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The Dunkels - Chapter 14

Keeping Up With The Dunkels - Chapter 14: Dunkels Double Date     Back at the Miceli's, Hobart brought his doctor friend home for dinner again one night, and one of Adalyn's sisters just happened to be visiting to help with the baby.   Wow! Aimee Joy and Christian seemed to be hitting it off! "What do you think about an ice cream sundae reception?" she asked him.   "Huh? That's crazy." Hmm... maybe not.   Uh oh... is there tro



The Dunkels - Chapter 13

Keeping Up With The Dunkels - Chapter 13: Drama at the Dunkels'   Happy Birthday to the first and only GrandDunkelDaughter, Charity Dunkel! She's the spitting image of Cara. By the way, Cara, shouldn't you be pregnant again? Your first kid is almost walking! You're not getting any younger, you know!   Things were going super well between George Midlock* and Anna Grace. As they Got To Know each other, they had deep theological discussions about whether women should c



The Dunkels - Chapter 12

Keeping Up With The Dunkels - Chapter 12: The Summer of George   Just in case anyone was worried, Abigail was invited to Adalyn and Hobart's wedding. She spent most of the night inside, eating chips. 18 different people kindly pulled her aside at various points before the ceremony and during the reception and earnestly entreated her to return to the hedge of protection of her childhood home and her brother's church. She said, "Thanks, I'll think about it."   Hobart



The Dunkels - Chapter 11

Keeping Up With The Dunkels - Chapter 11: A Super Sweet Season of Life   Last time (like two seconds ago) on Keeping Up With the Dunkels, we saw the grand opening of Limited Atonement Church, Abigail settling in to life in the Big Scary City and navigating career and romance, Adalyn starting her courtship with future fundie doctor Hobart, and Aimee Joy trying to find contentment through getting to know Redhair MacBaldy (I will find out his name next time, I swear). Also, some half-forg



The Dunkels - Chapter 10

Keeping Up With The Dunkels - Chapter 10: A Really Neat Season of Life   Life in the Dunkel household continued much as usual, even in the (tragic) absence of Abigail. Visitors from church seemed somewhat perplexed by the school of the dining room floor, but Cathy knew her homeschooling methods were a wonderful testimony (she figured, anyway - the older girls did all the homeschooling, of course, she hadn't run the SOTDRF in years.)   Aimee Joy coached Adalyn on her



The Dunkels - Chapter 9

Keeping Up With The Dunkels - Chapter 9: Moving On   There was soooooo much to celebrate in the Dunkel household: the opening of Limited Atonement Church, Andrew and Cara's engagement, and sweet adopted child Alexander Dunkel becoming a toddler!   The Dunkels took the rest of the money from Wilbur's life insurance policy and put it into renovating the house. Well, tearing it down and rebuilding it from the bottom up, more like. 7 bathrooms, 8 bedrooms, and finally e



The Dunkels - Chapter 8

Keeping Up With The Dunkels - Chapter 8: No Weddings and a Funeral   Andrew and Cara still weren't officially courting, but they were soooooo in love, guys! But totally guarding their hearts!   OH NO! Well, it was only a matter of time. Yes, it was time for Wilbur Dunkel to depart this world.   As Wilbur drew his last breath, he hallucinated questionable beverages and scantily clad women - but his final thought was, "Do ya'll think I have time to adop



The Dunkels - Chapter 7

Keeping Up With The Dunkels - Chapter 7: Baaaaaaaaaabes and Baaaaaaaaabies!   Last time on 'Keeping Up With The Dunkels', we saw Cathy Dunkel give birth to her 12th child, Aaron, in the middle of preparing the wedding feast on the morning of Adam and Mehrissa's marriage. Then we saw Adam and Mehrissa say their vows and have their VERY. FIRST. KISS. Later on at the reception, Asher Dunkel had his birthday party! Asher had now entered his teen years. Lawson Bates, is that you?!



Keeping Up With The Dunkels - A Fundie Legacy - Chapter 6

Wealth! Romance! Rejection! Fecundity! All that and more on today's episode of... Keeping Up With The Dunkels!!! Subtitle: Dunkles By The Dozen Now that Adam was an adult, he was seeking the Lord's will in finding a godly young lady to pursue for the purpose of marriage. Unfortunately so far he wasn't having much luck. Not sure what's turning these women off - couldn't possibly be the idea of giving up all semblance of independence and critical thinking to become a robotic broodma



Keeping Up With The Dunkels - A Fundie Legacy - Chapter 5

Soon after baby Asher was born, twins Anna Grace and Aimee Joy became teenagers. Way to go, ladies. Modest is hottest!   Meanwhile, problem child Abigail was still up to no good. Some friends from the church youth group came to visit one day, and Abigail was actually FLIRTING with one of the young men! Her siblings looked on, scandalized, and the young man in question was appalled, distraught, and dismayed.   He had to step away to take a deep breath and regain his



Keeping Up With The Dunkels - A Fundie Legacy - Chapter 4

Before we begin, I have to apologize. I previously stated that Andrew Dunkel was Blessing #4, but I was wrong - he was Blessed Blessing #5! Despite what Wilbur and Cathy may think, the twins are not, in fact, a single entity. Now, on with the show.   House reno! Kids are expensive, but they're also great for grifting! It was slow going, but the Dunkels were gradually bringing in enough money from their hard earned grifting to at least survive.   School of the d



Keeping Up With The Dunkels - A Fundie Legacy - Chapter 3

Wow! Soooooo much has happened since we last saw the Dunkels approximately... 8 hours ago. For the Dunkels, I mean. Not for singsingsing. I mean, I deposited a cheque and talked to my grandma on the phone, so I was at least somewhat productive. And hey, I've had the worst insomnia and didn't get to sleep till 3:30 a.m. after spending way too much time reading about rare and terrifying medical conditions on Reddit, so there's that. The Dunkels, on the other hand, have been very busy.  



Keeping Up With The Dunkels - A Fundie Legacy - Chapter 2

Howdy everyone! We left off with our (anti?)hero Wilbur Dunkel newly employed in politics, baby Adam having aged into a toddler unbeknownst to his frazzled parents, and Cathy Dunkel having just given birth to her second child, Abigail, and in the midst of a nervous breakdown.   Hmmm... you know what that means! Yes, despite her ongoing existential crisis, Cathy is a proper fundie woman and is always joyfully available to her husband (seen sleeping soundly in the background). That'



Keeping Up With The Dunkels - A Fundie Legacy - Chapter 1

I recently decided to dive back into one of my old favourites, The Sims 2, and start up a new legacy challenge! For those of you unfamiliar with a legacy challenge, the rules can be found here: https://www.simslegacychallenge.com/legacy-challenge-rules/sims-2-legacy-challenge-rules-core/ I'll be more or less following the rules, but I'm not going to keep score. Too complicated. To make things more interesting, I decided this would be a Fundie Legacy Challenge. I'm starting with one guy, and



Game of Thrones shenanigans

I was up with the stomach flu last night and I drank two cans of coke today and now I can't sleep, so I'm going to try this. For years people I know have been trying to get me to read/watch Game of Thrones, but I keep resisting. From what I've heard of it, I just don't think I'd like it. There seems to be far too much gross underage/incestuous sex, rape, brutality and general negativity for me to enjoy it. But I know millions of people absolutely love it, so I'm not dissing it, at all. Especial



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      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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