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Am I the only one here? Well, I have news! A cute little shy dwarf hamster boy entered the family Scrabblemaster! He is awesome but shy, I have problems taking pictures because he vanishes to his cave when he sees us. He loves his wheel, he is so so fast. He has a cute grey fur. He likes to pee in his wheel. Which is better than free peeing anywhere but worse than peeing in his sand-toilet. I can clean the wheel without any problems, so I am okay with it. He steps on our hands if there is food on our hands, something the ladys never did. So that is wonderful. We love him, he is tiny but a blast! We rescued him from a local rescue organization and I learned so much with them. I know our hamster ladys had a wonderful life with us, I now know I could have improved it even more. Dwarf hamsters are different from golden hamsters, so we are still learning. Zebedee you had a dwarf hamster, didn't you? @Zebedee
I have to tell you that Hamsterlade II. crossed the rainbow bridge a couple of days ago. She was very sick with a uterine inflammation. We went to the vet and she put her to sleep. She had an uterine inflammation in January, but back then it was curable with medication. This time it was obvious that medication would not help. She went from "everything is fine, where is my daily zuccini" to "I am bleeding and can't walk" in 3 three days. Her death came very sudden for us, we are still shocked. We are so sad that she is gone, she could have easily lived another 5 months if this did not have happened. So we are a hamsterless household for now.
hauntedoklahoma joined the club
Perfect, thanks! Will do.
Her's almost the prettiest cat that ever catted and I want to pet her @moodygirl86
@moodygirl86, Lillith is a cutie pie! ? As far as the "right" place to post, the Pet Club ought to be a good spot, but a lot of us don't seem to remember to check the clubs. If you want to post Lillith's picture in a thread that gets more attention, I'd try here: I hope you keep sharing her pics. I love watching cats grow up!
Hiya, I'm not sure if this is the right thread to post a cat picture but I couldn't find a cat thread. So mods, please feel free to move this if there's a more appropriate place. Just wanted to show you my housemate's seven-month-old kitty Lilith, modelling her new collar! Isn't she a little sweetie?
I just realised that I never told you here: At the beginning of fall last year a hamster moved in with us. Life was so boring without one. We were on a waiting list for a new one and thought we would get a new hamster round about Christmas. No. Way sooner. We got her from the same breeder that we got our first one from. She is pitch black with two small white spots on her belly and just like her appearance her character is different from our first hamster. Very different. She is shy and does not want to be held, she jumps away when we try to rescue her from falling down the cabinet she somehow climbed on. She already got more courageous than she was during her first weeks, back then she barely came out of her house. Everytime she realized we looked at her, she went back in. Now she (kind of) demands her evening walks in the rooms we hamster-proofed, she enters her hamster taxi very willingly and we can touch her when she is in the mood...touch not hold but we have hope that we will get there. Hopefully, because right now I have no idea how I should take her to a vet without stressing her (and us honestly) to much. And she is so silent. Hamsterlady I. was so loud, in comparison to Hamsterlady II. she literally stomped. While Hamsterlady II. is touching the ground like a feather. And she does not like cucumber.
@clueliss I am so very sorry for your loss.
I’m so sorry for your loss @clueliss. I’m glad that kitty is at peace and no longer in any pain. ?
I just had her out down. Diagnosed with an aggressive basal cell tumor in her left rear leg. Thyroid issue, kidney issue. 15 years old. And the potential of amputation. It’s been so hard to watch. The decision was agonizing.
ivegivenup joined the club
Our our little hamster-lady died yesterday. She was very ill during her last weeks, she had some kind of tumor/infection combination in her womb or ovaries. We thought she was doing better on medication for some days. We had a check-up appointment at the vet and when we woke her up for that, she could barely walk and was obviously in pain. We could see that she was suffering. I held her when they put her down. We buried her in our garden. Although we knew this was coming, because she was very old, it feels unreal.
We got my cat a water fountain to help keep him hydrated. It's ridiculous how much water he will drink out of that thing. We got him this one: https://www.amazon.com/Catit-Flower-Fountain-Triple-Action-Filter/dp/B0146QXOB0 so he can lap at a fountain. Vets suspect kidney disease, based on age, weight, and the constant drinking/peeing, but his labs come back only slightly elevated. Anyway, it's a suggestion to get more water into your cat.
lurkyloo joined the club
So-Virgin-It-Hurts joined the club
Sweet Caroline joined the club
Giraffe joined the club
advice Advice needed: Getting outside kitty to use box
Destiny replied to Destiny's topic in Pets Club's Cat Forum
Yeah. I have five total for four cats. I have considered purchasing another one just for him though. He's not at all interested in challenging for king of the house or anything, so he just walks away and doesn't argue the point when my other cats start things. I'm wondering if his own box would make a difference. I honestly don't think the problem is him being a jerk cat like it is sometimes with cats being punitive when they are pissed about something. I honestly think it's a just he doesn't understand the expectations thing. My impression is that he's never seen a litter box before. His supposed humans just threw him outside with no shelter or anything in 20 degree weather when they moved in. Next Door and I have been sheltering and feeding him since day one. -
advice Advice needed: Getting outside kitty to use box
Maggie Mae replied to Destiny's topic in Pets Club's Cat Forum
Is the litter box clean and is there one for each cat? My showed up one day cat seems to "forget" about using the box sometimes, but we haven't isolated the cause yet, so I'm watching this thread too. -
advice Advice needed: Getting outside kitty to use box
Destiny replied to Destiny's topic in Pets Club's Cat Forum
He totally understands he's not supposed to pee just anywhere. He just doesn't get WHERE he's supposed to pee. I'll check on the thingy from Chewy. An additive is perfect because I use breeze litter system for special snowflake lung reasons. -
advice Advice needed: Getting outside kitty to use box
Coconut Flan replied to Destiny's topic in Pets Club's Cat Forum
There is a specially scented litter that attracts cats to pee on it. It's available at Petsmart, Petco, and Chewy. It's Dr Elsey's Cat Attract. On Chewy I see he now sells an additive to put on regular litter that is cheaper. It worked for one of our litter pan averse kitties. At least he's using the pads! He may think he's doing the right thing following the older cat. -
advice Advice needed: Getting outside kitty to use box
Destiny posted a topic in Pets Club's Cat Forum
Friends, I have mentioned, I think, that the kitty that I have been feeding for a few years decided he lives with me now, not his supposed humans. He's doing well inside (he's a big fan of the couch and fireplace), but he hasn't quite figured out how to use the litter box. He understands that he's not supposed to pee just anywhere -- he's peeing on the pee pads I have down for my old man cat who is going senile and forgot entirely how to use the box. It's not an urgent issue, but someday I would like to not have 2894329473 pee pads down everywhere. Any ideas how to communicate to him that the box is the best way? Obligatory picture so you can tell him he's the prettiest: -
Destiny joined the club
Hazelbunny joined the club
Thanks, @WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo?! Mine are just being pretty crabby and I wondered if anyone had any advice ?
I believe that @mango_fandango and @pook have piggies, but I can't remember if either of them have ever made their way to this club. Maybe if we all shout their names together, they will hear us!
I just joined FJ a few days ago after literal years of lurking...I introduced myself on the "introduce yourself" thread, but wanted to say hi here, too, as I practice my posting skills! I have two female guinea pigs who are being jerks this week....but I still love them! Anyone else have guinea pigs???
@EmainMacha She is way better. The bald spots got some fur back. But we had 1 or 2 weeks where we thought she would die within the next days. She did not come out of her house unless for drinking or going to her toilet and she lost weight. We were very concerned, but there were no other signs of her being sick. We considered going to the vet, but what could she have done? The hamster looked normal, ate and drank enough to not do die and was not acitve. I could not feel any lumps (potential tumors) and beside the weight loss she looked fine. So we decided to wait another day and that's been the point when she started to be more active again. Now she is all cute and normal again. We think that her weight loss and the non-activ-phase could have been a side effect of the medicine against the mites (they gave her one spot on her back last time we were there, just in case there were mites they the vet did not spot, I did not write it in my last post) or the medicine against her cysts. The one against the mites is more likely. Are you talking about me?
therulesofjinx joined the club
I already answered your rabbit post on your status. I'm trying to sit on my fingers so I don't tell you to And pictures of the hamsters please.
@Scrabblemaster how is your hamster doing? Ovarian cysts are quite common in dwarf hamsters particularly I believe. Is your wee one a dwarf? I lost my winter white dwarf hamster and 2 gerbils in quick succession over the past month. They were adopted as older animals so not surprising but sad. I adopted a Campbell dwarf hamster and a robo hamster in the past few weeks. And now I'm looking at a rabbit. I think I have an adoption problem. I'm the small animal equivalent of some of our fundies.
EmainMacha joined the club
Sicily joined the club
Update on the hamster lady. The vet thinks it's a hormonal problem, it could be ovarial cysts. She might have these nearly parallel furless spots because the cysts hurt her and she touches these spots with her claws. Ovaries and utero are in the same are as her furless spots are. So the explanation makes sense. There were no mites spotted, I would have preferred the mites. She gets a daily medicine for the next two weeks. We'll have to see. She is as fearless as ever, eats and drinks as normal and hates the medicine like any hamster would. I mix the medicine with her favorite "snack-porridge", yesterday she ignored her snack so I assume she saw through it.
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