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FJ Colorists Unite

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A Birds Eye View




My latest entry in Enchanted Forest! This one was fun to do. :) 

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That's adorable!  Did you draw the path in the maze?  Love it!!

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Thanks! And yes I solved the maze, and I actually found another solution to the maze, too (but I didn't draw that one :) ).

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Very nice!  I've been resisting the temptation to buy The Enchanted Forest since I have her other two (so enough to colour until the end of time, probably), but you make it look like it would be so much fun!

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Very cute!  That set of books has such delicate detail.   I really enjoy how people do these pages.

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On January 10, 2016 at 9:33 AM, bewilderedandbemused said:

Very nice!  I've been resisting the temptation to buy The Enchanted Forest since I have her other two (so enough to colour until the end of time, probably), but you make it look like it would be so much fun!

I know what you mean. I have two books and feel like with just these two, I have enough pages to last a lifetime. And yet I still want another one to mix it up! 

Thanks, @Curious!

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pfft slackers!

I have something over 36 coloring books.   I had to go by feel in the stack next to me and I have more in the drawers of my organizer. 

I admit I am getting more picky about the books I buy at this point ;) 

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16 hours ago, Curious said:

pfft slackers!

I have something over 36 coloring books.   I had to go by feel in the stack next to me and I have more in the drawers of my organizer. 

I admit I am getting more picky about the books I buy at this point ;) 

36?!?! :wow: And I'm over here debating adding a third book to my collection lol.

We need an FJ Coloring Book Lending Circle, kinda like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants only it'd be the Traveling Coloring Books.  

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  • Posts

    • Cam

      Posted (edited)


      16 hours ago, Angelface said:

      Jinger and Jeremy have posted a home tour of their home (staged for sale) on YouTube. Evangeline, at two and a half, still sleeps in their room. The house is immaculate but very impersonal probably because they are trying to sell it. 

      How would I find this?


      7 hours ago, WatchingTheTireFireBurn said:

      Why don't they have window treatments? Everything is so harshly white. Not in a "we styled it this way" but how my parents did my room as a kid - painted it all white so they wouldn't have to match anything or worry about it again. Why aren't there at least a couple of generic paintings? Why is the TV in their play/gym room SO HUGE. that room is way too small for such a giant TV. Why is jeremy's office the only place with any personality at all? Why must Jana make her shelves? What does Jeremy do!? Where in that large empty house are Jinger's personal items....even if it's staged...There doesn't appear to have been a place for her to have personal items. Does Jinger have personal items???

      They've owned 2 houses in 2 different states and had huge covered porches and a pizza oven in both. I'm jealous.

      But jeremy continues to be so irritating. bah!

      Maybe I missed it - do we know why they are selling and where they are going?

      We went on a home tour at Christmas. Two of the houses were in pricey neighborhoods and were devoid of personal touches. We didn’t understand it. In neither home was the owner present (people who organized the tour were there). Not one personal item on the multiple Christmas trees, no framed photos, no magnets or kids’ artwork tacked to the refrigerator, no clutter. It didn’t appear that they simply tidied up before the home tour. The houses just did not feel “lived in”. It was puzzling.

      Edited by Cam
    • Ozlsn


      On 6/12/2024 at 4:28 AM, SassyPants said:

      Today Abbie flew with a prescription, Costco card and other identification papers because she could not find either her own passport or Texas DL.

      I love that she couldn't find her DL but could find her Costco card. #priorities

      I would be so paranoid if I couldn't find my licence or passport, let alone both. Does Abbie not worry about identity theft? Getting pulled over or being in an accident and not having her licence on her?

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    • Father Son Holy Goat


      On 6/11/2024 at 6:53 PM, SassyPants said:

      I don’t think the Jerm wants to work, himself, to support his family. Jinger moved from one man who used her as his meal ticket to another. 

      Given the choice I think most of us would choose not to work. But that’s not in the cards. 

      • Upvote 1
    • browngrl


      On 6/2/2024 at 5:21 PM, justpassingthru said:

      Ah jeez. The pettiness. Why couldn't Carver and Haley get curtains

      I live in a city and all the houses are close. From my home office window I can see right into my neighbour's living room. They never close the blinds (TBF the living room is on their second story so not visible from street level) and I like the natural light so I keep my blinds open as well. Unfortunately this means I see what is on their giant tv. It's porn. Specifically, home made porn of themselves.

      I'm not building a wall over this but instead have chosen to be awkward and embarrassed whenever I run into them on the street.

      • Rufus Bless 2
    • WatchingTheTireFireBurn


      I haven't watched a Jinger video in a long while...but I'm a sucker for home tours. but wow...like bad wow....yuck.

      Why don't they have window treatments? Everything is so harshly white. Not in a "we styled it this way" but how my parents did my room as a kid - painted it all white so they wouldn't have to match anything or worry about it again. Why aren't there at least a couple of generic paintings? Why is the TV in their play/gym room SO HUGE. that room is way too small for such a giant TV. Why is jeremy's office the only place with any personality at all? Why must Jana make her shelves? What does Jeremy do!? Where in that large empty house are Jinger's personal items....even if it's staged...There doesn't appear to have been a place for her to have personal items. Does Jinger have personal items???

      They've owned 2 houses in 2 different states and had huge covered porches and a pizza oven in both. I'm jealous.

      But jeremy continues to be so irritating. bah!

      Maybe I missed it - do we know why they are selling and where they are going?

      • Upvote 2
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