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What Are You Doing? Chapter 2: What should I be doing on a date?



Because I am starting the read of this shitfest at noon my time, I am doing this sober. Therefore, you can expect even more fucks than last time, because wow. Just fucking wow.

We open at the park again. For some reason, Boring Plot Device decided to go back there. Personally, if I had Nosy Busybody show up and start bothering me in this park, I would never ever go back there again. Granted, I am an antisocial asshole to start with, but if some creeper showed up and started bothering me about my phone and quoting Bible verses at me, I'd put that park on this list:



Anyway, let's get this show on the road. Boring Plot Device is apparently bothered by something, because he's picking at his food. This dialog only format is hurting my fucking brain. I'm a fan of good dialog, but there's a time and place for exposition too. Mr. Ohlman (who is a creeper) needs to go to a creative writing class immediately, if not sooner. Nosy Busybody can't miss this chance to be a fucking ruiner of fun, so he wanders over to bother poor Boring Plot Device.

Nosy Busybody asks how Boring Plot Device's date went on Friday. Boring Plot Device tells him it went ok, but he isn't sure that he is doing this whole dating thing properly. He needs to know WHY he was dating, and how he is supposed to glorify God while doing it. Um, dude, if you went out and had fun with a person that you are interested in, you did it right. I hate this fucking book.

Apparently, on this purposeless date, Boring Plot Device took Teh Ebil Whore (I think, the text isn't clear, but I'm pretty sure that's who it was from context. If it isn't Teh Ebil Whore, it's certainly AN ebil whore!) to see Titanic. Oh.....dear. I feel like a rant about teh ebil bewbs is coming. Fuck me, why did I start this before a socially acceptable boozing hour? SOMEONE send me a mimosa. I can drink those before 5PM, right? Alas, I turned out to be right. Boring Plot Device has seen the film a few times, and thought it was ok, especially since it was PG (EXCEPT IT FUCKING ISN'T! DO YOUR FUCKING RESEARCH MR. OHLMAN (who is a creeper)! IT'S NOT THAT GOD DAMNED HARD). HOWEVER, after the lecture about glorifying God from Nosy Busybody, Boring Plot Device is now disturbed by "certain scenes". Jeez Mr. Ohlman (who is a creeper), if you are going to write a terrible book that's about sex and marriage, you may want to be able to actually SAY the words sex and breasts. FUCK!

His date, who is clearly a whore, wasn't bothered by the "certain scenes". Oh dear. Clearly Teh Ebil Whore needs Nosy Busybody to sit her down and teach her how not to be a whore. This bit kind of comes out of nowhere, and doesn't appear to connect to anything else in the chapter, so I'm just gonna chalk it up to Mr. Ohlman (who is a creeper) being a sexist asshole and move the fuck on.

Nosy Busybody asks what Boring Plot Device's what the Bible says about dating. Boring Plot Device rightly points out that the Bible doesn't really say much on the topic, probably because at the time, fathers sold their daughters for a few goats, and since women are FUCKING PEOPLE, we don't do that shit anymore. Clearly we need to go back to selling our daughters, because that's what a book written thousands of years ago says. SEND HELP AND WINE! Thankfully, we aren't going to go too far down the arranged marriage path right now, which is good because there's no way I could do that chapter sober, society's rules be damned.

Today, we are just trying to determine what the purpose for dating is. Boring Plot Device, who is clearly A Good Christian, doesn't want to date just to date. He wants to date to get married. Nosy Busybody asks why he wants to get married. Boring Plot Device lists the reasons that pretty much anyone gets into a serious relationship: companionship, kids, and *wink, wink* sex. Boring Plot Device couldn't even SAY sex, so clearly he isn't quite ready to be having it. The text is pretty unclear as to Boring Plot Device's age, but maturity wise, he's coming across as pretty damned young. I hope Boring Plot Device is at least of legal age. Nosy Busybody, to his credit, sorta calls him on that, with this:


Sakal: One wonders what this world is coming to that a young man is embarrassed to admit he wants to get married because he wants to sleep with his wife. Everyone knows it, but no one is willing to say it. So companionship, children, rejoicing in each other physically ... is that it?

There's a bit of back and forth about how marriage glorifies god, and Boring Plot Device can glorify God by having sex with his wife, and I'm trying so hard to care but there's just one more page in this fucking chapter. The more terrifying bit to me is Boring Plot Device saying he HAS to get married because he can't ignore girls, and the implication is that he should get married because he can't control himself. Yuck. This kid is so clearly still a child, with all the blushing and not being able to talk about sex, and the text is pushing for him to marry. NOTHING can go wrong with this plan.

Somehow, this conversation leads Boring Plot Device to realise that he's going about this whole dating thing wrong. If he is going to date with the plan to marry, then he needs to ask out The Good Girl:


Andrew: Yes! If I am supposed to be dating in order to get married, then I should be dating a girl I would be actually willing to marry, not just any Christian girl. And, of all the girls in my ‘black book’, the only one I can really see myself marrying is my friend Maydyn, Maydyn Terrefille. What an idiot I’ve been! [He picks up his phone and starts dialing as he walks off...]

OK, so. 1) Gotta love the name. I might have named a character Maydyn if I were actually a decent writer and wanted to write something like this ironically. Unfortunately, I don't think that Mr. Ohlman (who is a creeper) meant this ironically. I'm not sure he even knows what that word means. 2) Boring Plot Device said he was dating with the intent of marriage earlier in this chapter. HOW IS THIS A NEW REALISATION???

Nosy Busybody tries to point out that asking her out is still The Wrong Thing to Do, but Boring Plot Device is already on the phone to ask out The Good Girl. Excellent. I'm glad the discussion of how Boring Plot Device needs to buy The Good Girl from her dad is going to be another day.

Thank the gods, this closes out the chapter. Somehow, I managed to write this sober. I think I should have a glass of wine to celebrate!

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@Destiny, have you started on your wine bottle yet?  It's 5:34 where I am :wine::happy:.  Because I'm afraid I NEED you to not be so sober this evening.  You really ought not leave us hanging like this.  I'm ready for Part 3 now.  Seriously, right now.  I realize you may have a life to live on a Sunday evening but, let's be honest, you are the one who started this. 'You volunteered, didn't you?'

Ok, then.  Let's go. 


(Your writing clearly puts the author (who is a creeper) to shame.)

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@Fascinated, mister destiny is taking the mother of his kitties for sushi, so we shall see.

The next chapter has the confrontation / breakup with Teh Ebil Whore (who is also kinda racist). There's no chance of sobriety during that clusterfuck. 

Oh, and she makes a gay joke too. OF COURSE Teh Ebil Whore has to be unlikeable. 

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1 minute ago, Destiny said:

@Fascinated, mister destiny is taking the mother of his kitties for sushi, so we shall see.

The next chapter has the confrontation / breakup with Teh Ebil Whore (who is also kinda racist). There's no chance of sobriety during that clusterfuck. 

Does the sushi place have Internet?  And wine?  


(Have a lovely dinner and I will try to be patient.  But, my god, I really need to know what transpires.  Cheap Plot Device with Teh Ebil Racist Whore though.  As if being Na Ebil Whore isn't bad enough.  I'm so worried about the pieces of Boring Plot Device's heart.)

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1) Gotta love the name. I might have named a character Maydyn if I were actually a decent writer and wanted to write something like this ironically. Unfortunately, I don't think that Mr. Ohlman (who is a creeper) meant this ironically. I'm not sure he even knows what that word means

of course he does. it's in the footnotes.  Her name means 'Young girl Girl of the earth' ;)

ebil whore's name means 'Jezebel Of the world'.

One really couldn't get more creative with the naming if they tried...

Also this chapter sucked. I have no 'favorite' quote because it's a dismal crappy fucky chapter!

Also - why does FJ not have its own winery/microbrewery? There sure are enough times when it would be useful

10 minutes ago, Fascinated said:

 I'm so worried about the pieces of Boring Plot Device's heart.

nooooo don't go there yet :deadhorse:


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Oh really?? I stand corrected. I did not look up The Good Girl's name, and clearly I should have. My bad. I withdraw my comment about him not understanding irony. I thought it was just an attempt to be trendy. I really should follow the footnotes better but they are so badly written it's just too annoying to do so.

He's still a fucking asshole, and yes this chapter is just awful. The next one looks worse though. 

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A mimosa is a standard, socially-acceptable breakfast drink, so you're safe to drink them until 5:00 p.m., at which case you can start hitting the hard sauce to help you get through this shite. :dance:

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And...OMFG. These names. Maiden EarthGirl? Or DaughteroftheEarth? WTF?

So, he may not understand irony, but he sure as shit doesn't understand subtlety. Is he going for a straight-up medieval style allegory? :roll:

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10 minutes ago, EyeQueue said:

And...OMFG. These names. Maiden EarthGirl? Or DaughteroftheEarth? WTF?

So, he may not understand irony, but he sure as shit doesn't understand subtlety. Is he going for a straight-up medieval style allegory? :roll:

I was thinking about this actually. I wonder if he was going for Pilgrim's Progress here? If he was? He missed. 

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Just now, Destiny said:

I was thinking about this actually. I wonder if he was going for Pilgrim's Progress here? If he was? He missed. 

Pilgrim's Progress or Everyman. Something like that. But, yeah: Fail! :):)

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Love this -- and a cliffhanger to boot!

And, of all the girls in my ‘black book’, the only one I can really see myself marrying is my friend Maydyn, Maydyn Terrefille. What an idiot I’ve been! [He picks up his phone and starts dialing as he walks off...]

But, but...how will Nosy Busybody assess her breasts to see if they are rejoice-worthy?  The suspense is killing me.

When you sober up recover, I'll be looking forward to the next installment.  You are a most excellent reviewer.



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How can any of that be actual words written by a human for other humans to read?  Wow.  Stay strong, Destiny.

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Chapter 3 also has the pieces of heart convo. This one ABSOLUTELY requires booze. Poor Ebil Whore, she will have no heart left.

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4 hours ago, Destiny said:

I was thinking about this actually. I wonder if he was going for Pilgrim's Progress here? If he was? He missed. 

Given the use of names like Maydyn, probably :pb_lol:

Thank you for this great public service!

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Odds are not good for Destiny coming out of this mentally unscarred.


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I'm working on Chapter 3. There's not a lot ot snark on. It's just so damned sad. I want to give poor Ebil Whore a fucking hug.

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uber frau


I'm so glad lunchtime drinking (after 11) is socially acceptable where I live.  I needed a glass of something just to get through the review(and that has absolutely zip to do with the quality of your writing.)

In case you're ever stuck reviewing at lunchtime again: FJ is a global community. It's always after 5 somewhere.

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since women are FUCKING PEOPLE,

If they could just accept this fact they wouldn't have to dedicate their lives to making everyone as miserable as they are.

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      9 hours ago, hoipolloi said:

      Faith is also on a grifting tour of France. 

      Can anyone explain why skydiving over Normandy at a D-Day commemoration is an appropriate tribute? Sure seems like an elaborate and expensive form of cosplay to me.

      It seems a good chunk of the Phillips family made the trip to France!  

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      I am an American living in Canada - and cannot even express how distressing it is to find SO MANY Canadians that support him. I know I live in a very WHITE part of a very white province (which we didn't realize when we moved here - it didn't factor in) but are you KIDDING ME? People around here seem to really like Trump because he's a good business man (uh - how many failed businesses?) and he "tells it like it is" and supports their rights. (you live in Canada! He's not supporting YOUR rights at all!!)

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