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Week #6 Mar 9-15, 2014 Sincerity Winner - jenny_islander




Congratulations jenny_islander

jenny_islander's post nominated by B5SnowDog, Mice and SamuraiKatz

They destroy themselves physically.  They neglect their own health to care for the ill child.  They don't go to the doctor for themselves because they can't afford even a reasonable copay and deductible for themselves; every cent has to go to the child.  They take on second jobs, or they come home from their paid jobs to start a second shift as unpaid and untrained caregivers because there is no money to pay a professional and insurance seldom if ever covers this cost anywhere near as long or as often as needed.  They sacrifice sleep.  They eat cheap, nutrient-poor food in order to pay for the child's medication.

They destroy themselves emotionally.  They have to beg, beg, beg for money all the time.  I understand that in some countries parents don't have to put their children's photos on empty mayonnaise jars at grocery store cash registers in order to pay the oncologist--not that this ever really pays the  oncologist; it just slows the inevitable descent into poverty.  They have to pour so much of their time and attention into the ill child, since paid help is out of the question except for the rich, that the other children tend to be neglected.  They may work opposite shifts so somebody is always at home, but they can seldom just sit and talk as a couple, so the marriage suffers.

Having a seriously ill or impaired child can drag a whole family into poverty and break up a household.  All because socialism is such a dirty word here.

ETA:  As I'm sure you've noticed, the same people who scream about socialism invading and making us . . . all live without fear of dying due to lack of money, which is somehow . . . evil . . . or something, I dunno--anyway, they also like to rant and rave about lazy poors living high on the government hog.  So you not only go down in the slow-motion landslide of poverty in order to save your child's life and/or keep her out of an underfunded institution, but you also get rocks thrown at you all the way down.


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  • Posts

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      Emily Keyes and Ethan Meyer are engaged

    • JermajestyDuggar


      Every time I see Jed, he looks more and more like Josh. If I was starting to look like him, I would try really hard to do something different. Like I would grow a Magnum PI mustache. Or I would grow my hair a lot longer. Just to look different from Josh.


    • Xan


      The egg apron is a deal breaker for me.  That was just an insult.  "You think you deserve a gift?  I'll show you your place!"

      And I'm a little bit tired of the social media scolds.  If they didn't put their lives on the internet, we wouldn't have opinions.  They did so we do.  If most of us think that he's a bully, he probably is.  I guess it's another case of the husband being so full of himself that he was sure the interview would show him in a good light.  It didn't.

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    • Xan


      I always find these Trump fantasy worlds very bizarre.  He's never in a nice suit meeting a world leader or even in a fireman's suit saving a child from a burning building.  It's always some fake macho outfit and, in this case, driving a car with a Confederate flag on it.  Their heroes don't seem that heroic.

      • I Agree 1
    • JDuggs


      On 12/22/2023 at 11:51 PM, JDuggs said:

      It looks like Micah is in a relationship, or very good friends, with this Florida realtor Veronica Peters. I’ve seen photos of them together on Micah’s IG, but I always thought she kind of looked too old for him. Maybe not.

      This was on Moriah’s IG:

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      And this was on Veronica’s personal IG and professional IG:

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      Quoting myself from six months ago. I think this really is Micah’s girlfriend. She doesn’t seem quite as public about their relationship as she did back then.

      This photo of Veronica didn’t get copied over from my old post.




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