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Worldly Distractions: The Big Bang Theory 8.10 - The Champagne Reflection





CFK emerges from too much work to bring you this week's episode.  I'm up for anything that puts Sheldon in drag. But what kind of convoluted scenario will lead to it? Let's find out.

We start with a taping of "Fun With Flags", the one show-within-a-show I wish was real. Seriously, wouldn't you follow this shit religiously? Anyway, it's the final episode, which breaks my tiny heart. Sheldon has found the pressures of work and a social life too difficult to manage, and the show has got to go. He and Amy banter adorably for the camera. Seriously, it's sweet. Opening credits.

Raj, Leonard and Howard go through a dead professor's office, where they completely judge him over not having a family. They sort through his work to find anything important, and only find a note and a bottle of champagne from his mom - to be opened when he makes a big discovery. It was never opened, which is tragic - well, the guys keep joking about the poor man's name, but maybe someone thinks it's tragic. Penny meets her boss for dinner, and he's totally into her, but she gracefully laughs it off. He also hates Bernadette, or fears her, or both. Sheldon continues to film the final episode in his trademark soulless manner. He also keeps throwing barbs at Amy for forgetting to record an important episode. They also play a highlight reel, which is quite hilarious, including the aforementioned Sheldon-dressed-as-Betsy-Ross thing, which is hilariously perfect. There's also some bad green screen involving beach flags and 1920's swimsuits, and the Best of Kripke's Lisp.

The rest of the guys continue to sort through the dead prof's data, where they wonder if any of the info might be usable. Who knows, they might even be able to crack open that bottle. Bernadette and Penny's dinner with Dan continues to be awkward, mostly due to Bernadette's slightly acerbic personality. When Dan goes off to get drinks, Penny tries to tactfully tell Bernadette that she's a little too harsh sometimes. It doesn't go well, really.

The Flags extravaganza has a special guest this time - AND OH MY GOD IT'S LEVAR BURTON. He's appeared before, but his arrival is always a delightful surprise. Keep in mind I'm fangirling not because of Roots or Reading Rainbow or Star Trek, but more because of this:



Sheldon chooses this moment to run what appears to be his one blackface episode by Burton, who is stunned into silence.

The guys go to visit the dead prof's colleague, Professor Sharpe, who quickly debunks the information. It's the man's food diary, not a brilliant theorem. Sharpe tells them that his colleague never amounted to anything. Over at dinner, Bernadette keeps protesting that she's not mean, which doesn't quite convince Penny. She suggests that Bernadette show some attempts at sweetness. It really doesn't work.

Sheldon brings the episode to a close, paying a special tribute to Amy and her hosting skills. He then tells his audience how much the show has meant to him. He then uses a white flag as a kleenex to dry his tears. Honestly, this is the most human I've ever seen him. He does take one last jab at Amy, though, because human doesn't mean normal.

Talking about the deceased Roger Abbott (heh), Howard reflects on how some people will never accomplish anything even if they work hard, though not him because he went to space. They all decide to take the champagne and save it for their first big accomplishment, someday - though not before they rub it in Sheldon's face. Bernadette goes up to apologize to Dan, who then decides to tell her everything they've kept from her to save their sanity. Bernadette concludes that she's a monster and cries. And somehow manages to manipulate them into buying her an espresso machine.

Leonard returns home to find a morose Sheldon, who has received no comments on his final video. Just then, he gets his first comment, which is fairly positive. Inspired, Sheldon decides to bring the show back - and pops the champagne to celebrate, though he doesn't intend to drink it. Leonard is exasperated, as usual.

Tag scene - Sheldon knocks on LeVar Burton's door to offer him a part in the next episode. It's about flags, and involves Burton dressing up like a swastika. Burton is less than enthusiastic.

This episode had three short stories in one, and two were quite effective (Bernadette had her moments, but it was pretty lightweight). Leonard, Howard and Raj had a wonderful arc in which they pondered their own worth. However, Sheldon's storyline took the cake, with some great comedic moments and some true poignancy at the end. Until we get a "Fun With Flags" spinoff, I'm very glad that we have episodes like these to keep us going.

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  • Posts

    • MariaariaM


      5 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

      On the one hand I agree with them that the social support is inadequate, and that detailing your medical needs shouldn't have to happen

      It would definitely have to happen if they wanted support based on their medical needs from the state though. Why on earth should I believe some rando on the internet when they tell me they can't work, without any proof? They can claim all they want and I won't care or challenge them but when they want me to give them money? Yep, I do indeed want to see some kind of proof they legit need what they say they need or I will put my money toward another one of the thousands of other desperate pleas. There are so many in genuine need: why would I give my money to them and not the dog with the piece of ham on its face?

    • marmalade


      5 hours ago, Bookworm1564 said:

      My all-time favourite Art post is the one where they say “Just for today, you can double the impact of your support with this opportunity” as if this was the moment we were all waiting for.

      It's a PBS pledge drive! 😂

      • Upvote 1
      • Haha 4
    • Bluebirdbluebell


      3 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

      Whereas I am very amused that 8 years after the fact they are still hung up on Hillary Clinton. Guys, she's just not that into you and has moved on with her life... get over it?

      (also is Vance's wife in there at all?)

      I agree. They also included Rush Limbaugh, who is dead.  I also don't really understand why Dan Scavino is there. Maybe they updated something from 2016. After reading the link below, I think there is really one female character in the Dukes of Hazzard, which is why Vance's wife is out. Hillary is cast as a male bad guy.

      1 hour ago, Xan said:

      I always find these Trump fantasy worlds very bizarre.  He's never in a nice suit meeting a world leader or even in a fireman's suit saving a child from a burning building.  It's always some fake macho outfit and, in this case, driving a car with a Confederate flag on it.  Their heroes don't seem that heroic.

      It's based on old American television show from the 1980s. It was called the Dukes of Hazzard (Hazzard being a county in Georgia) (link). There was also a movie in 2005 with different people.

      • Upvote 1
    • Ozlsn


      2 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

      So many commenters were like, “it’s her business! It’s not your life so why do you care?”

      This annoys me because it stops people reaching out. It used to be the excuse to not investigate or prosecute domestic and family violence - it's their business, it's private, don't ask questions, what happens out of sight is no one's business but theirs. Except that makes it harder for people to escape abusive relationships, and when people are too scared to even tell anyone their only recourse can become people asking questions and making reports. Coercive control is not always well understood but is abusive.

      As you said firstly this is their public business - they put it on social media, they choose to agree to interviews with mainstream media, they undoubtedly make money through clicks and product placement.

      Even if they didn't put it all out there though - the hospital staff should be (and hopefully are) asking her privately if she is OK, giving her information, and making notes. The epidural discussion to me is - if accurate - a really concerning indicator. Her being pregnant again within a short time of giving birth is by itself not necessarily an issue, but the consistency of it happening is possibly an indication of issues (and not great for her from a health perspective either). 

      "It's not your life so why do you care?" - if she looked happy, and wasn't whispering about the one epidural she's had, and there were tickets to Greece in the pocket, then I wouldn't care. But when things are raising flags and questions for me then I care because even rich women and children deserve to live without fear, and to be able to make autonomous decisions about their body. And I'd rather the questions were raised than find out later they spent years cowering in fear, too afraid to even look for a way out.

      • Upvote 2
      • I Agree 2
    • JermajestyDuggar


      The first of the three weddings in a span of 2 months is tomorrow. Nathan and Courtney are getting married tomorrow. It must be stressful for 3 of your kids to get married in a span of 2 months. But I guess it’s possible when you have that many kids. 

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