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Hanging On By My Teeth

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Catching my breath



A year ago, my life was about to change, though I didn't know it.  I had one of three kids at home living with me, as well as the housemate-who-wouldn't-leave who, between drinking binges, helped around the house and caused problems.  Within 60 days I would be scrambling to find a new place to live and fighting for more time in an eviction that was simultaneously a relief and scary.

What have I learned in the past year?  I have learned that I am much stronger than I know.  I have learned that I cannot depend on my mom to save me.  (This has been both disheartening and liberating -- it depends on the day.)  I have learned that I really, really miss having my kids living with me.  I have learned that I can live with far less stuff than I thought I could.  (I have gone from a two bedroom, one bath house with lots of storage to one bedroom in a large house.)  I have learned that I have some amazing friends who have stuck by me through thick and thin, and been supportive no matter what (while also not being afraid to tell me when I'm a screwup).  I have learned how to communicate more effectively with the man in my life.  And finally, I have learned that I am capable of far more than I ever thought possible.

My life is not perfect now -- far from it -- but I have some great days mixed in among the mundane.  There has been lots of pain, but there has also been a great deal of laughter, love, and understanding.  Would I change what I've gone through in the past year?  Sure.  Am I better person for it?  Most likely.

Thanks for joining me on this journey.

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It's those really rough spots that make you appreciate even the mundane, every day life.  I am glad you are having some great days in there  :)

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During times like that a positive outlook like yours can do more to keep you moving forward than almost anything else.  I hope things remain on the upswing for you.

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During times like that a positive outlook like yours can do more to keep you moving forward than almost anything else.  I hope things remain on the upswing for you.

I think I am an optimist to a fault.  In a way it's good but in a way it can get me into trouble because I see the best things in people who maybe aren't up to anything good, if that makes sense?

It's those really rough spots that make you appreciate even the mundane, every day life.  I am glad you are having some great days in there  :)

You are right.  After all I've been through since the beginning of 2014, even just a quiet day at home with nothing going on can make me appreciate life.

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      And I'm a little bit tired of the social media scolds.  If they didn't put their lives on the internet, we wouldn't have opinions.  They did so we do.  If most of us think that he's a bully, he probably is.  I guess it's another case of the husband being so full of himself that he was sure the interview would show him in a good light.  It didn't.

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    • Xan


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    • JDuggs


      On 12/22/2023 at 11:51 PM, JDuggs said:

      It looks like Micah is in a relationship, or very good friends, with this Florida realtor Veronica Peters. I’ve seen photos of them together on Micah’s IG, but I always thought she kind of looked too old for him. Maybe not.

      This was on Moriah’s IG:

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      And this was on Veronica’s personal IG and professional IG:

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      Quoting myself from six months ago. I think this really is Micah’s girlfriend. She doesn’t seem quite as public about their relationship as she did back then.

      This photo of Veronica didn’t get copied over from my old post.




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