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Mom or Me?



I'm by nature a nurturer, always have been so.   Good thing, since I have six daughters.  Daughters take a lot of nurturing.  Their feelings are easily roused, easily hurt.  It's a huge responsibility, to realize this human being gets their view of themselves, and the world, from you, for better or worse.  I've made a ton of mistakes, and will continue to do so, but hopefully not the same ones over again (thank you, Anne of Green Gables) because I'm a human with lots left to learn.  But I try, almost to a fault, to make my daughters comfortable and happy in a world that isn't their friend.  They should always know it's safe at home with Mom.

When I was raped, I shielded the girls as best I could from the details.  Two of the older girls came with me to the hospital for the rape kit, K even managed to make me laugh once, which was the best thing that could have happened that night:  it was a huge relief to know that yes, I'd be able to laugh again some day on a night things seemed pretty damn bleak.  When the detective came in to take the statement, I asked K to leave.  She was only 18, still a virgin, and though it may seem stupid to anyone else, I really just didn't want her hearing the things I'd been forced to do and ever connecting the act she'd someday share with someone she loved be something she'd ever connect with what happened to me.  R stayed with me and was a super help.  

When my youngest woke up the next morning, she came in to see me and found me bruised, battered, with a broken foot and obviously upset.  She was only seven, so we eased her very gradually into what happened.  First we just said I'd gotten hurt and that I would be okay, but needed to be quiet and rest for a little while.  Eventually after asking to call her Dad and tell him I'd been hurt, we told her that he wouldn't be able to talk to her for a while as he'd had to go away.  I think it was about a week from the first morning until she was all filled in on the fact that Dad had gotten mad at Mom and hurt me so was in 'grown up time out' until he learned it was not okay to do that.  She knows it all now, but it came out very slowly, and she didn't find out about the rape until last summer.  Her therapist agreed with me it was best to ease her into it over time, and I have to say, she seems to take it better than I hoped she would.

Once the negotiations for plea bargaining came around, my oldest took the day off so she could be there with me.  All the girls were very apprehensive about the upcoming trial, whether they'd be called to testify, having to see him again, listening to the proceedings, etc.  I was ready.  I wanted my time on the stand.  But watching my oldest daughter get physically ill just listening to the prosecutor talk about my testimony made me realize just how badly it was going to go for them all, and question whether it was fair to put them through it all.  When a reasonable offer came up, I took it.  But honestly?  Sometimes I resent it.

When I think about having to go to a parole hearing already to ask them not to let him out, I wonder how long he would've been sentenced.  Of course, it could have gone badly, they might not have convicted him, but I really don't believe that.  So now I've got to deal with this again already.  I feel like I'm never out from under it;  there's always some new upcoming date I've got to come up against and overcome.

Now all the girls want to come to the hearing as well, though I'll be the only one speaking.  My daughters are amazing, brilliant, funny, compassionate women with so much heart.  But a couple of them are...hmm...how can I put this?

They're a little emotional.  No, they're very emotional, and a little dramatic.  I understand that, the apple didn't fall far from the Mom tree, and only experience has calmed me down.  But Parole Board Day is a day I need to be able to take care of me.  I need to not be the nurturer, the soother, the reasonable, the calming influence.  I need someone to talk me down off the ledge when I start to hyperventilate.  I'm just not sure how to tell them that.  No, sorry, you can't come, you're too needy, hon.  Mmm, thanks for offering, but the role of straight-up-freaked-out-lady has already been filled.  I started out asking one of my Dramas to stay and meet the youngest off the bus and hang with her until we got back, but then R pointed out that those two, while loving each other very much, are fire and oil when either are in less than a great mood, and both of them will be anxious.  So now we're thinking of keeping both the Dramas home with youngest, and I'm thinking that's gonna be Fire, Oil and Liquid Oxygen thrown together.  The question is, how much do I really want to not have to nurture on the way up there and back, vs. how much clean up do I want to do once I get home?  

All while feeling like a crappy parent the entire time, of course.  Luckily I have exactly one calendar month to work it out.  

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I think you're the opposite of a crappy parent.  I have no words of wisdom, but for what it's worth I think I'd leave the dramas (I love that term!) at home, and decide closer to the day whether the youngest would be better off at school. Would the dramas listen if you sat them down and said that you are really relying on them to not cause any stress on the day, and that they need to be calm for the youngest daughters sake?

Good luck, we are here for you.

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Thanks so much, @Karma!  Youngest is definitely going to school, but the PB hearing is in the afternoon, and 3 hours away, so there wouldn't be anyone home with her after school, and she's just 12, I'm not comfortable with her being alone at home for more than 20 minutes or so, and I stress during that!  So someone has to be there.  I hope the Dramas will listen, I'm sure they'll mean to do it...but a cranky 12 yo, 2 Dramas already stressed out...it can get pretty rowdy.  I'm going to have to stress how much I need them to keep it together, and just hope they all are in a cooperative frame of mind!

Maybe I'll bribe them with pizza, ice cream and a movie!  Gahhhhh...that's so ridiculous LOL!

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Posted (edited)

Does your youngest have a best friend? Could you call her mom and ask if youngest can come over there after school? No need to explain why, just that you have an appointment that can't be changed and the dramas (totally gonna steal that!) have previous plans.

Edited by Chickenbutt
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Posted (edited)

I understand this sentiment. I hope you guys can figure out a satisfactory arrangement.

And, as Karma says, we are here. I appreciate the fj community in my own time of psychological turbulence...it's as hands off as you need it to be.


Edited by AliceInFundyland
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Hey if pizza, ice cream and a movie has a chance of easing your stress on a difficult day , I'd definitely do that! :)

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I want to start off by saying that you sound like an amazing mother and I'm sorry that you went through something so horrible, and have to deal with the stress (which seems to be an understatement) of the hearing.

I like the idea of seeing if your daughter can go to a friend's house or having a serious talk with the dramas that you need them to watch the youngest and are relying on them to get along. A pizza and ice cream bribe sounds great, and I think you deserve a treat and a chance to relax after what's going to be a tough day.

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Thank you so much, @Chickenbutt, @AliceInFundyland, @Karma, and @HarryPotterFan.  I can't tell y'all how much getting feedback and support helps with all this.  I don't talk to the girls much about it because they're stressed out about it too, so it really does make things a little easier to have this blog and everyone's support with it all.

I don't know how I didn't think of having her go to a friend's for the afternoon, but that's a really good idea!  She's got a couple friends who are great with wonderful Moms I'd be happy to have her stay with, so YAY!  I'll make some calls today.  Still can't believe I didn't even think of that.  

Bribes always sound great when there's pizza and ice cream!  Though I think I'll have mine with a rum and coke!

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Maybe youngest and her friend can make a night of it and have a sleepover. That will give you the evening to decompress, eat some ice cream, drink some rum and coke, have a good cry etc.

You are not alone. Many of us have faced similar circumstances and you WILL come out the other side a stronger person. Take care of yourself and your girls.

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My advice is pretty simple. Take care of yourself first, then help your daughters if you still have the emotional resources. Just like the safety warnings on planes where they tell you in a crash you should put on your own oxygen mask first before helping someone else because you aren't going to be particularly helpful if you pass out.

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      Whatever you all decide the best thing is to keep everyone busy. If you can't find a friend for your 12 year old to stay with perhaps they can go do something fun together. Maybe a movie or a resteraunt? Since your youngest is 12 I am assuming the dramas are teens maybe even late teens. My kids can fight like cats and dogs, but it seems like they can get along if they are left alone. Info tell my second daughter it's not her job to make DD#3 do chores or homework because that will end in disaster. I hope you work it all out. It must be stressful being three hours away and not knowing if they will behave.

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@Chickenbutt  I gaveherthe option of friend or dramas, and she decided on dramas, I think because they offered Settlers of Kauton (sp?) as a further bribe.  

@Bethella  I am not the best at taking care of me, but eldest has put the word out to the rest of the gang for me.  But you are right, and I'm trying.  Thank you so much!

@Grimalkin   I have the same issues!  Dramas are 20 and 22, but 20 loveessss to tell 12 what to do/not do.  She's promised to chill for that day though.

Thank y'all so much!  <3 

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Very good. Now that that is taken care of, you can concentrate on taking care of yourself on that day.

I would also reinforce with the dramas, what your needs and expectations are as the day approaches. Just so you are all on the same page.

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I second you expressing your needs! they are not unreasonable and it's nice to know how to help someone. It's a good example for your kids too. Sending good thoughts your way.

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