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I need to get out of this funk I've been in lately. Normally I am so happy this time of year. I love Winter. I love Christmas. But for some reason...I'm just 'blah' this year. There are, of course, days where I'm quite happy and content. We took our son to the botanical gardens and to meet Santa the other day. It was really nice. We got some cute photos. (Not sure if I should post them here or not...?) I am thankful for those days. I am able to let go of the constant worry going on in my brain. Unfortunately, a lot of the worry returns at night (as evident with my last blog entry.)

I haven't been online much lately. Not sure why. I just haven't had the time. Though thinking of the last week or so, I haven't really gotten anything done so I don't know where the time is going exactly.

I've found I'm happier on days I don't go online much. Well, more specifically...I'm happier if I don't go on social media. I know people don't present themselves 100% accurately on social media. But there are some things that are just hard for me to see. The biggest one is seeing people getting together for the holidays. (Or really just anytime, in general.) Most of my Facebook friends are people from high school and college. I don't hang out with any of them anymore. I don't hang out with anyone, actually. I'm sure that sounds pathetic. But I just don't have friends these days. I drifted away from my high school and college friends over the years. I am a stay at home mom with no co-workers. My husband works from home and all of his co-workers are in other states. All of his old friends are out of state as well. My siblings are out of state. My parents are nearby and we do see them often. 

So the only people we ever hang out with are my parents. I feel bad for my son. 

Growing up, so many of my good memories are wrapped up in family gatherings. Playing with all of my cousins. I have 3 on my dad's side of the family. We were super close with them. Got together on every birthday and holiday. We even took a few big vacations together. We saw each other a lot and I loved it. We were close to some of the cousins on my mom's side as well.

My son won't have this. We've only seen my brother three times in the last two years. We've seen my sister maybe three times as well. I feel like my son will barely know his cousins. He certainly won't be close to any of them.

I see people posting photos on Facebook of their kids with their cousins. Or their kids with their friends' kids. Going to meet Santa together. Or decorating Christmas cookies together. In the Summertime it's just as bad....going to the pool together, or parades, or whatever.

My son has no one. And now he's likely not going to have any siblings. It will always just be him and us. I don't want him to be lonely. I want him to have good childhood memories. I'm big on nostalgia. I will sometimes just put on music that flashes me back to different times in my life. I love it. I love looking at old photos. And reading old journal entries. Does "feeling nostalgic" count as a hobby? If so, it's my favorite one.

I thought about finding a "mommy group" to join. The only decent looking one I could find does all of their meetings a bit too far away for me. And I have to be honest...I don't think I'd fit in. I'm pretty sure I have social anxiety. I've never been diagnosed or anything but it's pretty likely. Sometimes I can't even believe I used to have friends. I mean, I've never been comfortable in large groups. But I used to do well in smaller groups. These days, I'm not even sure I could manage that. I feel like things are getting worse as I'm aging. Or maybe just worse the farther away I get from being social.

I'm okay with being alone. I don't feel lonely very often at all. But I worry about my son being lonely as the years go on. Right now...he doesn't know anything different. But some day he will. I just hope he can find friends when he's older. We'll just have to invite them along for outings or invite them over to decorate cookies or whatever. But for now...I'm just stuck seeing things on Facebook that depress me. Stupid freaking Facebook.

Sorry my blog is such a downer.

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I feel this way all the time. I work from home, and I've moved far away from close friends. My fiance doesn't have any geographically close friends either. His parents are in the next state but we aren't close to them and my mom is about an hour away. We don't have kids. I have a Clue board game that says you need at least 3 people to play and so we can't play it. It sucks having no friends but like you, I also have social anxiety. I'm sorry, I know you wish you had more people in your life, I do too. *hugs*

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2 hours ago, Eternalbluepearl said:

I feel this way all the time. I work from home, and I've moved far away from close friends. My fiance doesn't have any geographically close friends either. His parents are in the next state but we aren't close to them and my mom is about an hour away. We don't have kids. I have a Clue board game that says you need at least 3 people to play and so we can't play it. It sucks having no friends but like you, I also have social anxiety. I'm sorry, I know you wish you had more people in your life, I do too. *hugs*

Do you live in Nebraska?? :) Because I freaking LOVE Clue and haven't been able to play it in years.

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The biggest one is seeing people getting together for the holidays. (Or really just anytime, in general.)

Just remember, its called Fakebook for a reason. Don't buy into the hype.

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I'm a little younger and single, but I know how you feel. I have always been anxious -- and depressed, which I think wasn't originally the root issue but now is -- but I've isolated myself in the last few years and it's made things much worse. I travel a lot (alone), and I do that partially to prove to myself that I can be a functional human person, which sometimes helps but sometimes just means I sleep all day in Lithuania instead of in South Carolina. 

Getting off social media definitely helps. But so does inching out of your comfort zone. You might not fit in with the mommy group, but what about something that puts less pressure on you? My public library has readings and events for really young kids and their (mostly) moms, and that could be a way to get out and have the option of meeting other parents/kids and growing relationships if it feels right, instead of you feeling self-conscious showing up as what feels like the weirdo at a mommy group.

Even though working from home is a downside in terms of social opportunities for you and your husband, at least he's around more -- your son probably doesn't feel like he's lacking social interaction with you guys both there, even if you feel it doesn't compare to your more active/involved childhood with family.

All the hugs to you.

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Had to sign in and comment. I also struggle with loneliness, but unfortunately mine is self-created. I push people away and struggle with depression. One of the few things I've enjoyed is looking at Free Jinger which I probably spend too much time on, for the time I spend I should be more active! I remember your posts from your icon :-). 

Enough about me, I wish you all the best in your quest to end those feelings of loneliness. It's so tough at holiday times. I think it's important to remember that being social can look different to everyone, and small steps like @withaj suggested can help. Thank you for sharing your story.

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I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in these feelings. Kind of sucks for all of us though.

We did take Henry to a toddler time at the library back in May. I was too nervous to go alone so we went when my husband had the day off. It was kind of a disaster. Henry just wanted to try to get into everyone's bags and purses! He couldn't have been less interested in the class or other kids there. It was basically just music and dancing so I thought he'd enjoy it. Nope.

But that was a while ago, so we should probably give it another shot. Thanks for reminding me. I had kind of forgotten about it.

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My up vote was for you, @ClaraOswin, not 'cause I'm glad you're lonely. I've had some really lonely times over the years because of social awkwardness and depression. I can't really say that I've done anything to change how much I socialize outside of my family, but as my kids have grown up (4 & 7), I've been gradually pushed out of my comfort zone as they have gone to preschool, public school, swimming lessons, and so on. I bet you can do better than I have and not wait 5 years! Even little steps can feel pretty good. Hugs to you!

P.S. You were among the first FJ posters I could remember by name, because Dr. Who. 

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Jennifer Hart


You are definitely not alone.  I work from home most of the time, single with no kids, shy, socially awkward and the few good friends I have live in other states.  My parents are deceased and the holiday season really brings out feelings of loneliness.  Most times I'm fine but it hits me every now and then.  

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I have had a really bad week (well a really bad year but this week was especially rough) and came across an article on a few fast ways to lesson stress. Taking steps back from social media was at the top of the list. So I finally did what I have wanted to for awhile and unfollowed a lot people from FB. I am 35 and single without kids, and I cannot take seeing the happy family photos anymore. It's just too upsetting and spirals me into a panic of "will I ever have that?" and blaming myself for not having what so many around me do.  I do know that FB is all about presenting your best self a lot of times, and that the people in those happy family photos have their own issues, still it doesn't stop the sting when I see it.  Part of me wants to just deactivate all together, however I joined several closed groups in the last few months that I'm finding helpful. Plus it is a bad habit that is hard to break.

Touching on something from your previous entry, I have RA as well, I was born with JRA, it went inactive when I was 14, and still on paper is inactive...but it's been a tough year health wise. A lot of damage was done to my knees especially when I was young and over the past year I feel like it's caught up with me. I lived for over a decade without really thinking about it, without having to explain it to anyone, and now it's reared it's ugly head again. It sucks! If even I wanted to be social right now (which I don't) it would be hard.

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  • Posts

    • AnywhereButHere


      My son was born with a head of straight, dark, almost black, hair. Within a month, it turned a mid blonde and stayed that way until high school when it turned dark brown with red tinges, which is also when it went super curly. We only had one kid, so I guess he’s just playing fair and splitting our genes right down the middle. Up until high school, he looked just like me. From high school on, just like his dad. Genetics are weird. 🤷‍♀️

    • Black Aliss


      Strange man? Bear? I'll take the bear, please.


    • JermajestyDuggar

      Posted (edited)

      5 minutes ago, GreenBeans said:

      Same here. 3 or 4 bathrooms in a house seem downright excessive to me. 😁 Here I would say nowadays the norm is 2 bathrooms in a house (sometimes, especially in older houses, only 1 bathroom upstairs where the bedrooms are plus an extra toilet downstairs where the living room/kitchen are). Similar in big apartments with 4 rooms, so living room plus 3 bedrooms or bigger. In smaller apartments, 1 bathroom is normal, in newly built ones often 1 bathroom and 1 extra toilet.

      I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard of a house that has as many bathrooms as bedrooms here. It’s just not a thing.

      I don’t think all McMansions have this, but I’ve seen a lot that do. I babysat for a family that basically lived in a huge McMansion. And there were 7 bathrooms (2 of them were 1/2 bathrooms). I remember thinking I’m glad I’m the babysitter and not the house cleaner! 

      Edited by JermajestyDuggar
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    • JermajestyDuggar


      45 minutes ago, viii said:

      This is so infuriating. As someone with ADHD… fuck him. 

      He actually said parents just need to do a better job of parenting instead of giving them meds. That made me roll my eyes so hard. 

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    • GreenBeans


      7 hours ago, Cupcake79 said:

      I live in Europe, in a rural area. Houses are of all kinds of types and styles. I don’t think I have ever visited a house with more than three bathrooms/half baths. Usually no more than two. Master bedrooms en suite are practicality non existent in our area and definitely uncommon in the whole country.

      Same here. 3 or 4 bathrooms in a house seem downright excessive to me. 😁 Here I would say nowadays the norm is 2 bathrooms in a house (sometimes, especially in older houses, only 1 bathroom upstairs where the bedrooms are plus an extra toilet downstairs where the living room/kitchen are). Similar in big apartments with 4 rooms, so living room plus 3 bedrooms or bigger. In smaller apartments, 1 bathroom is normal, in newly built ones often 1 bathroom and 1 extra toilet.

      I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard of a house that has as many bathrooms as bedrooms here. It’s just not a thing.

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