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About This Club

Lori may not think she needs to be kept accountable, but we disagree. She likes to use her delete key with amazing speed, but we are faster. This is the place where we keep all the contradictions and screenshots she doesn't want people to see.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. 21 screenshots of Lori Alexander's f/b post of "Should a Wife Disobey her husband" Screenshots as of 10:16 am EST
  3. Hannah has since changed her review on amazon but this is a screenshot of the review preview before she changed her review to 5 stars. Sadly I didn't get the screenshot of her original review

  • Recent Status Updates

    • Bluebirdbluebell


      Kevin Roberts, Architect of Project 2025 has close ties to Radical Catholic Group: Opus Dei (link).
      · 1 reply
    • Kiki03910


      Fabulous photo:
      · 0 replies
    • BlackberryGirl


      On a big vacation with BBB and the grands. Having a blast. Mall of America is insanely huge. We explored ONE floor and went to the aquarium.. back tomorrow. Little grandberry is teaching himself to swim and getting over one fear after another! 
      · 1 reply
    • Kiki03910


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    • Jinder Roles

      Jinder Roles

      Just checking in to say my loved ones and I are fine. The storm turned south at the last minute but some places further south were not as fortunate.
      Thanks for all the well wishes guys
      · 2 replies
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