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Worldly Distractions: The Big Bang Theory 8.4 - The Hook-Up Reverberation





The title seems exciting, but knowing the way these writers tease us, it's probably about Wi-Fi, so don't get your hopes up. I guess we'll find out in the recap...

The guys discuss science-y things over lunch. It turns out that Raj is inviting Emily-the-probably-serial-killer to meet his friends tonight, and Sheldon points out that he's probably going to abandon all his friends for his girlfriend. Raj promises he won't. Probably. Opening credits.

Howard is still upset about the Stuart situation, especially since Howard's mom has gotten him cable when Howard spent decades begging. At first, Emily's arrival is a bit awkward, even though Sheldon is on his best behaviour, which is actually pretty adorable. You know, by Sheldon standards. The next day, Penny comments that she doesn't think Emily likes her much. This is made more complicated by the fact that she's supposed to "practice" her sales rep skills at Emily's office. I would say don't go alone, and carry some Mace.

The guys all go to the replacement comic book store, which they all dislike. Raj mentions that due to financial constraints, Stuart may not re-open. Howard interjects derisive comments at every opportunity. Leonard suggests that they all go in on the comic book store, together. They all enthusiastically agree. Even Howard, after a couple of minutes.

Penny shows up for her pitch with Emily, which is as wooden and mumbly as you can imagine. When Emily gives a muted response, Penny finally asks her why they seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot. It turns out Raj told Emily about their sort-of hookup a few seasons back (yeah, remember that?), and now she's jealous. Penny tries to explain, but it's useless. She will forever be the target of Emily's hatred.

The would-be entrepreneurs discuss their ideas for the shop, most of them awful. Penny bursts in to confront Raj about his kiss-and-tell ways. There's a long, boring discussion about who's on what "list" and what really counts as a hook-up. They get into a huge fight, which Sheldon cites as proof that Raj will lose all his friends to his new relationship. Later, Penny complains to Amy and Bernadette, who come up with the idea of pitching herself. Penny dismisses this right away, and Amy jumps on the bandwagon like the sycophant she is. Back at the comic book store, the guys discuss "the list" and Leonard wonders who else Penny might have left off. Sheldon, of course, does not pass up a chance to talk about what a big ol' slut Penny has been. Everyone kvetches about their significant others. At this point, Sheldon mentions that no one has discussed the comic book shop with their partners, and Howard and Leonard blanch.

Leonard pitches the comic book store, which Penny agrees to immediately, since she has her own financial baggage in the form of several huge credit cards. However, Bernadette turns Howard down without even hearing what he wants to invest in. He tells her that his dad took him to the comic book store as a kid, which is of course a huge lie - but she decides he wants it badly enough, and agrees anyway. Sheldon makes it clear that he doesn't care what Amy thinks - and she's quite horrified - but she goes along with it upon realizing that Sheldon will never, ever change his mind.

As an olive branch, Penny invites Emily and Raj over to talk things out. They say all the right things (well, Raj screws it up on a fairly frequent basis), but I still think Emily's dangerous.  Howard and Bernadette hold their own awkward conversation over at Mrs Wolowitz's. They pitch the comic shop plan, but it turns out that Stuart already has a backer - Howard's mother. Howard can't take it and goes upstairs to yell at his mother. However, she's out - gone to buy Stuart some shirts. Penny, Emily and Raj finish their evening of reconciliation, but Emily and Penny still hate each other.

As a tag scene, the guys are glad that they have the comic book store back - but sigh over what might have been.

I have to say, for a character we've never seen, Mrs Wolowitz sure drives a lot of drama. Her bizarre relationship with Stuart is one of the most interesting parts of this season. I feel that the possibility of the comic book store could have been better explored, but it also allowed for some good moments between the characters, so it's a fair trade-off. There was nothing earth-shattering, but nothing offensive, either. Every character had a moment, and even Raj had something to do. The Emily-Penny thing was well set up, and will likely continue to burn for most of the season. It certainly looks to be promising, at the very least. It was an improvement over the pilot, and certainly over last week - so can we hope that the rest of the season will continue to go up and up?

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  • Posts

    • Giraffe

      Posted (edited)

      Their level of agressive entitlement is unreal. Too bad their fellow anti-work comrades aren't helping them out. 

      Edited by Giraffe
      • Upvote 1
    • JermajestyDuggar

      Posted (edited)

      There’s nothing you can’t live without? 🤣🤣🤣 Says the overprivileged fundie princess with the stove which costs over $10,000. Whatever you tell yourself so you can sleep at night Braggie 🙄


      Edited by JermajestyDuggar
      • Eyeroll 4
    • Mrs Ms


      9 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

      But where do they wash their hands after taking money and before handing over open, unwrapped food? How does the department of health track down who donated the Salmonella pie, if they aren't required to keep a list of who donated what product? How do the volunteers keep the open and unwrapped food from being contaminated by nonfood materials if it's just sitting on a table in a gym or in a parking lot. 

      Any I have been to in Germany and New Zealand had one person handling the cash and other people serving. Plus power and hand washing facilities. Usually with a few tables and chairs right next to the sale area to sit and eat immediately. 
      Plus all the ones in Germany I saw had display cabinets for the products like in cafes. I think the ones in NZ usually had insect shields and/or see through lids and weren’t right at the front edge of the table. 

    • Mrs Ms

      Posted (edited)

      They have a “champagne lifestyle” on OTHER peoples “beer budget” 

      “Champagne wants” is probably a better word than lifestyle, though the fact that they demand it and insist on being entitled to it makes it more than a want in my eyes. 🤷‍♀️ 

      Edited by Mrs Ms
      • Upvote 8
    • HumbleJillyMuffin

      Posted (edited)

      Thankfully they've decided not to sell baked goods. Apparently because someone told them how they needed a cottage food license and also because they don't know if they would be able to make all the pies. 

      Edited by HumbleJillyMuffin
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      • Haha 3

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