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For Atheists, Agnostics and Freethinkers
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Pecansforeveryone replied to nomoxian's topic in Non Theists's Media (books, movies, music, etc.)
I recommend Mr. Atheist. He does a lot of advocacy for the LGBT community. I also recommend Shannpn Q who brings a lot of attention to mental health issues. -
It really depends on the definition of "God". If it's the Judeo-Christian God, I'm a de-facto atheist. If it's a more vague concept of God with some personal interest in humanity, I'm a weak atheist. If it's some higher power that could be described as an entity, that has something resembling consciousness, that created, or played a part in creating, the universe, and may or may not have an interest in its inhabitants, I'm probably somewhere between pure agnostic and weak atheist.
If there’s a scale between De-facto Atheist and Strong Atheist, that’s where I am, and probably closer to Strong. And I say that because the description says “100% sure.” The Christian God, the only one I’m familiar with, doesn’t fit in with what I do know; but at the same time, I’m aware that there’s still a lot that I don’t know.
Basically , simply put , with the choices given , I would be inclined to say that I am a weak atheist . But , even more accurately , and exactly , I would describe myself as being more of a pure ignostic .
This is my result . This is really no surprise , as I do currently self identify as being a naturalistic pantheist / religious naturalist { https://www.pantheism.net/natural/ , https://www.pantheism.net/atheism/ , https://www.pantheism.net/agnostic/ , https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_naturalism } P.S. I think that this quiz is even better . http://selectsmart.com/nontheism/ I suppose that the reason why I got deist as my top result , this time , was that I expressed that , although I do not believe in any personal Supreme Being , I do accept the conceptual validity of the " first cause " https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unmoved_mover .
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Do you have a Giftmas / Xmas / Generic Winter Holiday Tree (AKA Christmas Tree) ? Post your pics! Here's mine:
Sicily joined the club
dairyfreelife joined the club
When I clicked there, it sent me here: www.pantheism.net They are selling this book: Elements of Pantheism: A Spirituality of Nature and the Universe by Dr Paul Harrison I can't really find any info on the author, since the name is a common one.
Cora Persephona joined the club
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I think Hugo and Jake just made that their official YT name because the algorythm doesn't like so-called-controversial things. Kinda like why some other users will write "k1ll" instead of "kill" in titles. Last I saw, their Pateron still said Bible Reloaded.
Pecansforeveryone replied to nomoxian's topic in Non Theists's Media (books, movies, music, etc.)
I also like the Bible Re-loaded. I think they are now going by Hugo and Jake. I love Seth Anderson of The Thinking Atheist. He has a very religious upbringing and very religious young adult life so I really relate to that. I also like the Emperor Atheist. He's a black atheist who also left behind a religious up-bringing and makes thought provoking videos. I also like Say Goodnite Kevin, a Christian who reviews and snarks on trash Like God's Not Dead. He's funny, thoughtful, and fair-minded. I genuinely enjoy his reviews. -
Vivi_music joined the club
VanillaBean joined the club
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laPapessaGiovanna joined the club
I am leaning towards Strong Atheism as far as the benevolent, intercessory God of Evangelical Christianity. Belief in Spirits, Energy, Force Fields, Invisible Beings with limited powers, Ghosts, etc I would be a Weak Atheist leaning towards De-facto Atheist. 9,000 children starving to death every day kind of kills off a benevolent, omnipotent Deity for me.
Texas Heifer joined the club
Where do you fall on the Dawkins Scale? Strong Theist: I do not question the existence of God, I KNOW he exists. De-facto Theist: I cannot know for certain but I strongly believe in God and I live my life on the assumption that he is there. Weak Theist: I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God. Pure Agnostic: God’s existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable. Weak Atheist: I do not know whether God exists but I’m inclined to be skeptical. De-facto Atheist: I cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable and I live my life under the assumption that he is not there. Strong Atheist: I am 100% sure that there is no God. I am a De-Facto Atheist.
CaricatureQualities joined the club
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Pecansforeveryone joined the club
Scientific Pantheist (100%) Dualist Pantheist (82%) Agnostic Pantheist (76%) Idealist Pantheist (76%) Literal Pagan / New Age / Animist (76%) Deist (64%) Atheist / Secular Humanist (58%) Panentheist (47%) Regular Monotheist (29%) Agnostic (0%) I clicked on the 'more information' link and it took me to someone on Amazon trying to sell their independently published book, so I'm thinking this quiz is basically just a giant ad. But when I tried to get back to the results to click on the other links the page had timed out, so I'm not sure where they led. My brief foray into googling 'scientific pantheism' brings up results for 'naturalistic pantheism' which look interesting and which I (so far) identify with at least somewhat.
I expected Agnostic to be at the top of my results list.
My results: Dualist Pantheist (100%). I am not sure what exactly a dualist pantheist is. I had never heard of pantheism before, let alone dualist pantheism. Literal Pagan/ New Age/ Animist (92%). I don't identify with pagan and/or new age at all. I do understand the animist part, but I see my self more as a posthumanist/new materialist than an animist. I am not sure if I believe plants and other "non-animate" matter have "souls", but I do believe animate and inanimate things are always connected with and to each other, and that it is not necessarily the presence of a "soul" that makes things important/have importance/carry importance. I do believe everything has agency, but nothing has agency in and of themselves; things only have agency in connection to/with other things. Panentheist (78%). Not sure if this is a typo and it's actually supposed to say "Pantheist", or if panentheist is something different entirely. Never heard of this term before. Scientific Pantheist (76%) Regular Monotheist (75%) (I very much don't identify with this.) Agnostic Pantheist (74%) Idealist Pantheist (70%) Deist (66%) (Don't identify with this either) Atheist/Secular Humanist (51%) (I do see myself as a posthumanist, not a traditional humanist) Agnostic (14%) Edit: I just looked up the definition pantheism --> "a doctrine which identifies god with the universe, or regards the universe as a manifestation of god". Yeah I don't think I identify with that. I do not see the universe as a(n) (unitary) entity, nor do I see the universe as something that would possess something like a "will". I don't see the universe as "god". I don't see anything as god. I am not sure if anything like a god or multiple gods exists, though I'm leaning more towards "god/gods don't exist", and I think that we most likely won't find out for sure for at least two hundred more years, if we can ever find it out at all. That's why I kind of expected "agnostic" would be much higher up in my results.
Are You Atheist, Agnostic, Pantheist, Deist, Pagan or what? My results: Atheist / Secular Humanist (100%) Scientific Pantheist (70%) Agnostic Pantheist (67%) Idealist Pantheist (58%) Dualist Pantheist (56%) Deist (45%) Literal Pagan / New Age / Animist (36%) Panentheist More Information (36%) Regular Monotheist (36%) Agnostic (7%)
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Does anyone else watch religious related Youtube videos a lot? If so, feel free to some of your favourite content creators. I like The Bible Reloaded, especially when they review Chick tracts and kids Christian shows. I've never been involved with Scientology or Jehovas Witnesses, but I also like the Angry Gay Pope and Apostate Chick.