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#9 March 30-April 5, 2013 ~ Sincerity Winner ~ feministing




Post of the Week - #9 - Sincerity Winner

Congratulations feministing


feministing's post was nominated by Chibi Author



Imma be honest here. I do NOT approve of how "fundie" visitors to this site were previously treated. I do not like how Suze and Candice Keller were treated, for example - we caused them to flounce due to our horrible attitudes - FJers insulted their decisions, rudely spewed venom at their family, and made them feel like crap for having diplomatic approaches to the situation. If I were a fundie on FJ, you better believe what I would see here would absolutely bolster what I'd been fed about the outside world being evil. While there are many examples of compassion on this website, some people are absolutely ruthless to fundie visitors (although it is a minority, it is a substantial one). Gently and rationally discussing our perspective once we make the fundie feel welcome and comfortable would be a better approach that would make them feel more amenable to coming here and maybe - when they see that the godless can be kind - they might question their ways. To get what we want we must kill them with kindness - that is what my mother always told me.

Even though they may disagree with our beliefs, they still deserve to be treated with respect - ESPECIALLY since they are of the more reasonable fundies. I am an agnostic from a very religious family, and as dangerous as I believe my family's beliefs to be, if anyone trash talked them at me, in my presence, in a rude, condescending, and self-righteous tone, I will be pissed at them and probably flounce. Why? Because like the Kellers, although I disagree with my family, i still love them. There is a way to tread lightly - to address certain issues without appearing abrasive and rude.

Moreover, growing up in a large family, I learned that if I want to get dirt on someone, I have to play it safe, appear as open and as non-judgmental as possible, so that they can feel comfortable sharing dirt with me. As annoying as Reed may be, he is useful and can be a boon to FJ. He can provide us interesting information that can satisfy our curiosity and perhaps address the myths/realities/suspicions about the Duggars from the perspective of someone who is not out to kiss the ground they walk on.

There are many threads on this forum intended for ruthless snarking. However, if we organize a Q&A with a fundie/fundie-relative on a thread, the thread should be at the very least POLITE. We don't want to bite the hand that feeds us.

Reason for editing: Brainriffles.


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  • Posts

    • justpassingthru


      I thought they were in Georgia for the boat thing. 

      • Upvote 1
    • Four is Enough


      On 7/25/2024 at 10:40 PM, Expectopatronus said:

      I would absolutely love it if Anna is letting her girls wear pants as a Bleep You! to JB. Bonus points if he hyperventilates over it. Yes, I am evil and will send myself to the prayer closet. 

      Let's party in the prayer closet! Bleep You, JB!


      • Upvote 1
    • thoughtful


      More about Ziklag, which was mentioned earlier in this thread - a Christian nationalist political organization that masquerades as a charity:



      ProPublica and Documented obtained thousands of Ziklag’s members-only email newsletters, internal videos, strategy documents and fundraising pitches, none of which has been previously made public. They reveal the group’s 2024 plans and its long-term goal to underpin every major sphere of influence in American society with Christianity. In the Bible, the city of Ziklag was where David and his soldiers found refuge during their war with King Saul.

      “We are in a spiritual battle and locked in a terrible conflict with the powers of darkness,” says a strategy document that lays out Ziklag’s 30-year vision to “redirect the trajectory of American culture toward Christ by bringing back Biblical structure, order and truth to our Nation.”

      Ziklag’s 2024 agenda reads like the work of a political organization. It plans to pour money into mobilizing voters in Arizona who are “sympathetic to Republicans” in order to secure “10,640 additional unique votes” — almost the exact margin of President Joe Biden’s win there in 2020. The group also intends to use controversial AI software to enable mass challenges to the eligibility of hundreds of thousands of voters in competitive states.

      In a recording of a 2023 internal strategy discussion, a Ziklag official stressed that the objective was the same in other swing states. “The goal is to win,” the official said. “If 75,000 people wins the White House, then how do we get 150,000 people so we make sure we win?”


    • anachronistic


      I think that she is doing the best that she can. Like apparently she insist on being a part of all of the businesses. And they hire someone to homeschool the kids. But she also comes across as incredibly sad and putting aside her dreams for everyone else, like how the building that she wanted to turn into a ballet studio on the farm was turned into something else, I think the homeschool room? She is sad enough that she is whispering dreams to a reporter and the dreams are such ordinary, achievable things like a freaking epidural. I'd like to see that big man baby give birth without one. He would be singing, or rather screaming, a different tune real fast.

      • Upvote 3
    • JermajestyDuggar


      37 minutes ago, Flossie said:

      Is is just the camera angle, or is this guy really short or have short legs?

      Camera angle. He couldn’t be a male model if his legs were that short compared to his upper body. 

      • Thank You 1

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