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RabbitKM's corner of the Internet :tw_grin:

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Salvadoran Turkey Recipe

Hey everyone! In advance of Thanksgiving, I thought I'd share a family turkey recipe! Fair warning, this takes FOREVER to cook. I do it in advance of the big day.  Enjoy. Sauce: Enough for or a 15 pound turkey or smaller   Ingredients: Relajo (spice mix).. you can find this at some Mexican grocery stores in a little baggie or make your own ---chile ciruela ---chile wake ---ajonjoli ---pepitoria ---laurel ---ajo 3 chopped onions 2 Red bell pe



Recent Book Haul

Hey everyone! Thought I'd come back with another recent book haul. This is an accumulation of multiple Goodwill trips, as I've noticed my local stores' book collections have not been so good as they used to be. There is also a library book thrown in there, and an Advanced Reader Copy that I got at the library on their "pay as you wish" cart.     On top is My Documents, by Alejandro Zambra.  I actually checked this book out from the library last September, but I never got to



Pumpkin Cornbread Stuffing recipe & pics

Hey Everyone! I wanted to share this delicious stuffing recipe that I found online a few years back, and have been making ever since! This is not my own recipe, I just wanted to make that clear. I am not that creative or good in the kitchen lol but I just wanted to share the love of this recipe.  If I can make it, anyone can do it! This year, I am going to make it again, but gluten-free, so we'll see how that works out. I have some of my own pictures from making it last year in my tiny apartment



Halloween Library Haul

Hey everyone! It is officially almost Halloween, which is always a time of year that I love.  So to get me into the spirit, I made a trip down to the library to pick up a few "spooky" books! Here they are! I got two comic books, one book of ghost stories, one audiobook, and one e-book.   The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (Vol 1) takes the story of Sabrina the teenage witch and sets it in the 60's in Massachusetts. The coven she's apart of is fairly evil, and this story is nothing lik



Library Haul: Hispanic Heritage Month Edition

I went to the library today and here is what I got!  Today is the start of Hispanic Heritage Month, so I mostly picked out some books by Latino/a authors.  I actually wasn't planning ahead for this theme and didn't request any of them, so I just kinda found these by browsing the shelves.    From top to bottom: My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (DVD)  Esperanza Street by Niyati Keni  Ways of Going Home by Alejandro Zambra (I think I will read this one first!) My Documents b



International Cat Day feat. Murphy

Happy International Cat Day to all those cats out there! And to the humans who love them.  In honor of this holiday, I thought I'd share some pics of Murphy.  I am still (!!) fostering him after all this time.  It's really surprising that he hasn't been adopted yet, but I think people are interested in little kittens at this time of year.  Only 2 people have even come to meet him.  Nonetheless, I am really enjoying my time with him, though he really feels like "my" cat now.  I'm not sure how eit



Recent Book Haul ft. Murphy the Cat

Even though I am definitely in no shortage of unread books, I thought it would be a good idea to go to Goodwill today.  Unsurprisingly, I walked out of there with quite a few books! Here to help me model them today is Murphy, the most handsome book model there could ever be.     I got these for such a steal, it was too hard to pass up!  In case you can't read the titles from the picture, I got: Collected Stories by Gabriel Garcia Marquez The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz



Introducing.. Murphy!

Murphy is the most recent cat that I am fostering!  I have had him for maybe two weeks now.  He is so sweet, and he loves to play and roll around. Funny story, he was found at a construction site, and the construction workers had been feeding him and taking care of him.  When they finally called the rescue to come get him, they said that they have a pregnant cat that needs rescuing.  When the rescue ladies showed up to get him, they were like... this is a boy.  The construction workers were sure



Introducing... 2 new fosters!!

Hi! It's been a while since I posted.  I recently took in two new foster kitties! They are a brother/sister combo pack, and they are too cute.  The brother is really protective over the sister, and literally puts himself on top of her.  But surprisingly, the sister is the one coming around faster to me, letting me pet her more and stuff, while the brother kinda backs away when I go to pet him.  They are around four months old.   Here they are! The black one is Harley, and the tabby is Camil



Adventures in Cat Fostering

Hey All!  Back before the fancy new FJ update, I had posted a thread asking for some advice on getting a cat.  Fast forward a few weeks, and I became a cat foster mom!  I have been so happy with this decision, because it allows me to care for a cute little furbaby without the long-term life commitment of true pet ownership.  I also get to help out more than one cat, because I am now on foster cat number 2!  My first foster kitty was indeed a handful.  First off, she meowed constantly from the m



My Recent Book Haul

Hi Everyone! For my first post, I thought I'd write about something that is a small obsession of mine, and that is books!  I am a huge bookworm, as some of you might know from the "What are you reading now?" thread in Quiverful of Worldly Distractions.  I adore talking to other people about what books they are reading or their favorite books, so maybe people are interested in seeing what my bookshelf looks like.  I consider myself lucky to be someone who likes reading.  It's funny now, ( I want



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