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Alfie's new plaything......



.........is Millie. Our gorgeous big girl is irresistible to him. Every flick of her tail is an invitation. He is a stalker. Every move she makes is an opportunity to bounce, pounce, swat or chase. And she loves it.





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So sweet! I'm so glad she's accepted him. May you have many years of good times as a family.

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What a good girl Millie is.

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awwww it's so fun once the older one gives in and accepts the baby isn't it?   Soon you will have a happy napping cat pile!    This makes me miss my Otter and Orion.   The 2 we have now, even though they are litter mates, do not get along well at all.   Riley hisses, spits and whaps poor Parker if she dares even walk by her in the hall :(

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That is too cute, I hope they will be friends for a very long time.

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22 hours ago, Curious said:

awwww it's so fun once the older one gives in and accepts the baby isn't it?   Soon you will have a happy napping cat pile!    This makes me miss my Otter and Orion.   The 2 we have now, even though they are litter mates, do not get along well at all.   Riley hisses, spits and whaps poor Parker if she dares even walk by her in the hall :(

Oh no! That sounds stressful. I would be so bummed if my cats disliked each other like that. 

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On 2/19/2016 at 7:13 PM, Grimalkin said:

Oh no! That sounds stressful. I would be so bummed if my cats disliked each other like that. 

It does bum me out.  Particularly since they are littermates.  I've never had 2 kittens at the same time.  My logic in getting 2 at the same time was they would be the same age and we (hopefully) wouldn't end up with the situation we were currently dealing with.  That of one cat having been raised with an older cat and being bereft when the other cat passed on and now the single cat (who had never been alone) was inconsolable.

My vet suggested getting a kitten to try and help the older cat, but she was already like 8 or so by that time, so I knew if I got 1 kitten I'd end up in the exact same situation a few years down the road and it would essentially be a never-ending cycle.

So stumbling onto littermates seemed like a great option.   Only they are the weirdest damn cats I've ever owned and that is not a low bar, having had Orion who was diagnosed as "being a cat" after multiple trips to the vet for various things.

I'm not exactly sure what happened with them.  We got them around 12 weeks old and while they were kittens they loved each other like you'd expect.  They were almost always together, bonding in their frustration over not being able to get to the top of the cat tree because Orion was up there and would whap them when they tried to join her.   Sleeping in the expected cat piles.  Playing with each other and the dogs.

Then suddenly they weren't.   I don't think anything in particular happened, at least nothing I can pinpoint and say "this was the turning point."   I think it happened over time and was really not all that noticeable until it got to the point where Riley was hissing and whapping for no apparent reason.

I feel bad for Parker because she can literally be just sitting in the hall minding her own business and Riley will come up and hiss/whap her because she wants to go past Parky.  Parker always looks like WTF!?!!?  I was just sitting here minding my own business!   Each cat has varying levels of attachment to certain dogs and they will sleep with "their" dog(s) routinely, so they don't have no companionship/cuddling options.

I really would like another kitten, but I'm completely afraid of introducing another kitten into the current fucked up dynamic we have because I'm afraid it will just mess up a new kitten and I certainly don't want to introduce 2 new kittens into the mix in hopes of everyone having a cat companion somehow.   I've become resigned to the fact that I am just stuck with the current situation until one (or both if Parker happens to pass away first) pass on.   They are still pretty young at going on 8 this year, I think (maybe they will be 9 this year..I'm not certain).   We are likely looking at at least 5 years and as many as 10 with no new kittens :(

If Riley were to pass away first, depending on how Parker dealt with it, I *might* try a new kitten or couple kittens with her.  If Parker goes first, I am fairly certain that Riley will do a happy dance on her grave and not miss a beat moving on with her life.  She has a few undesirable habits that I don't want to chance her passing on to a new kitten, so I would not add anyone new until she goes.

I hate planning my life around potential pet deaths.  It's depressing :( 

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