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MarblesMom Recaps The Chat

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Crotchfruit overloads the server




Jessa's thunder... has been stolen...

Will this blessed event crash the server? "God dammit Jessa!"

254 members, 8 anon and 1076 guests hogging our air time.  Kinda like how 1076 guests ruin your Thanksgiving.

Handbells.  But, what we really need is more cowbell.

Shirtless Jamie.

Pantsless Jamie.

Food (shocker!)

Fundie men dying their hair. "I'm not doing a carpet=drapes thing on any of these shitlords"

What your parents call each other in the sack.  No.

The hell is Bias Tape.

"Did Jessa's lips get pregnant? Ya know, the ones on her face."

Gassing for labor/delivery

":We're like the underpants of horror"


"If you had to sleep with one of the GOP candidates......"

MM out.

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Outlander and shirtless/pantsless Jamie? totally me. Not even sorry.

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One of these days, I really need to join the evening chatting.

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FTR, the God dammit Jessa was also me. I was in the middle of trying to rebuild our test site, and didn't have time for another Duggar server crash. LOL.

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OMG.  OMG... CROTCHFUIT.   I am dying.  That is about the funniest thing I have ever heard.


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OMG.  OMG... CROTCHFUIT.   I am dying.  That is about the funniest thing I have ever heard.


We are pretty bloody hilarious if I do say so myself. You should stop in. :)

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@destiny31 - I didn't know where else to put this so adding it here. Look at what I found today.


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That's what I said!

Oh - found that at Indigo. Do you have Indigo there?

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They probably have it at the dreaded Amazon.  I have seen Game of Thrones books, LOTR, and an upcoming to be released in 2016 Dr. Who.  

the term crotchfruit reminds me of someone I  knew on a different message board and it made me howl (and miss said person)

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  • Posts

    • JMO


      Now that I'm at the end of the interview, I thought it was particularly interesting that Jinger particularly refuses to name Josh but instead says "my parents named my oldest brother with a J name and then had Jana and John David".  The question was about the J theme.  She also talked about how writing the first book was hard since she knew it was distance family members but she felt it was necessary since she wanted her siblings as well as the general public to see her disavow Gothard.  She said that she purposefully distanced from the system and not her parents to reduce the possible blow back from family members.  

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    • Coconut Flan

      Posted (edited)

      4 hours ago, Bassett Lady said:

      He finished his M.Div. In 2022, he could have reached the academic status of ABD, where all his academic classes are completed for his doctorate and he is just working on his dissertation. 

      The current TMS website shows it's a 3 year program and year 3 is two preaching research projects.  There is one for each semester. They're basically using those two research modules as the dissertation.  It's 125 to 175 pages and their website says they work on it the whole 3 years, but the last year is solely devoted to it and the student need not be in Los Angeles.  Perhaps he's already found a church and will be working as he completes his research projects.  Getting double use for the same research would not be unexpected.  

      Edited by Coconut Flan
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    • Giraffe


      32 minutes ago, Jasmar said:

      Saaaame here! I’ve been watching this all unfold with mixed feelings, which are kind of too exhausting to type out here. But I will say, when I finally learned about the executive dysfunction and ADHD/anxiety/depression axis, a LOT of things about my life started to make sense. Including that I’m not lazy or worthless, my brain responds to life stressors by freezing up and refusing to engage. 

      I've found it freeing, too.

      I was diagnosed with adhd many years ago. My current roommates (both have adhd, one also has austism) want me to get tested for autism, too. I haven't asked for the referral yet but I'll bring it up at my upcoming appointment. 

    • Jasmar


      20 hours ago, MariaariaM said:

      This is exactly how my anxious avoidance worked out. I'd be too paralyzed by fear to do anything so I postponed things to the last possible minute, then I rushed into a flurry of terrified but efficient activity, and when the bare minimum of the task was completed I'd collapse into an exhausted puddle for days to months. 

      Saaaame here! I’ve been watching this all unfold with mixed feelings, which are kind of too exhausting to type out here. But I will say, when I finally learned about the executive dysfunction and ADHD/anxiety/depression axis, a LOT of things about my life started to make sense. Including that I’m not lazy or worthless, my brain responds to life stressors by freezing up and refusing to engage. 

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    • LillyP


      8 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

      I’m definitely a person who will always call out the system before I call out the individuals in the system. So I get where they are coming from. But behind closed doors, I would absolutely call out my parents for what they did to me. 

      Oh I'm sure to each other they probably do call out her parents to each other in private. But I also think that when you've reached a level of clarity, you also recognize that you can't negotiate with emotional terrorists. I do not have a close relationship with my mom, stemming from things when I was a kid. We aren't close but she's good grandmother (though she lives 12 hours away) and while I definitely have had very heated opinions and conversations with my husband and friends about her, I remain neutral, pleasant, and cordial to her because as I've gotten older I realize that it's just not worth the mental gymnastics to have ongoing drama or hurt feelings. 

      4 minutes ago, louisa05 said:

      Jinger may have signed Jim Bob's NDA to get that $80,000 check that Jill told us about in her book. So "the system" it is, not her parents. 

      I don't think they did, because in the interview they said very clearly that even though the show made a lot of money they decided together they weren't going to make money an issue, and realized when want to mix money and family things get complicated. They said they sought counsel and said "we saw bigger issues and weren't going to fight that battle".

      They also said she wanted her loved ones to "come out of the system" and her loved ones close, so she didn't want to cause a rift so they could see her living her life the way she wanted to and let them know they could too. 

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