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The Rabbit Hutch

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Recent Book Haul



Hey everyone! Thought I'd come back with another recent book haul. This is an accumulation of multiple Goodwill trips, as I've noticed my local stores' book collections have not been so good as they used to be. There is also a library book thrown in there, and an Advanced Reader Copy that I got at the library on their "pay as you wish" cart.




On top is My Documents, by Alejandro Zambra.  I actually checked this book out from the library last September, but I never got to it, so I took it out again and read it. It is a collection of short stories from a Chilean author. I loved it.

Next is Flight Behavior and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle both by Barbara Kingsolver (one of my favorite authors). The latter is a non-fiction/memoir about her foray into growing food, I believe? Not her usual style, but I love her fiction, so I thought I'd pick it up.

The next book is a historical fiction novel set in WWII called Those Who Save Us by Jenna Blum.

Then is The Girl With All the Gifts by MR Carey. I heard this one described as kinda like the Walking Dead, which intrigued me. I definitely don't usually read books like that, but we'll see how this one goes! I think there is also a movie about this book, and a prequel novel has just been released, as well.

I recently got The Girls by Emma Cline just a few days ago.  I'm probably most excited to have gotten this one, as it was fairly hyped when it was released last year (?). It is about a Mason-esque cult, which immediately piques my attention (as it probably does most of us on this site).

Lastly is the ARC, which is called Idaho by Emily Ruskovich.  I honestly don't remember much what this is about but I know it was on my Goodreads want to read list so I picked it up.


Let me know your book buying habits! I almost exclusively buy my books from thrift stores (because I am cheap and I enjoy the thrill of the hunt!). I also rely heavily on my library.  The fact that I acquired this many books recently is funny, because I am moving next weekend and was supposed to get rid of things! Oh well... 

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      I recently rediscovered Kingsolver. We have Little Free Libraries in my town and I picked up Pigs in Heavan. I forgot what a great writer she is.

      I buy my books at thrift stores too. We have a Savers near me with a pretty good selection.

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I did some major clearing of crap from my apartment a month or two back.  Let go of a lot of books.  Divided them between friends of the library and Goodwill.  Seeing your haul makes me feel even better about the decision to set them free.

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Local Gorilla

Posted (edited)

@clueliss Oh but its so painful !!

     I just started anew! I'm starting a leather bound,  and rare book collection, as well as a penguin publishing collection (the nice looking, black editions). They will look beautiful on the walls of my 1920 Victorian (eta apartment lol), instead of the hoarder vibe I previously had going!

Edited by Local Gorilla
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In this case, it wasn't painful.  I was in a whole mode of wanting more space and wanting to free up the engery flow in my apartment.  Which sounds odd but it was very freeing.  

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@clueliss I totally agree. My mom was a hoarder and books were her main hoard. At one point she owned a bookstore. Piles and piles of books in every room. It may sound like a dream but it wasn't. It was incredibly unmanageable. My kids could not play at her house because it was dangerous.  A pile once toppled onto my toddler and she got a black eye, among other bruises. That's why I like thrifting books I keep them then donate and continue to find new books to read.

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I find it seriously difficult to winnow books - even if I have them on my Kindle. I am 3 stacked on my bookshelves now - and anyone moving gives them to me....

I wish  that used books was a thing where I live - but it isn't. Most expats are Scandinavian , and not interested in my English language books.

Part of me would love to diminish my 7,000 plus collection - but I can't bear the thought of a subsequent owner throwing them away.....

Those I don't buy new are from a used bookstore in Bangkok - 3 hours away.

My name is Sawasdee and I have a book addiction......there are piles everywhere :embarrassed:

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    • Red Hair, Black Dress

      Posted (edited)

      I think she unenthusiastically said yes to the first man Scotty Brown (not/never father of the year) convinced/ coerced to take her and the 6 step kids.

      Hope she is happy, but intuition tells me no, and that she believes the unhappiness is normal married life.

      Really really really hope she wasn't "convicted" to have more children.

      Edited by Red Hair, Black Dress
    • JermajestyDuggar


      20 hours ago, zimona said:

      Childless semi-old catlady here. I don't hate kids. I hate parents who don't bother to teach their kids (age apropriate, of course) about boundaries. I'm quite happy to let kids be kids. But if they start to actively pester me and intrude on me (like trying to drink from MY lemonade in a Café, or wiping their chocolate covered fingers on my backpack during train rides...) then I will speak up and tell them to stop, and I'm fully aware that to the innocent bystander I might come across as 'hating' kids, especially since I might be a bit worked up at that point. I'm not blaming the kids, they don't know better. I'm blaming those parents who shy away from putting a brake on their kids' (sometimes) too exuberant behaviour. 

      What’s funny is I often say this about dogs! 🤣🤣🤣 Every time I find myself hating a dog, I realize I just hate how horrible the owner is. It’s always someone who lets their dog get away with the most horrific behavior at the expense of other people. 

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    • 4boysmum


      I have a bunch of kids and as much as I love them they also drive me nuts.  They can be loud and messy.  The younger ones are still figuring out where their personal space ends and other people's (mostly mine!) begins.  But I can't ever imagine them doing something like drinking someone else's lemonade.  And if they ever took leave of their senses long enough to try, I would deal with it ASAP and also buy you another lemonade.

      My kids are my responsibility and if they act up in public it's my job to correct them or take them somewhere else so they aren't disturbing others.  

      But I have also occasionally come across people who do seem to resent children being present in public at all.  Don't think they should be brought to restaurants, etc.  I couldn't say what percentage of the childfree population feels that way, but people like that do exist.  And I think it's a shame because (a) how do you teach kids to behave in places like restaurants if you don't take them to practice, and (b) if I've put in the work to teach my kids how to behave in various places and they are not being disruptive, they really do have just as much right to be there as any other segment of the population.

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    • CarrotCake


      It makes me wonder: would these modesty-fundies be okay with swimwear on girls-only trips?

      In this case it is filmed and published so the same standards as public places would apply but what if it was a private moment between friends and family?

      For instance, Muslim women do not dress with the same modesty standards in the private of their household.

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    • EmiSue


      3 hours ago, CarrotCake said:

      There is also a toy rabbit with a pink ribbon in the picture.

      Either they use it to honor Isla or it’s an announcement for a girl. 

      My guess is to honor Isla, since she'd be a few months old now if she made it, but could be both.

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