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25 Years of Journals



I received my first journal as a Christmas present in 1990. I was nine years old. I have kept a journal off and on since then. I didn't write consistently until the mid-2000's though. I've never kept a journal with the purpose of writing my deep thoughts or anything like that. I've always just kept it more as a log of my day to day life. Needless to say, all 9 of my journals so far have been quite dull. I don't really mind though. I'm not much of a writer....to say the least. For the past year, I've been keeping a "line a day" journal. My husband and I were just laughing about my entries because they are all so similar - "Henry slept in today. He didn't want to nap. Lazy day. Went to Costco. Took a bath. Watched Drunk History." No, I am not joking. That's seriously what my current journal looks like. I think many people would find this odd but obviously I don't really care. One of the main reasons I keep a blog these days is because my memory is awful. I wish I'd kept a journal like my 'line a day' one for my entire life.

I get a little freaked out thinking about my past because so much of it seems to be a blur now. It makes me quite sad. I can vividly remember some things but others have almost completely disappeared. I get worried when I think that some day, days like today will just be completely forgotten. I suppose it's not that important in the big scheme of things since today is just a regular day. But that doesn't mean I want it to be erased from my memory. How much of my son's life, for example, will be a blur when I am older? As it is, I have a hard time really remembering what he was like as a baby....and he's only 2 now!

Recently I was thinking about college. I did write in a journal a bit during that time. Though I have to say, most of it is about the crush I had at the time (well, 2 of them.) I wish I'd written more of the day to day stuff because again, it's a bit of a blur. And then sometimes I'll get little glimmer of a memory. But it will be incomplete. Example - I remember being at a party. I remember a dark-ish basement. There were Christmas lights strung up on a wall. Loud music. But where was I? Who was I with? It's not like I was black out drunk or something. It's just that I apparently didn't commit that night to memory or something. It's bizarre. It makes me feel uneasy.

So because of that...I've been trying to write in a journal often. Even if it's just mundane, day to day things...like what I watched on t.v. I am also so thankful for digital cameras. I think if I'd had one in college (and when I was even younger,) I wouldn't have such a hard time remembering things. I probably have less than 100 photos from my college years. Quite different from now. I take literally thousands and thousands of snapshots every year.

Anyway...I just can't believe that come December 25th, it will be exactly 25 years since I started writing in a journal.

Here's a photo of all of my journals from over the years (because why not?)....


Here are my first two entries back in 1990. Yep.....


First one says - "I had Megan over to spend the night. We played Guess Who about 10,000,000 times." 

Second one days - "I played Guess Who with my sister after my sister, my mom, and me went shopping. I got rock candy and earrings."

Here's another random entry....this one from 1992....it really showcases how super exciting my journals have always been...haha!


It says - "Last night I got sick so I didn't have to go to school, but it doesn't matter because school got canceled. It was too icy." (Side note, I am pretty sure that was the last time I ever vomited. Seriously.)

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I see journals all the time at places like Michael's and they call to me (because I really like paper and tablets and stuff like that), but then I think what the heck do I have to journal about.    I'm not really a "write deep thoughts" kind of person and since I'm pretty much restricted to a recliner right now all my entries would be like "worked on FJ, watched some netflix, colored" day after day after day.

I'm kind of intrigued by your "line a day" thing though.  Is that a specific type of journal or do you just write one line about your day each day?  Is this a "thing" that has webpages I could read on it or just something you do yourself?

I'm glad to see you decided to start a blog, btw :)

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I like to prayer journal.  Although I come and go from it.  I'd been thinking of that lately.  And I used to keep a writers journal due to a creative writing class I took.  I do more of that on the computer now though.  

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I see journals all the time at places like Michael's and they call to me (because I really like paper and tablets and stuff like that), but then I think what the heck do I have to journal about.    I'm not really a "write deep thoughts" kind of person and since I'm pretty much restricted to a recliner right now all my entries would be like "worked on FJ, watched some netflix, colored" day after day after day.

I'm kind of intrigued by your "line a day" thing though.  Is that a specific type of journal or do you just write one line about your day each day?  Is this a "thing" that has webpages I could read on it or just something you do yourself?

I'm glad to see you decided to start a blog, btw :)

The line a day one is this - http://www.amazon.com/One-Line-Day-Five-Year-Memory/dp/0811870197/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1447873852&sr=8-1&keywords=one+line+a+day

It gives a few lines for each day of the year, for 5 years. Each date has it's own page. You just write whatever you want. I have always loved going back to old journals to see what I was doing on today's date, for example. So it's kind of nice that I can have 5 years all together.

Mine is VERY repetitive. But oh well. I still enjoy doing it. :)

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I'm kind of intrigued by your "line a day" thing though.  Is that a specific type of journal or do you just write one line about your day each day?  Is this a "thing" that has webpages I could read on it or just something you do yourself?

They do sell specific 'line a day' journals, at pretty much any major bookstore & probably craft stores, I'd expect. They do no good for me; my journal writing tends toward the rambly :)

I'm not sure there's much in the way of reading on it, but if you search for 'line a day journal' on Amazon you get many results, including ClaraOswin's specific journal.

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Thanks @ClaraOswin and @Bragandbounce  I like the looks of the linked one.  I'm going to take a look at the ones available and put one on my wishlist for the next time I order from amazon.

Now that I looked at it, I can think of all kinds of little things it'd be nice to have a record of down the road.

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Looking through journal options, I found this one http://www.amazon.com/Day-5-Year-Journal-Potter-Style/dp/0307719774/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1447876057&sr=8-5&keywords=line+a+day+journal

It looks like this one might be fun.   You answer the question at the top of the page each day for a year, then start over and answer them again the next year, rinse and repeat for 5 years.

Being able to see your last 5 years at a glance like that might be sort of cool.

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A question a day. That's a good idea! I should show that to my husband. He bought a line a day one but I think he got bored of it and rarely fills it in now. He probably would have liked the question one better.

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I've seen ones that are like a doodle a day too, and that works in very well with my coloring hobby :)

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They do sell specific 'line a day' journals, at pretty much any major bookstore & probably craft stores, I'd expect. They do no good for me; my journal writing tends toward the rambly :)

I'm not sure there's much in the way of reading on it, but if you search for 'line a day journal' on Amazon you get many results, including ClaraOswin's specific journal.

I am quite rambly at times too. I am keeping a regular journal in addition to the line a day one for that very reason. :)

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I liked seeing all your journals lined up. :my_smile: My old ones were always just spiral notebooks. When I got a little diary with a lock, I kind of lost interest. But I like to use my calendar as a simple log. No television watching, but lots of shopping trips. Now I want to go find a spiral notebook and find out if I have anything to say. 

I know what you mean about the days blurring together. Awhile back I wrote a poem that started:

"Each day
Is gray
Drawn with a blunt pencil"

Glad you started your blog. 

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