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New tooth!

Elvis Presby


Sometimes I think I an keeping my dentist in business.  Maybe even providing his family with cars!  

3 weeks ago yesterday a crown lifted off while I was eating a Gusher.  I didn't notice it came off so I just chomped on the gusher while wondering why this particular gusher was so hard.  :my_confused:  

The next day I went to the dentist and he put a temporary crown on the tooth and decided to replace it with something more durable (this was the 2nd time this particular crown had come off).  The temporary was so nasty!  It always felt dirty.  I am sort of obsessive about brushing and flossing, but I had been told not to floss around the temporary so I tried to avoid it as much as possible.  From time to time, I just couldn't stand it any longer and had to floss.  When I did it smelled like ass!  Last night, I had dreams that the tooth was crumbling and I was trying to make it stay in place until I could get to the dentist.  This morning the first thing I did was make sure the temporary hadn't actually crumbled.

I say all that because I wan't to shout from the rooftop how happy I am to have my new, tougher, crown!  I can floss it to my hearts desire and it doesn't smell like ass!


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Posted (edited)

Oh, I'm a dentist's dream, too. I have never had any cavities and therefore no fillings or traditional crowns, and I was genetically blessed with good, hardy teeth... well, except for the ones that didn't ever make an appearance :pb_biggrin: I have congenitally missing adult upper laterals (the teeth between front teeth and canines) and I have had a dentist, cosmetic dentist, dental surgeon, and periodontist all on call over the years at various stages. I do have dental implants, but the left implant crown doesn't like to stay cemented to its post, so I have to go in once or twice a year when it feels loose to get it sandblasted and stuck back on.

Teeth are so glamorous, aren't they?

ETA: forgot to include my long-suffering orthodontist in the list, who dutifully followed instructions to torque my front teeth this way and that during three different braces-wearing experiments in order to move a root out of the way of the "overhead space" needed for the implants. Ugh.

Edited by withaj
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Elvis Presby


One thing I got very lucky about was having straight teeth.  Just that one thing, dentally speaking.  When I was in elementary school I got cavities like they were going out of style.  I even had an abscessed tooth when I was 8.  It had to be pulled, the area was cleaned and closed, and then a spacer was put in because my adult tooth was a long way from ready.  

I never really have new cavities anymore.  My dental issues come from old fillings breaking down or getting loose.  I do have some small "spots" that my dentist is watching, but so far so good.  Not to sound like a hippy, but lately I make my own toothpaste that is supposed to heal the spots and remineralize the teeth.

One of my children had to take a cardiac medicine for 10 years.  It is common knowledge among mothers that their heart children have dental problems.  Dentists even mention that the cardiac meds sometimes cause problems.  Cardiologists don't seem to think it does.  Anyway, my heart child has had several issues and he has an adult tooth that formed with no enamel.  None.  He is 13 years old and the next time that tooth needs work he will need a root canal and a crown.  

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      Veronica posted this in her stories tonight. Maybe I just don’t look at her Instagram enough and she posts about him a lot. I guess I don’t know.




    • dawn9476


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      • Thank You 1
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      For what it's worth, as I haven't seen it mentioned yet:


      The day the Bus Fam posted about touring Sailboat Fam's boat (May 6th), I distinctly remember a redditor commenting in at least 2 places that they had filed a CPS report. That they recognized the place the Lotts were parked and reported that detail. Their comments were quickly deleted, as I recall. 


      Who knows if the redditor was telling the truth, and that if they did really report, if CPS turned it into an investigation. But I am pretty confident that if this WAS the source, the investigation wouldn't have started prior to May 6th. 

    • MariaariaM


      6 hours ago, JDuggs said:

      He probably needed to at least give a partial payout to Kim so she could buy her boat (which was a crazy odd choice).

      Boat: a hole in the water you throw money into.

      Forgot where I read that but it's kind of true in a lot of cases. 

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      She doesn’t seem quite as public about their relationship as she did back then.

      No surprise really, given how much shit gas gone down in this series/family. If she has any sense and isn't just looking for the limelight she'll stay out of that mess. I think if the girlfriend was a paid actress she'd be on camera more, not less. Creating drama and storylines.

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