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The Random Eye

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Random musings on various subjects that catch my eye...mostly related to horror and sci-fi fandom with other frequent intrusions.

Entries in this blog

The Long Dark -- 1

The Long Dark is a first-person survival simulation video game by a Canadian company called Hinterland. It's currently in alpha release (available on Steam for both PC and X box platforms), so there are constant changes, updates, and tweaking. The game is frequently updated with new areas, new mechanics,and new looks/feels. The setting is the frozen far-north Canadian wilderness after some kind of freak global disaster (currently not much info is yet available about that). So, there's no el



Garguiles and Psychics -- The God Warrior (Trading Spouses 2005)

The infamous Marguerite Perrin episode of Trading Spouses was mentioned in the "Your tv low point" thread. It had been a long time since I had thought of this vat of crazy pants, so I re-watched parts of the video, and read a few blogs about it. One of the more hilarious things I saw tonight in relation to the self-professed God Warrior was this: Anyone who played the old Street Fighter II should get this reference.



HyperRealistic Freaky Dreams

Trigger warnings for violent content relating to attacks/murders (though not horribly graphic), gun violence, and stalking. I've always been a vivid (and frequently lucid) dreamer. Recently, I had two majorly disturbing dreams that had me nearly screaming out upon awakening, and unable to get back to sleep. They were hyperreal and terrifyingly cinematic (and I hadn't taken melatonin prior to either of these, which can sometimes give me extra-vivid and scary dreams): 1.) Murder in the A



Upcoming Horror Movies - 2016

This is looking like a good year for horror flicks, per this handy guide that just came up on my Facebook newsfeed: http://www.blumhouse.com/2016/01/04/blumhouse-coms-10-most-anticipated-horror-movies-of-2016/. The most promising ones for me are: The Boy -- You can rarely go wrong with some Uncanny Valley shizz, and this mannequin certainly fills the bill. If that's not enough to interest you, there's also Lauren Cohen of The Walking Dead fame. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies -- O



Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines (Part 2) -- The Ocean House Hotel

I've been completely immersed in Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines since I started playing it a couple of weeks ago. As I mentioned in a previous post, it has a lot going for it as far as a computer RPG game: great voice acting, good story, and atmosphere. Lots of atmosphere. Did I mention atmosphere? While the game succeeds in creating immersive play areas throughout its arc, one of the episodes it really nails it is in The Ocean House Hotel quest you're sent on by Therese Voerman, p



Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines (Part 1) -- Or, Reliving My 1990s Experience

So, for some reason I completely missed Vampire: The Masquerade -- Bloodlines when it came out in 2004. That's probably a *good* thing, though, since it was apparently buggy as shit and darn near impossible to finish. Fastforward to now, though, and we get a thriving community of committed PC gamers who have written patches galore for this thing (as well as some SEVERE mods that I'm dying to sink my teeth into...tee hee...once I'm finished with the canon game). I have a soft spot for a



Layers of Fear (Video Game) - First Foray

This is one of my new Favorite Things: Layers of Fear. It's a horror survival game that's currently in beta release on Steam. You play a Victorian painter who is obsessed with completing his masterpiece painting, and who is also having memory problems and is trying to figure out/remember what happened to him and his wife recently. Gameplay consists of exploring your creepy old Victorian mansion, which is absolutely beautiful (though unsettling in a number of ways). As you make you



In Which the Author Engages in a Rant about a Fender Bender

To the guy that I backed into in the school parking lot this morning: Yes. Mea culpa. I backed into you at a whopping 5 mph and it looks like a 2" portion of your plastic bumper will need to be suctioned out. (Although, after the fog of the incident, I'm suspicious that I even caused that damage, since you have an almost identical ding on the *other side of your bumper* where it would have been physically impossible for my vehicle to have caused the damage). Your overall condescending at



Weird Dream: "The Sleep Time"

I apparently got really cold in the middle of the night the other night while sleeping, because I had a really bizarre--and very scary--dream about something called "The Sleep Time." California was having severely cold weather and extended hours of darkness for some reason, so there was this period of every day called The Sleep Time where you didn't have to go to work or school. Sounds like a pretty good deal, right? No work, no school--sort of like a happy fun-time snow day holiday. Yeah....*



Gawd, Guns, and Gore, or Yee-Haw!...'Murica! -- The Purge: Anarchy

Spoiler warnings, natch. Random thoughts about The Purge: Anarchy: I liked this film more than the first installment, which followed an upper-class family ensconced in their high-tech, uber-fortified (or so they thought) McMansion on the night of The Purge. Check out this clip of their lockdown procedure here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbUTbqwKtEE. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this franchise, The Purge is a high-concept near-future horror franchise which centers around an an



One Bad Ass Final Girl: Erin (You're Next)

**Heads up: Possible spoilers for the following films: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Alien, House of the Devil, and You're Next. The "Final Girl" is a common horror-movie trope that was first theorized by Carol J. Clover in her 1992 book, Men, Women, and Chainsaws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film. And man, having 20/20 hindsight, I wish I had gone a different direction back in my grad school days and specialized in modern film or the new "critical game studies" s



I Finally Outlasted Outlast

Part of my love of All Things Horror (the origins of which I'll probably make a post about soon) includes the horror genre of video games. Like many others, I love to be scared--albeit in a safe, controlled environment. And video games nicely fit these requirements, since I control the dosage and can basically say, "I'm out" whenever I want to (no safety word required...but more about that in another post). I just finished: [Sorry...I need to figure out the re-sizing issues for future posts.]



Micro Flash Fiction, Horror Edition

To kick things off (and since I haven't yet felt ready to relinquish the Halloween season for Thanksgiving, not to mention Christmas), I offer my response to a Writers Write prompt posted on Halloween: "Write your best horror story in two sentences." Enjoy, and feel free to submit your own in the comments. Here's my attempt: Cloaked by the leafy hedge that was half-hidden in the scant moonlight, the axe murderer watched his victim approach, his muscles coiling and ready to leap out. Peering fr



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      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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