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My Quiverfull Sims

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My umpteenth attempt at playing a fundie family in Sims 4.

Entries in this blog

Pray For Me, Y'all!

I'm jumping ahead a bit in time here, but hopefully, I'll be able to do some catch-up posts in the next couple of days. Anyway, the Lord has decided to bless the O'Hurleys with twins. In addition to the two toddlers already in the house. Thankfully, Matthew is only one day away from aging up. I caved and used the free real estate cheat to buy them a nice big house in Brindleton Bay. Now, I'm off to look into the MC Commander mod since we've almost got a full house already!



Bonus Episode: Need Building Advice!

Hi everyone! So I've started working on a custom TTH for the O'Hurleys to move into when the family gets a bit bigger. I'm not the greatest at building Sims homes, so I could use some input. Here is the layout as it stands right now. Now obviously it's going to need at least one more bedroom. Ideally, I want to keep all the main living space on one floor and leave a basement open for laundry and a game room. Can someone who's good with layouts help me figure out how to fit another bed



Episode Five: Welcome Baby!

At about 2 in the morning, Mary-Anne woke up to use the restroom, and what do you know? She went into labor! She woke up her hubby, who after a brief moment of panic, found peace through the Lord, and promptly went to play video games. He ultimately broke the computer in doing so. #besthubbyever After some prompting in his heart from me The Lord, Mark gave his laboring wife a relaxing massage. Luckily, things went quickly, and at 5:39 AM, Matthew O'Hurley entered



Episode Four: A Trip To Selvadorada

Welcome back! Here's a brief recap of what the O'Hurleys have been up to since we last saw them. Fascinating, I know. With Mark at work all day, Mary-Anne has filled her days with writing and housework. Luckily the worst of her morning sickness has subsided and Baby is growing bigger every minute day!  One day, Mark came home from work having just received a promotion and a huge bonus. Rather than spend it on useful household appliances that would lift a huge burden off his



Episode Three: An Exciting Announcement

This update is going to be short and sweet because Mark and Mary-Anne have some exciting news to share! I'll let the pictures do the talking. Mark needed a cold shower after that to squelch unrighteous desires. You know what that means! Mark looks thrilled with the news. (In his defense, she did wake him up in the middle of the night.) As you can see, Mary-Anne has had some "reassuring" morning sickness. So there you have it! The first O'Hur



Episode Two: Random Newlywed Life

Welcome back! When we last left the O'Hurleys, they had just returned from their honeymoon and prepared to settle into their assigned-by-gender household tasks. Let's check in, shall we?   Mary-Anne woke up early (I'm talking Maxwell early. She was up by 4.) to do devotionals in her prayer journal. I'm sure she was cheerfully writing about how grateful she is for her new headship! While she did that, her wonderful husband was outside catching fish in the stream right behind



Episode One: Meet the O'Hurleys!

Welcome! I was inspired by @neurogirl (among others) to join in the fundie sims blog bandwagon. Hopefully blogging the experience will give me the motivation to stick with the family for at least one full generation. So without further ado, let's get started! This is the O'Hurley family. As their friends say, they're such a sweet couple, they make you want to hurl! You'll find that they seem fundie-lite in some respects, but, rest assured, they are still God-fearing Christians who know exac



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      Election judge training today - we have new electronic pollbooks, so I have to go in and learn how to use them.
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      Just filled out my absentee ballot.  Blue all the way! 💙
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    • Hazelbunny


      It is never too early to start the Christmas music 😍🎻
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    • Kiki03910


      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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    • Kiki03910


      From a Dodgers fan friend:

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