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Worldly Distractions: Modern Family 5.16 - Spring-A-Ding-Fling





My updates have been rather...lackluster lately, due to general Russian fuckery. Not to worry - I'm still here. Let's see what the most modern actually kind of boring family of the week is up to.

Cam is chaperoning the school dance ("Spring-a-Ding-Fling"), while Mitchell is starting a new job with some crusading law firm. Phil, meanwhile, is preparing to host the Southern California Annual Realtor's Banquet. Unfortunately, Claire has to miss the big event due to work. Haley will be (reluctantly) accompanying him instead, which Phil sees as an opportunity to direct her into real estate forever. Opening credits.

Mitchell is guided around work by Wendy (Aisha Tyler), another lawyer who keeps trapping him in racist remarks and, uh, seems to be flirting with him a little. She also has a bad habit of screaming at her employees. All of the lawyers seem to have some sort of hostage complex, a feeling I can well sympathize with at my shitty Russian school. Mitchell finds a note in his desk - "Get out or you will die." Uh-oh.

Gloria and Jay argue about who's better at business. While Gloria's on the phone with Mitch (he needs a babysitter), Jay taunts Joe for not being able to walk. And yes, there was literally no other way to describe that.

Luke wrestles with his date, Rhonda, in the mud. Claire wonders if they don't want to get dressed up for the dance, but they claim they are, jeans and sweatshirts being de rigueur these days. She is horrified, and manages to sneak Rhonda away, telling Luke to meet them at the dance later. Alex and her boyfriend have decided to go the dance ironically, which also offends Claire. Why the fuck are you so determined to police your kids' motivations? Helicopter, helicopter!

Cam entertains his coworkers with his witty repartee. They ask him to speak at the opening ceremonies, but a more charismatic teacher (Will Sasso) comes back from vacation. Senor Kaplan - COMMUNITY RIPOFF! - is instantly welcomed back, and Cam is jealous.

Gloria is upset because someone broke her phone. Lily blames Joe, which no one believes. Jay promises that he'll talk to her. This turns into a war between Jay and Gloria about who's better at convincing people to do stuff. He tries to get Lily to fess up, but she maintains that Joe did it. Gloria threatens Lily's stuffed animals, Mafia-style. Fear flashes in the child's eyes. And that is a sentence I never thought I'd write for this show.

Phil is going crazy at the Realtors' Banquet, which includes a rendition of "I'm Selling Away" that could kill Baby Jesus. He's also in drag for part of it. The crowd is eating it up. However, he notices Haley texting in the middle, and is so distraught that he flubs the show. Haley is horrified.

Mitchell hears weird things about Wendy's cruel habits at work, and sees her beating the living shit out of a vending machine. Wendy also asks him to groom Rex, so Mitchell introduces himself to the smelly office dog.

The dance is in full swing, and Rhonda seems thrilled with her makeover. Claire goes up to Alex's boyfriend, Drew, and tells him to take Alex into the house when he brings her home. That's right - she openly insists that he be in the Dunphy home, unsupervised, with her teenaged daughter. If this were anyone but Drew and Alex, I'd tell Claire to enjoy being a grandma. Senor Kaplan planned all the dances in the past, and he and Cam snark at each other about their various planning styles. Luke complains to his mother about Rhonda's new look, saying she "broke her". Alex comes by to yell at her mother for pimping her out, declaring that the dance is not for Claire! Right on, sister. Claire scowls and tries to act more chaperone-y.

Gloria is advocating increasingly sadistic methods for interrogating Lily, though Jay favors a more gentle approach. They go in together. Lily is sticking with the story. She points out Joe's footprints. When they tell her Joe can't walk, she insists he can "for her". She calls to her infant uncle, and sure enough, he walks over to her. As Jay and Gloria exclaim over the baby, she reflects that she "got lucky" and covers Joe's shoes in baby powder again.

Cam continues to complain about Kaplan while Claire tells him to STFU. The faculty dance is announced (that's a thing?) and Cam sees his moment to shine. The rivals turn "Shake Your Groove Thing" into a bitter competition. Cam realizes he's losing. In a desperate PR move, he grabs Claire and pulls her onto the floor. They dance the raciest number since that contest in Grease, and I'm pretty sure Claire winds up flashing the entire gym. Nonetheless, it's a phenomenal success.

Mitchell bathes the dog and complains about his evil boss. He decides to stand up for his colleagues and give Wendy a talking-to. At work, Wendy talks to the new intern, Rex (who names their kid Rex?), and discovers that her dog Pixie is missing. Mitchell walks in and delivers his lecture, whereupon Wendy corrects him on the Rex/Pixie issue. One by one, all of Mitchell's "red flags" are unravelled. Wendy is proven to be the best boss ever. She is deeply hurt, but they hug it out and it looks like Mitchell gets to keep his job for now.

While the banquet's "mortgage doctor" checks on Phil after his fall, Haley asks what happened. He sadly tells her to grab his keys, because they're leaving. Just then, the big award of the evening is announced. Phil wins, natch. To his shock, Haley runs up to accept it, and gives a heartfelt speech, including the jokes Phil never got to use in his act.

Various family members narrate about covering up for who they are. Haley accepts the award and hugs her dad, Alex and Drew and Rhonda and Luke have reconciled. Meanwhile, Lily is busted for her cover-up when it's revealed that Joe's shoes are on the wrong feet.

Tag scene: Since Joe can walk, Jay has trained him to fetch beer. Frankly, I can't think of a better use for a baby.

Tonight's episode was a lot of fun. Mitchell's work conflicts were well built up, though I did envy him his kind, reasonable boss. Haley and Phil's storyline built to a nice conclusion. Claire's story felt a bit too ridiculous, however, and Cam's was well-trod territory. The less said about Jay and Gloria, the better - that one was beyond half-assed (though sociopathic Lily is always a treat). However, the show had some good moments. Until next week, my friends!

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  • Posts

    • Kiki03910


      2 hours ago, GuineaPigCourtship said:

      My brother was diagnosed with Asbergers as a child and probably also ADD because they put him on ritalin.  He loved it because he could totally focus and do his work but he developed some sort of shoulder shrugging tic on it so they stopped it and never did anything else.  As a recently-turned 40yo he is still dealing with a lifetime of thinking he was stupid and incompetent because he couldn't learn or work in a traditional way.  He is a TREASURE of a human being whose life has been made immeasurably more difficult because no one really followed up or took his issues seriously.  I don't know if he'll ever seek help for it as an adult but I wish he would - he still thinks it's possible everyone else in the world knows how other people work and nobody will just tell him.

      I'm so sorry. I have a friend a bit older than your brother who was diagnosed with ADD as a kid but never treated (fuck his parents) and is almost certainly Aspies as well. He finds the world extremely difficult to navigate but will not get help, even though my BF and I have tried to gently encourage him. It's awful and frustrating to watch someone suffer like that.

    • JermajestyDuggar

      Posted (edited)

      I hate this shit. Stop coercing someone into not doing something they may want to do! I’ve have friends contemplating abortion and I never swayed them one way or another. I always said I will support whatever decision you make. And no Braggie, do not ever adopt a child or two. Because you already neglect and resent the ones you gave. 


      Braggie lies through her teeth. We’ve seen how she doesn’t enjoy her kids. She can try to act like it all never happened but we have receipts. That’s what happens when you put you’re life online. You can’t change history. And it’s obvious why she hates toddlers. She can’t control them like the older kids. It’s all about control with Braggie.


      Edited by JermajestyDuggar
      • I Agree 1
    • Hasunah2


      3 hours ago, raayx01 said:

      Isaac Anderson and his wife Artemesia are having a boy named Dietrich due in august 

      Every man born in my family until 1930 was named Dietrich , either as a fist name or as a middle name somewhere. Then we were all out of Dietrichs .

      If somebody's interested in German naming trends.  Just pick a year

    • Maggie Mae


      On 5/14/2024 at 1:24 PM, MargieB said:


      Artemis wants $500 for miscellaneous travel expenses such as food, masks,  and paper plates.  $500 for these type of items?   $50.00 at the most.  Their greed is incredible.

      A box of masks is 2.99 for fifty. The longest flight in the Contiguous US is Miami to Seattle, which is six hours. They can pack some sandwiches, or just be hungry until they get to the new location.  They don't need paper plates until they get there, and they are still like .. idk, internet says $1.50 from Dollar Tree. Those are just weird priorities. Especially if you are selling all your stuff - you should have $40 for a meal if there is a long layover, but since they are claiming "privacy" it's not like any of us can offer up some low-cost solutions/tips & tricks for the layovers. They also shouldn't worry about getting multiple travel litter boxes and "travel litter" whatever that is.  They should be looking for harnesses so that when they go through TSA, and TSA is being douchy and refusing to allow them into a room, they can feel secure when they pull their cats out of the carrier.  TSA makes you put the carrier through the metal detector.  Like think about these things, not weird Instagram ads for retro/cool-looking travel litter boxes. 

      We had such high hopes for Art. 


      On 5/13/2024 at 2:29 PM, Ozlsn said:

      I would be surprised at Art not going the "ID is a tool of the government" sovereign citizen route except I think they're found it useful. NJ looks like $24 for a license, $35 for real ID. Maybe passports, although that would be undercosted. Are there are additional costs around getting license/ID photos that aren't covered in the quoted cost?

      ID cost is different in every state.  They claim that they need to to get Ryann one from WA state, renew Art's WA ID, so they can get on the plane (even though they don't actually need ID to get on the plane, TSA will let you fly without ID, you just have to get there really early.  People lose ID on vacation all the time and don't have to wait for their home state to mail them one three weeks later.) ANd then go ahead and get the new state ID. 

      They also take expired ID. https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/identification 

      I am curious as to where they are moving and wonder how long they will keep it private. 

    • hoipolloi


      Mike seems to be OK, judging from Shoshanna's FB & IG posts. A number of NGJ articles have his byline which fits with what is shown on social media. Who knows what's really happening. IIRC, Mike & Debi didn't hesitate to seek fairly conventional medical care when they themselves needed it for his stroke or her back surgery a few years ago. Debi might write a bunch of shit about herbal cures in NGJ but I bet you won't catch her or Mike spending $50+ K on a Mexican health spa run by quacks.

      31 minutes ago, noseybutt said:

      she returned to her parent’s property after her divorce

      She & James were living in that same house for some years before their divorce - the same one where she is now and where her "friend" Eric seems to be doing a shitload of home improvements for her. Maybe heʻs getting paid with Plexus swill.

      1 hour ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

      The thing is her parents are emotionally and physically abusive. And they write books teaching it.

      All of this. Their abuse manual for infants & children - TTUAC - is designed to produce adults that will either inflict or accept abuse from others. Michael & Debi Pearl are monsters. 

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