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MarblesMom Recaps The Chat

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Friday NIght Fries



I love recapping our adventures.  I posted a crapload and it got lost somehow, so POOP.   Starting over.....

Horror movie reviews.

Buffets – food in general (must have been feeding time on FJ)

Wedding themes – Sailor Moon

Engagement rings

Pinterest – love/hate

Student loans/taxation

Credit cards

Truth about Ruth blog

Mormons = Funderwear

Intl House of Pancakes does not equal the Intl House of Secret Handshakes

“35 Cupcakes Down the Drain” a la 16 Candles was an awful story

Idiot school principals who indicate “I am above everyone”

“Whip it” (challenging what is OK)

Raunchy Grandmas


Tampa = pasties and boy shorts

Watching Dr Who? Start with Dr 9

Rice Krispie Treats

Iron options

KKK chat

And I am out….




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