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MarblesMom Recaps The Chat

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Potpourri: FJ style



Little bit of everything tonight.


"The hair dye is out of the curtain" (do the drapes match the carpet now -  inquiring minds want to know?)

Salmon Ladder

Q names for Blessa's consideration.  Queef might have won.

Recapping the SVU episode.

Baptism/Catholic school/church talk

"One denim skirt shy of pure fundie"

Holiday baking

Therapy: good/bad/options



"Power cord of purity"

American Girl dolls

Makeup brand preferences and performance

Flash: Iris > Laurel.

Night everyone!

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Just have to say this is the most fun I've had in chat! Thanks guys!

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  • Posts

    • HereticHick


      16 hours ago, Bluebirdbluebell said:

      Another thing/problem with MLMs is that for a lot of people they become a bubble. They start selling it's going really well. Then the bubble bursts and they lose a lot of money/if not all of their income/money savings.

      If Plexus is paying for the Paul family cars, then those cars will be the first to go if the Plexus bubble drops.  Or if the family doesn't sell enough, Plexus will stop paying the bills. Those cars seemed to be leased and they will go fast. They might even lose their home.  Hopefully, they're saving for rainy days.

      They own at least 2 buildings in town & they have a cottage on their property that they rent out, and they host weddings and supposedly offer trail rides & similar "farm experience activities." Although to be honest, it doesn't look like they have a lot of business. Considering its wedding season, the only wedding that they seem to have hosted is their daughter's.  And considering that Amy seems to Instagram every damn thing on a daily basis, she's only mentioned 2 rentals in the last couple of months, and no mention of trail rides or other visitors to their "plantation"

      tldr: They have other businesses, but so far it doesn't really look like they are generating enough income from those to maintain their lifestyle & pay their property taxes. I have no idea if they have an mortgages. Amy & her husband both served in their Air Force* & may be collecting pensions at some point, if they aren't already. They may also be eligible for military health care & insurance (and shopping at military facilities--such as in Pensacola.)

      *Ironically, their eldest son hasn't joined the military & I wonder if they would allow their daughters to do so. Yet another example of fundy Christian parents with training, job skills & education who raise their kids to have less of those things.

    • HeartsAFundie


      On 6/13/2024 at 7:59 AM, Cam said:

      We went on a home tour at Christmas. Two of the houses were in pricey neighborhoods and were devoid of personal touches. We didn’t understand it. In neither home was the owner present (people who organized the tour were there). Not one personal item on the multiple Christmas trees, no framed photos, no magnets or kids’ artwork tacked to the refrigerator, no clutter. It didn’t appear that they simply tidied up before the home tour. The houses just did not feel “lived in”. It was puzzling.

      My husband's cousin, married with two then-teenage sons, bought a brand-new McMansion with an equally decent sized in-law attachment for his mother back in the late aughts.  We used to go there for family Christmas parties.  Except for the great room, which was turned into a pub room complete with a built-in bar fit for a business and a humongous pool table, every room in the house was devoid of personality.   Even the Christmas tree in the front window boasted all of five ornaments, a couple of strands of lights, and some randomly thrown tinsel.   

      One teenage son's bedroom-painted white, of course-consisted of the following:  One full size bed; one dresser; one lamp; and one generic framed print of a ship.  That was it. Nothing personal around.   My son, who was all of 11 or 12 at the time,  snarkily commented to me "Who did they hire to decorate his room, Mom.....a hotel chain?"   

      They also had a smaller sitting room downstairs that had nothing in it except a couch.  I would say it felt like a doctor's office waiting room, but at least that would have magazines and some basic pictures/plaques on the wall.  My son recently told me that he used to call that room "the filming room".    

      I have to say that at least the mother's in-law section looked lived in.  The rest of the place certainly didn't.  

    • 10 hours ago, marmalade said:

      Was that the podcast where Jinger blames "the system" for her upbringing? Because she didn't blame het parents at all.

      It is, but I was surprised how vocal she is about "the system" compared to the book tour she did after she published her first book.  She's very vocal about how she disagrees with the endless birthing, the parentification, the fact that she wasn't taught critical thinking skills and that they were restricted from organized sports.  I was impressed how much she explained what was happening behind the scenes and when she started disentangling.  


    • justpassingthru

      Posted (edited)

      Heidi yet again being toxic and a liar. Her children did not want to see her and Michael being affectionate, especially if what their son, Michael, said was true. I do believe what Michael said as Heidi fell off the face of the planet after he went to Reddit and victim blames him.

      I don't think any of Heidi and Mike's children escaped unscathed.

      Michael's comment was in regards to something else, but I'm sharing it based on the affectionate comment



      Edited by justpassingthru
      • Sad 1
    • Bassett Lady


      The timing of this sale makes no sense unless they are moving away from the area. The closing costs alone make this sale a losing financial decision. 

      He finished his M.Div. In 2022, he could have reached the academic status of ABD, where all his academic classes are completed for his doctorate and he is just working on his dissertation. 

      He may have been hired by a mega-church and they are moving to a large church in Dallas , or another large city. 

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