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FJ Colorists Unite

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Here's my newest completion. It's from Joanna Basford, Lost Ocean. It was released this week and it's a great coloring book! You can find it on Amazon. The lighting was messed up when I took the photo, but I actually colored both sides the same. 

I used Fiskar's gel pens, 48 pack, also found on Amazon. (links at the bottom of the page) 


Lost Ocean

Fiskar's gel pens  

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Yay you figured out my rambling comment on the other post.

This turned out really beautiful.  I really like the big purple flowers, that is beautiful contrast, IMO.  I am partial to purple, though.

I'm also glad to see someone else that uses yellow for most of their flower centers.  I do that and then think it seems boring.  The page I'm working on now, I'm testing out other center colors after looking at what some other people do.

What medium did you use on this?

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@DarkAnts I added links to the pens I used :pb_wink:

Yay you figured out my rambling comment on the other post.

This turned out really beautiful.  I really like the big purple flowers, that is beautiful contrast, IMO.  I am partial to purple, though.

I'm also glad to see someone else that uses yellow for most of their flower centers.  I do that and then think it seems boring.  The page I'm working on now, I'm testing out other center colors after looking at what some other people do.

What medium did you use on this?

Yes ! Thank you! 

I love purple, too. 

I primarily use yellow or orange for the flower centers... I think a light green could be pretty as well. 

What medium? I don't understand the question... Sorry! I'm sure I'll feel dumb after you clarify! :pb_lol:

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What medium? I don't understand the question... Sorry! I'm sure I'll feel dumb after you clarify! :pb_lol:

Medium = pens, markers, colored pencils, crayons, etc :)

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Hahaha, gel pens! I edited my post earlier to add them along with a link. 

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