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August 17-29, 2013 ~ #14 ~ Sincerity Winner



blog-mos-14-sincerity.jpgPost of the week ~ #14 ~ Sincerity Winner


Congratulations 180 degrees


180 degrees' post nominated by mice



I work in a shelter for women leaving violent relationships. In fact, I'm sitting in the office of the shelter typing this. I support women in the same situation as Noni Alabaster every day.

It doesn't sound like it's stopped him though. Get out. You don't need friends and money shouldn't stop you. There are people and organizations who will support you and give you a helping hand. Get out.

I know it was written with the best of intention and concern (and a lot of people do it) but telling a woman what she does and doesn't need or what should and shouldn't stop her from leaving isn't helpful. Instructing her to 'get out' is too simple. It actually may be harmful in that it will discourage her from reaching out again or further shame her because she may hear it as she should do what you say and just isn't strong enough etc... Abused women don't need people, however well meaning, telling then what do to. The abusers have that more than covered. They need to be supported until they are strong enough to determine a course of action. Some women never leave, some leave and go back, a lot leave and go back a few times before they leave for good. All of them need support to become self-determined people.

Noni's concerns about not having money or friends are valid ones. Although we do advise women who are in immediate danger to leave if they can, it's good to think it through and have a supports in place. When women first contact us (before they have left) we encourage them to devise a safety plan. Having a plan greatly increases the odds of success. Here's an example of one:


I'm in Canada. I don't know how your laws and procedures around domestic violence work but other women have provided good links.

Noni Alabaster, please PM me if you ever need someone just to vent to or listen or to bounce ideas off of. You can contact women's organizations even if you don't plan to leave, just for support to get through your day. They will have all the local, specific knowledge that can help you.

Apologies for just de-lurking and writing on such a serious topic out of the blue but this one is really close to home for me. Also, apologies for horrible grammer etc... It's nearing midnight and my brain is tired.


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  • Posts

    • indianabones


      Isaiah Bates is in a relationship with some girl named Sarah, based off a post from Reddit.

    • TrueRebel1


      For what it's worth, as I haven't seen it mentioned yet:


      The day the Bus Fam posted about touring Sailboat Fam's boat (May 6th), I distinctly remember a redditor commenting in at least 2 places that they had filed a CPS report. That they recognized the place the Lotts were parked and reported that detail. Their comments were quickly deleted, as I recall. 


      Who knows if the redditor was telling the truth, and that if they did really report, if CPS turned it into an investigation. But I am pretty confident that if this WAS the source, the investigation wouldn't have started prior to May 6th. 

    • MariaariaM


      6 hours ago, JDuggs said:

      He probably needed to at least give a partial payout to Kim so she could buy her boat (which was a crazy odd choice).

      Boat: a hole in the water you throw money into.

      Forgot where I read that but it's kind of true in a lot of cases. 

      3 hours ago, JDuggs said:

      She doesn’t seem quite as public about their relationship as she did back then.

      No surprise really, given how much shit gas gone down in this series/family. If she has any sense and isn't just looking for the limelight she'll stay out of that mess. I think if the girlfriend was a paid actress she'd be on camera more, not less. Creating drama and storylines.

    • MariaariaM


      5 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

      On the one hand I agree with them that the social support is inadequate, and that detailing your medical needs shouldn't have to happen

      It would definitely have to happen if they wanted support based on their medical needs from the state though. Why on earth should I believe some rando on the internet when they tell me they can't work, without any proof? They can claim all they want and I won't care or challenge them but when they want me to give them money? Yep, I do indeed want to see some kind of proof they legit need what they say they need or I will put my money toward another one of the thousands of other desperate pleas. There are so many in genuine need: why would I give my money to them and not the dog with the piece of ham on its face?

    • marmalade


      5 hours ago, Bookworm1564 said:

      My all-time favourite Art post is the one where they say “Just for today, you can double the impact of your support with this opportunity” as if this was the moment we were all waiting for.

      It's a PBS pledge drive! 😂

      • Upvote 1
      • Haha 4

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