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Worldly Distractions: The Big Bang Theory 7.17 - The Friendship Turbulence





Back with The Big Bang, and a juicy title reels us in. Whose friendship is on the line? Let's find out.

Raj complains about his love life, Sheldon insults Penny. Par for the course. Her previous magnum opus Serial Apist is apparently getting a sequel, but Penny turned it down. More insults from Sheldon. Opening credits.

Leonard is disappointed in Penny for turning down the movie, even though it was crap. They get into an argument about her management of her finances. Sheldon uses this as an excuse to insult both Penny and Howard, which raises Bernadette's ire. Penny also decides to point out Leonard's douchebaggery. Leonard says some more unforgivable things. Sheldon claims that Howard started this rivalry by claiming that he looked like "C3PO and Pee Wee Herman". A more accurate description of Sheldon has never been said. Bernadette points out that it was ten years ago, but Sheldon is not swayed.

Raj walks Amy to her car, citing the dangers of West Side Story. They discuss his sad lack of a love life, and her physical dissatisfaction. In conclusion, neither of them is too happy. Howard comes to Sheldon trying to bury the hatchet. Naturally, Sheldon rudely dismisses the idea, but they agree not to insult each other. (Sheldon's not very good at this.) Howard winds up inviting him to Texas, where he's giving a talk about space. There's also talk of visiting Sheldon's mom. Surprise Laurie Metcalfe appearance to follow? Please?

Raj asks Amy to look at a dating profile he found online, makes a couple of transphobic remarks, and decides together with Amy that the woman seems like a good match. (Hey, whatever happened to Yvette the vet?) Amy helps him write out his response, and corrects him whenever he gets too flowery. She winds up writing the whole thing, and assumes the role of "online wingman".

Amy drives Sheldon to the pharmacy so he can pick up some medication (in case his trip accidentally takes him to South America). Her car dies on the way. Aaand wouldn't you know it, she's completely broke.

In the spirit of renewed friendship, Howard and Sheldon decide to play Risk on the same team, which makes Raj extremely jealous. He even asks to go to Houston with Sheldon and Howard. Penny tells Leonard that she's lost her car, can't get a new one, and is unable to drive to auditions. Furthermore, the Serial Apist part has long since been filled. Leonard offers to drive her everywhere. Penny continues to sob. Sheldon tries to get Leonard back in the game and gets a vicious rebuke from Penny.

Raj goes to visit Amy again. She tells him that his latest online contact is not interested. Raj gets unnecessarily outraged. Amy, in fact, has managed to secure a coffee date with her. They just "clicked". Here Raj gets super annoyed.

Howard waits with bated breath for his horrible weekend to start. Sheldon promptly drives him crazy throughout the flight. I would like to know in what universe does an LA-Houston flight serve two juices. That seems the most far-fetched to me. They argue, and Howard admits he feels constantly belittled by Sheldon. In turn, Sheldon admits that he always dreamed of being an astronaut and just might be a little jealous. Just as they start to reconcile, the plane hits some wretched turbulence. Will the show abruptly kill off two of its stars?

Penny decides to go back to the Cheesecake Factory, and is not happy about it. Leonard tries to be supportive but ends up making an ass of himself. They get to the curb, where Penny realizes that they're not taking Leonard's car. Leonard replies that no, they are taking hers. That's right, he bought her a car just so she could pursue her dreams. Cue a chorus of "Awwws". She's overcome with gratitude. Looks like everything's on track there.

Amy's "date" continues, and though she's no longer his wingman, she's still campaigning for Raj. He unexpectedly shows up, confusing both women, and tries to hit on Emily. She's weirded out and leaves both of them.

The plane continues to shake as Sheldon and Howard apologize for all their bad moments. Sheldon admits that "without you, there'd be a hole in my life." Second "Awww" in as many minutes. Everything's okay in the end, of course. Nothing like a brush with death to secure a friend for life! Closing credits.

Apart from some adorable moments, Penny and Leonard were boring (and the car thing was rather poorly built up - I swear, their relationship is so unhealthy). Raj's storyline was also fairly run-of-the-mill, though I enjoyed his unexpected pairing with Amy. What was most interesting was Howard and Sheldon's sincere attempts at friendship. We wouldn't have seen that from Sheldon three seasons ago, and I don't mean that as a dig at the show, but as an indication that his character has really developed quite nicely - while still leaving him very Sheldonish. The Big Bang Theory's main strength has always been its protagonist, and tonight was an excellent showcase for Season 7 Sheldon. For that reason alone, it's worth checking out.


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  • Posts

    • MariaariaM


      5 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

      On the one hand I agree with them that the social support is inadequate, and that detailing your medical needs shouldn't have to happen

      It would definitely have to happen if they wanted support based on their medical needs from the state though. Why on earth should I believe some rando on the internet when they tell me they can't work, without any proof? They can claim all they want and I won't care or challenge them but when they want me to give them money? Yep, I do indeed want to see some kind of proof they legit need what they say they need or I will put my money toward another one of the thousands of other desperate pleas. There are so many in genuine need: why would I give my money to them and not the dog with the piece of ham on its face?

    • marmalade


      5 hours ago, Bookworm1564 said:

      My all-time favourite Art post is the one where they say “Just for today, you can double the impact of your support with this opportunity” as if this was the moment we were all waiting for.

      It's a PBS pledge drive! 😂

      • Upvote 1
      • Haha 4
    • Bluebirdbluebell


      3 hours ago, Ozlsn said:

      Whereas I am very amused that 8 years after the fact they are still hung up on Hillary Clinton. Guys, she's just not that into you and has moved on with her life... get over it?

      (also is Vance's wife in there at all?)

      I agree. They also included Rush Limbaugh, who is dead.  I also don't really understand why Dan Scavino is there. Maybe they updated something from 2016. After reading the link below, I think there is really one female character in the Dukes of Hazzard, which is why Vance's wife is out. Hillary is cast as a male bad guy.

      1 hour ago, Xan said:

      I always find these Trump fantasy worlds very bizarre.  He's never in a nice suit meeting a world leader or even in a fireman's suit saving a child from a burning building.  It's always some fake macho outfit and, in this case, driving a car with a Confederate flag on it.  Their heroes don't seem that heroic.

      It's based on old American television show from the 1980s. It was called the Dukes of Hazzard (Hazzard being a county in Georgia) (link). There was also a movie in 2005 with different people.

      • Upvote 1
    • Ozlsn


      2 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

      So many commenters were like, “it’s her business! It’s not your life so why do you care?”

      This annoys me because it stops people reaching out. It used to be the excuse to not investigate or prosecute domestic and family violence - it's their business, it's private, don't ask questions, what happens out of sight is no one's business but theirs. Except that makes it harder for people to escape abusive relationships, and when people are too scared to even tell anyone their only recourse can become people asking questions and making reports. Coercive control is not always well understood but is abusive.

      As you said firstly this is their public business - they put it on social media, they choose to agree to interviews with mainstream media, they undoubtedly make money through clicks and product placement.

      Even if they didn't put it all out there though - the hospital staff should be (and hopefully are) asking her privately if she is OK, giving her information, and making notes. The epidural discussion to me is - if accurate - a really concerning indicator. Her being pregnant again within a short time of giving birth is by itself not necessarily an issue, but the consistency of it happening is possibly an indication of issues (and not great for her from a health perspective either). 

      "It's not your life so why do you care?" - if she looked happy, and wasn't whispering about the one epidural she's had, and there were tickets to Greece in the pocket, then I wouldn't care. But when things are raising flags and questions for me then I care because even rich women and children deserve to live without fear, and to be able to make autonomous decisions about their body. And I'd rather the questions were raised than find out later they spent years cowering in fear, too afraid to even look for a way out.

      • Upvote 2
      • I Agree 2
    • JermajestyDuggar


      The first of the three weddings in a span of 2 months is tomorrow. Nathan and Courtney are getting married tomorrow. It must be stressful for 3 of your kids to get married in a span of 2 months. But I guess it’s possible when you have that many kids. 

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