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Surviving it

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When did Sears start selling sex dolls??? ;)

I'm old, so I apologize for using a blog for this because I can't find the jibber-jabber place to post random things like this.  You know where the ads are on FJ, right?  We all do, and 9 times outta 10 I couldn't tell you what the ad was for because I just ignore them.  But Sears,  somehow, popped up with an ad for power tools.  Lots of power tools and tool boxes.  And a Windola (maybe not exactly a Windola, but I'm close).  After clicking on her and finding out you can do so many differen



Acquiring a pet fundy

One of the first things I noticed while lurking on Free Jinger, beyond the overwhelming number of fundamentalist families beyond the Duggars I'd no idea existed, was the board culture.  I spent some time in the SOTDRT learning definitions and what board culture means.  One of the phrases used confused me though:  pet fundy/fundie.  What the heck does that mean??  Is it the fundy fam you love to hate, the fundy you secretly love but hate (in that hate the sin not the sinner sort of way), the fund



What's the Day Again?

It's Spring Break week here at the Hectic Household.  With D4's wedding only 60-some days away, it's crunch time for getting the catering, venue, DJ, etc contracts signed, we have to manage our lists to smaller calendars and start sweating the small stuff.  D4 teaches, so she shares this week off with Youngest.  Her co-maids of honor took the week off as well, making my house crowded and chaotic indeed.  I don't know about the rest of y'all, but every school vacation, I easily mix up what the ac




Hello Blog.  I've missed you lately.  So much has gone on the last couple weeks, so very much I'd love to use this wonderful outlet to consider, examinate, share, gain advice and insight.  But so much has gone on that I've had no time.  Now so much has gone on I have no idea where to start! My morning last Friday (?) was caught up thinking about an article I read in the news about a 12 yo boy who committed suicide after suffering long-term bullying at his middle/junior high school.  I thoug



Major Mom brag

Oldest just successfully defended her dissertation and is now a Doctor of Science in the field of Psychology.  She researches visual pathways in the brain of the older folk in hopes of helping with dementia.  Could not be prouder!!!



From 0 to 10...

So I've revised this blog entry six times now.  Really short and sweet.  So very verbose.  Descriptive, very descriptive, again with the short and more short.  Just like the sheaf of papers I brought in to the hearing yesterday, an oft-revised version.   Four years I'd been writing that damn speech.  In my head, in a journal, in my therapist-assigned journal.  Finally on Saturday, settled in to Write The Speech.  That wasn't going well, so I called Oldest, J., all the way at the top of the



Went very well!

I'm not at home yet, so I can't say much but things went VERY well and they said we'd be very happy when we heard from them at the end of the week.  Youngest was so articulate and eloquent.  Won't be home til later tonight, so it might be tomorrow.  So grateful to you all!!!



Prayers are so very welcomed!

I've been asked a few times this week if prayers are okay to send my way.   YES!  PLEASE! People in my immediate family believe all sorts of things about God/gods/Goddess and a universe that wants us to do well.  I firmly believe in the power of prayer.  I believe good thoughts sent out on someone's behalf are prayers of a kind, I believe good intentions wanted for someone are little prayers...the list goes on. My therapist of 2 plus years is a Christian, but she never mentions re



Never too old to learn

The past few weeks have been nerve-wracking.  The non-smoking campaign has been going well, but it scheduled to be derailed Sunday night.  I say that because I've been telling myself all week that if I absolutely need to smoke due to built-up pressure and stress that I will give myself permission to smoke for the 24 hour period surrounding the Parole Board Hearing on Monday afternoon.   Nicotine patches seem to be holding up well, 3 weeks and some days in.  I did have a problem with them th



I picked a helluva time to quit smoking, didn't I?

I've smoked for 30 years now.  I started while working an all-night shift in a nursing home at just 17.  Everyone on the night shift smoked, they told me.  It passed the time between bed checks and cleaning.  There was a dreadful amount of time back then, too.  Everyone was asleep when we came on shift at 11, and we didn't start getting them up until 4:30, so there was very little for us to do but go in and check every resident to make sure they were comfortable and dry.  My cousin got me the jo



Mom or Me?

I'm by nature a nurturer, always have been so.   Good thing, since I have six daughters.  Daughters take a lot of nurturing.  Their feelings are easily roused, easily hurt.  It's a huge responsibility, to realize this human being gets their view of themselves, and the world, from you, for better or worse.  I've made a ton of mistakes, and will continue to do so, but hopefully not the same ones over again (thank you, Anne of Green Gables) because I'm a human with lots left to learn.  But I try, a



Attitude of Gratitude

I've always been a bit of a Pollyanna.  I live every day trying to find the good things and work to negate the negative.  This is a great policy when it comes to raising daughters;  they have received multitudes of praise and reminders of their best attributes and behaviors, reminders that they have an obligation as humans to be the best person they can be, and that the world does not owe them a thing - they owe the world and can repay it by doing good, being decent, law-abiding, productive memb



Getting started

Why is starting something often the most difficult part of a job?  Maybe there are blessed creatures out there who spring to consciousness every morning and bounce their way from task to task, tra la la-ing along the way, but I am wary of those folk.  They have some mutant strain in their DNA or such enabling them to move determinedly from one job to the next with alacrity.   Not me, not any more.  A long, long time ago, in a different dimension I rushed from thing to thing, but not with ch



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      It is never too early to start the Christmas music 😍🎻
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      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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