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Major Mom brag



Oldest just successfully defended her dissertation and is now a Doctor of Science in the field of Psychology.  She researches visual pathways in the brain of the older folk in hopes of helping with dementia.  Could not be prouder!!!

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Congratulations to her, and enjoy the reflected glory! :)

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Congratulations, Oldest! That's a major accomplishment! Sounds like the year is starting off well for you ladies! 

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I am just SO proud of all her accomplishments!  And heck yeah, I am *loving* what 2016 has shown us so far!  Still have a wedding to look forward to as well. :)

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Congrats to oldest miss violynn, that is a great achievement.

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Your family has turned a corner, the road ahead looks good.  Congratulations :) 

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1 hour ago, Karma said:

Your family has turned a corner, the road ahead looks good.  Congratulations :) 

Having Karma tell me things are on the upswing is more comforting than I can express. ;)

Thank you, everyone.  I will pass on all the congrats to Oldest when she comes down from the cloud she's floating on atm!


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       A heartfelt congratulations! What a wonderful calling. My mom has dementia and we took care of my great uncle during the last few months of his life. He had Alzheimer's. I have ADD and feel like I have dementia some days. We need people like her!!!!!

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You have raised some family! Congrats to your daughter - AND to you!

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@Grimalkin, I am grateful she's working in this field because dementia is prevalent on my maternal family side, and some studies have connected brain injury with dementia.  

@sawasdee thank you!!!

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That is so amazing! Wow! My uncle with dementia died recently. It's so good to know that people like your daughter are researching older folks' brains. I'm glad we don't just write people off as "senile--what do you expect at that age?" anymore.

You all must be so thrilled!

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Thank you so much, @WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo?!  We are very thrilled.  She gave up so much to achieve this, and we've missed her terribly while she's been at grad school.  Her research is fascinating to hear about and they've made real strides in the field.

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    • Ozlsn


      6 hours ago, Melissa1977 said:

      Specially because floods happen all the time and cause people to die. What a promise he did!

      But not the entire (known) world again. Yet.

      I do find the flood myths fascinating given how widespread they are. It makes sense that the Eastern Mediterranean myths are very similar, but looking at how they've varied from each other is really interesting. 

    • HeartsAFundie


      45 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

      My parents are nearing 90. They both hated the Clintons, my dad more so because he is a misogynist-and he tells my mom how she will vote too. So they were totally on board with Trump and his goal of “draining the swamp.” My mom is really entrenched now. She likes that Trump hates on the same people she thinks she is better than (others). She mimics every single Fox talking point. Recently my dad did tell me that he thinks Trump is an asshole, but I’m sure if he’s still alive come Nov., he’ll check the box next to his name. My mom is a full on Trumpster now. She is gulping the koolaid. My mom is not intellectually curious at all. Back in the day she would have been categorized as a dumb blonde. She got on the train and doesn’t want to figure out how to get off. It is frustrating, for sure. When you listen to some of these folks, you think, “these folks should have their right to vote terminated.” It’s like handing a bunch of razor blades to a group of toddlers and expecting no blood to be shed.

      My mother LOVED Trump when he ran in 2016.  Like many people, she got Trump the TV persona confused with Trump the real person and honestly believed he was going to be the country's savior.    

      Please keep in mind that during that time period my mother was home all the time and suffering from multiple illnesses, including undiagnosed depression, rheumatoid arthritis which severely limited her mobility and COPD which ultimately hooked her up to an oxygen tank.   And somehow one day while she was home and channel surfing, she bypassed Judge Judy one day and fell down the Fox News rabbit hole.  So she began telling us "Fox News is the only channel that tells the truth", as well as "If Trump doesn't get in, I will never vote again".  My dad, who was always more liberal than her-he wore a POW bracelet and protested the Vietnam War back in the day-kept his mouth shut and never said a word to contradict her, but I knew there was no way he was following in lockstep with her and that he certainly didn't believe what she was marinating in every day.  I felt so sorry for him having to listen to that TV blast Fox News all day and I assume he must have found some way to block it out.     

      Sadly, 2016 was the last time my mom voted as she passed away in 2017.  My dad and I both consider ourselves to be purple centrist fiscal conservative/social liberals and we do rationally and sanely discuss politics.  He is firmly in the Biden camp and has no intentions of voting for Trump.   And he believes that if my mom were alive today, that the January 6 insurrection (their wedding anniversary, actually) would have been the final catalyst for her to permanently get off the Trump train.   I tend to go along with that.  Or I think the QAnon crazy would definitely have sealed it. 

      Oh, and since my mom passed, guess how many times Fox News has been on in my dad's house?  NONE.  


    • hoipolloi


      17 minutes ago, HereticHick said:

      she shouldn't alienate neighbors who might file complains about her rental businesses.

      My thoughts exactly. If I lived next to fucking assholes like that, Iʻd be on the intertubez to check out zoning regulations and permits for that property. 

      Donʻt get mad - get even. 

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    • Ashley Ocean


      5 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

      I wonder if he’s thinking of making a career change, again?

      I hope not, but I wouldn't be surprised. I suspect that Derick is chomping at the bit to enlighten the rest of the world with his opinions. All he might accomplish in doing, is to damage his career, the one that pays the bills. People are only interested in his wife's experiences and they've already written a book and appeared on SHP. Give it a rest, Derick!

    • SassyPants


      17 hours ago, marmalade said:

      Derick is soliciting suggestions for a blog or podcast he wants to launch. Any ideas? 😃

      I wonder if he’s thinking of making a career change, again?

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