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Bing & Bowie



Last year, Christmas was very difficult.  I'm a bit better this year.  The 'tree' is up.  And I can tolerate certain Christmas Carols.  it is still hard.  But I'm enjoying the bits I can handle.  


A friend posted this video on Facebook.  A blast from the past.  Bring Crosby & David Bowie.  Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth.  Circa 1977.  I remember this special.  Although at the time I was clueless as to who Bowie was.  


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I LOVE this song, too. They did such a good job on it. I also found (quite by accident) a clip of Grace Jones on Pee Wee's Playhouse, & she sang "Little Drummer Boy". She did a great job w/it! 

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    • Marly


      5 hours ago, GreenBeans said:

      Same here. 3 or 4 bathrooms in a house seem downright excessive to me. 😁 Here I would say nowadays the norm is 2 bathrooms in a house (sometimes, especially in older houses, only 1 bathroom upstairs where the bedrooms are plus an extra toilet downstairs where the living room/kitchen are). Similar in big apartments with 4 rooms, so living room plus 3 bedrooms or bigger. In smaller apartments, 1 bathroom is normal, in newly built ones often 1 bathroom and 1 extra toilet.

      I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard of a house that has as many bathrooms as bedrooms here. It’s just not a thing.

      I live in a (officially)3-bedroom apartment. We have one toilet and one 'bathroom'(=shower + sink). Growing up, all houses I ever visited only had one full bathroom (toilet + shower or bath + sink), usually upstairs on the bedroom floor, and one toilet downstairs. When I met my SO 13 years ago and I visited his mom and stepdad's house (3 story house), that was the first house I've ever been in that had 2 full bathrooms + an extra toilet on the ground floor. However, the second bathroom wasn't in the original plan of house. The reason they had 2 full bathrooms is because the stepdad wanted one floor completely to himself and MIL, where my SO and his sister weren't allowed to go. They had to hire a contractor to add an extra bathroom.
      Having two full bathrooms is still very much the exception. Having only one toilet in a multiple story house is also very much an exception though. And in apartments that only have one toilet, the toilet and bathroom are usually separate (so no issues of someone needing to shower but not being able to because someone else is occupying the toilet for an inconsiderate amount of time and vice versa).  

      I grew up in a family of five in a house with one bathroom (but two toilets total in the house), and it was never an issue. (There were a lot of issues with my mom not respecting closed doors, but that had nothing to do with there only being one bathroom😅). Sure, we had to coordinate who showered when, but that was never a problem. We all communicated with each other. (I can understand it's difficult when you don't communicate or when there's one person who feels their wants and needs always outweigh that of others). And it made the switch to student housing (where usually you only have one bathroom and one toilet as long as there's no more than 7 people) a lot easier, as I was used to having a 'shower schedule'.

      Now, this is not to say I don't understand or see the need for more than one full bathroom. When you have enough room and enough money, and you are with 3+ people in a home, it makes sense to me. The fact is though that houses here are generally build smaller than standard suburb houses in the USA, +over 4/5ths of the country is too low for basements to be an option. So people generally have to choose between either a guest/hobby/workfromhome room (and even that is a luxury on the current market) or an extra bathroom. As a consequence, people with 2+ plus children who have the option of putting an addition on to their house will sooner opt for an extra bedroom than an extra bathroom.

    • Mrs Ms


      5 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

      He actually said parents just need to do a better job of parenting instead of giving them meds. That made me roll my eyes so hard. 

      I 100% agree that parents need to not only give meds. But I think we need WAY more support for tricks, workarounds, routines and structures that help with ADHD - not beat the snot out of kids 🙄


      (pretty sure I and at least 1 of my kids have ADHD, but we are currently not able to pay for any assessments, so I am spending SO.much.fucking.time trying to find out non-med ways of improving and hopefully thriving)

    • xenobia


      I googled McArthur and ADHD, and several articles (and youtube clips) came up. According to this link, he's also talking about the "sins of the fathers" which shows up generations later. Same crap as Gothard. 


      “Just to lay it out simply, kids are sinful. I have great-grandchildren, and by the time they're 3 or 4, their sin nature is starting to be manifest. Then you add to that the sins of the fathers are visited under the generations, the third and fourth generation,” MacArthur said.


      • Angry 1
    • AnywhereButHere


      My son was born with a head of straight, dark, almost black, hair. Within a month, it turned a mid blonde and stayed that way until high school when it turned dark brown with red tinges, which is also when it went super curly. We only had one kid, so I guess he’s just playing fair and splitting our genes right down the middle. Up until high school, he looked just like me. From high school on, just like his dad. Genetics are weird. 🤷‍♀️

    • Black Aliss


      Strange man? Bear? I'll take the bear, please.


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