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Major Mom brag



Oldest just successfully defended her dissertation and is now a Doctor of Science in the field of Psychology.  She researches visual pathways in the brain of the older folk in hopes of helping with dementia.  Could not be prouder!!!

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Congratulations to her, and enjoy the reflected glory! :)

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Congratulations, Oldest! That's a major accomplishment! Sounds like the year is starting off well for you ladies! 

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I am just SO proud of all her accomplishments!  And heck yeah, I am *loving* what 2016 has shown us so far!  Still have a wedding to look forward to as well. :)

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Congrats to oldest miss violynn, that is a great achievement.

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Your family has turned a corner, the road ahead looks good.  Congratulations :) 

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1 hour ago, Karma said:

Your family has turned a corner, the road ahead looks good.  Congratulations :) 

Having Karma tell me things are on the upswing is more comforting than I can express. ;)

Thank you, everyone.  I will pass on all the congrats to Oldest when she comes down from the cloud she's floating on atm!


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       A heartfelt congratulations! What a wonderful calling. My mom has dementia and we took care of my great uncle during the last few months of his life. He had Alzheimer's. I have ADD and feel like I have dementia some days. We need people like her!!!!!

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You have raised some family! Congrats to your daughter - AND to you!

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@Grimalkin, I am grateful she's working in this field because dementia is prevalent on my maternal family side, and some studies have connected brain injury with dementia.  

@sawasdee thank you!!!

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That is so amazing! Wow! My uncle with dementia died recently. It's so good to know that people like your daughter are researching older folks' brains. I'm glad we don't just write people off as "senile--what do you expect at that age?" anymore.

You all must be so thrilled!

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Thank you so much, @WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo?!  We are very thrilled.  She gave up so much to achieve this, and we've missed her terribly while she's been at grad school.  Her research is fascinating to hear about and they've made real strides in the field.

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  • Posts

    • 15 hours ago, Ashley Ocean said:

      I hope not, but I wouldn't be surprised. I suspect that Derick is chomping at the bit to enlighten the rest of the world with his opinions. All he might accomplish in doing, is to damage his career, the one that pays the bills. People are only interested in his wife's experiences and they've already written a book and appeared on SHP. Give it a rest, Derick!

      Maybe he has politics in his sight. I’m sure he’d absolutely love to win in an election and hold office so he could gloat over JB’s (and a couple of his sons’) numerous failed attempts to get voted in.

      • Upvote 1
    • Meggo


      My Dad has dementia - and while I'm sure my mom will pressure him to vote (she doesn't see his dementia AS dementia). I just think if you can't recognize your kids - maybe it's time to NOT vote... 
      But he was dyed in the wool Repub - hated the Clintons, I'm a little surprised they hate Biden this much since they're all Catholic, Mom didn't like Trump - but I think she figured in 2016 that he was the lesser of two evils. Not sure what she thinks now but I know she feels strongly that people are coming over the border by the millions (don't you think if millions had crossed the border every day since 2016 - we'd have more PEOPLE in the country?)
      Also - she won't listen to "so tell me what he is going to do to change the economy that he did NOT do his last term..." 

      It's just sad. And there is no arguing with her - she's in her mid-80s and is convinced.


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    • Marly


      "To bring home our gifts". Gifts for herself, probably.

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    • ptm6114


      9 hours ago, hoipolloi said:

      Faith is also on a grifting tour of France. 

      Can anyone explain why skydiving over Normandy at a D-Day commemoration is an appropriate tribute? Sure seems like an elaborate and expensive form of cosplay to me.

      It seems a good chunk of the Phillips family made the trip to France!  

      Switching gears.. did you know, allegedly, Liberty’s boyfriend is also a Phillips! And his family is from, wait for it.. Texas! he was adopted at some point, but his biological father is a Phillips. 


    • Vivi_music


      13 hours ago, Meggo said:

      I am an American living in Canada - and cannot even express how distressing it is to find SO MANY Canadians that support him. I know I live in a very WHITE part of a very white province (which we didn't realize when we moved here - it didn't factor in) but are you KIDDING ME? People around here seem to really like Trump because he's a good business man (uh - how many failed businesses?) and he "tells it like it is" and supports their rights. (you live in Canada! He's not supporting YOUR rights at all!!)

      I know some Canadians support him. In fact one of my good friends (at the time) I went to college with is now a very far-right winger and spouts out some crazy pro-trump rhetoric on social media. That being said, I do not think he and other Trump supporters are very big in numbers. At least not in my area.

      And I don't get it either. We have a direct look at the US, as one of their closest neighbor. Politics are such a mess south of the border. I don't know why would anyone wish to emulate that here.

      PS: @OldFadedStar I wouldn't be surprised if Trump TRIED to extend is mandate though. That man doesn't believe in democracy and the vote of the people and that is scary as hell.


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