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Totally Not A Blog

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Random snarking and venting about stuff happening in my life.

Entries in this blog

The Freedom of Saying Goodbye

I feel the need to get this off my chest, even if nobody really reads this. Yesterday marked the end of a chapter of my life that was open for 16 years - since I was 16 myself. When I was 16 I met someone online. We were the same age (or so I thought - years later she admitted she was actually 6 years older than me) and had similar interests and immediately clicked as friends. In fact, it turned into more than friendship and we started a long-distance relationship. I was infatuated, in l



Cupcake Carnage!

Yesterday my husband and I bought some delicious red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing for dessert. I had one of the four and closed the plastic container, leaving it on the table. Big mistake. I woke up this morning to find the cupcakes were on the floor, covered in cat hair, except for one. One had survived the fall and was neatly sitting upright in its container... ...with a quarter of the icing licked off. Clearly, Albert had sampled the cupcake and was unimpressed by the icin



A Theory Too Far (+ CAT PHOTOS)

+Since Free Jinger is a snark site I feel that it's okay for me to extend the snark to my not-a-blog, although my snark topic has nothing to do with FJ or religion. In fact, it's about a different kind of fundamentalism altogether. Let's talk about Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire theory channels on YouTube. I am an avid reader of the books. Back in the day I was a fan of the show as well, but that's been waning since season 4 and I only continue watching because aspects of the sho



My Wedding Photo, but also CAT PICS (size warning!)

So some mentioned wedding photos and since I have one that allows us both to remain anonymous while still showing off our wedding kit I thought I'd share. I also thought that I'd share some photos of my cats, since pet pictures are the best kind of photos. I don't want to give my cats' names because they could make me identifiable to people who know be IRL so I will refer to them by pseudonyms. Not paranoid at all. Photos P1 and P2: My Seal Point Ragdoll. Let's call him Chris



SO Blessed To Share This...

In the spirit of fundie oversharing about deeply personal matters, I just want to announce that I can now righteously fulfill my desires. That means I can bone my husband.



I'm getting married in the morning (ding dong)

The day is finally almost upon us. Tomorrow afternoon my fiance and I will say our vows in front of our immediate families and a small number of friends. All that's left to do is pack my overnight bag and have the shower to end all showers.   It's been a road fraught with anxiety but I love Mr. Vex with all my heart and even though I don't think weddings are a big deal, it means a lot to me to commit to him.  I never believed in soulmates, but I know that he's mine. Here's hoping th



RE: Resident Evil 7

I just want to preface this with the following: This game contains a literal hive vagina. My first thought was of Free Jinger (after I stopped gagging and crossing my legs). I know this is very much not the place to make a rant about video games, but I need to get this out and it's the only blog I have. My fiance and my friends can only hear me whinge so many times. I am a gamer. A casual gamer to be sure, but I love games. In particular, I love a genre called 'survival horror'. Now, th




Okay, so by some bizarre cosmic coincidence one of my very best friends (who happens to also be my only friend that still lives in my home town) is also getting married. She is also marrying a guy from overseas. Her fiance is also moving here. She also met her fiance online. She is also getting married rather quickly. Her fiance is also tall and skinny. They are also having a very low key registry wedding. They are also getting married very soon. They too are inviting only a handful of very clos




I thought it might be a good idea to have a place to write about what's going on in my life, since big things are rapidly happening. First thing is that I'm getting married April 2016. Possibly even March. It's happened pretty fast but there's really no reason to wait since we don't want a party or a big wedding, and the sooner we're married the sooner my fiance can apply for a spouse visa and live here full time. I'm so happy and excited to marry him, I wish we could do it even sooner. I rea



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      Election judge training today - we have new electronic pollbooks, so I have to go in and learn how to use them.
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      Just filled out my absentee ballot.  Blue all the way! 💙
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    • Hazelbunny


      It is never too early to start the Christmas music 😍🎻
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    • Kiki03910


      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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    • Kiki03910


      From a Dodgers fan friend:

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