-won No wonder I don't know any Hillary supporters. 82%  

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae

Signs of Spring

In some places, people know it's spring by the calendar. In other places, the sun warms up, the snow goes away, flowers and animals show up. People plant things in their yards.  In my current location, the official signs of spring include the longer days and warmer temperatures. But it's never really official until the motorcycles come out. The winter beaters get parked on the lawn, and the nice sports cars start appearing on the roads. People put away the fat tire bikes and take out their

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae


It's very grey outside, which is doing nothing for my mood. And it's Tuesday and I already skipped my morning workout. I'm fine with the skipping, I needed the sleep more than the swim. But I'm not loving the lack of energy.  I know that on my lunch I will probably go to the gym and stretch and do something light and easy while watching TLC, which sounds like a pretty good time. After work, I'll go to the same indoor track I've been going every other day since January. I'll walk in the same

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae


Office Space has never felt so real.    I did buy new running shoes on my lunch, so that was something different.  I'm tired, I'm a little cranky, and I really just want to be in bed with a paperback and my cat. Instead I'm trying to figure out how to make something for someone who wants a list of contradictions. (Retro-Modern, not literal, but clearly show what we do, not that, it's overdone, make it integrate with x, y, z, and oh, yeah I'll pay you. Maybe. Let's just get somet

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae


I woke up this morning with the best of intentions. I was going to meet my friends and run our usual 10-20K, starting at a local trail, then go get some coffee. I would then go home and feel accomplished.  What actually happened was not at all my usual Saturday. Oh, it started off normal, of course. I got up with the alarm. I opened the front door to let the cat back in (who had just left an hour and half ago.) He followed me into the bathroom, where I then petted him and looked at my phone

Maggie Mae

Maggie Mae

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    • Destiny


      Sorry about that friends. Miscommunication happened. Should be all good now. 
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    • bea


      Election judge training today - we have new electronic pollbooks, so I have to go in and learn how to use them.
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    • smittykins


      Just filled out my absentee ballot.  Blue all the way! 💙
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    • Hazelbunny


      It is never too early to start the Christmas music 😍🎻
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    • Kiki03910


      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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