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FJ Colorists Unite

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  • clueliss 58
  • Tikobaby 47
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  • iweartanktops 24
  • RabbitKM 23
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  • AmazonGrace 18
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Sorry to hog the blog...



...but I started this on the plane home on Sunday so I decided to finish it. That's it for Lost Garden, for a while at least. I am embarrassed to be posting so many in a few days but, well, I'm doing it anyway. (FJ is responsible for my addiction so it's not my fault.)





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Hog away!

The more I look at this the more it looks like a face to me. That's probably a bit weird.

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1 minute ago, AmazonGrace said:

Hog away!

The more I look at this the more it looks like a face to me. That's probably a bit weird.

Oh no!  I didn't notice that. Now that's all I see!!!  

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Very pretty! Love the dolphins and all the colors are beautiful.  :my_shy:

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I like it (now I also see a face too, weird)!  I don't feel you've been hogging the blog - it's been fun seeing your work from Lost Ocean because I'm colouring pages from there right now.  Although I am slightly intimidated by the amount of colouring you've done recently!

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I love seeing all the avatars at the top and watching both the post numbers and the avatars grow :)

Look at you go with those new markers ;)     My favorite are the angel fish in the middle that are yellow/pink/orange.

I can't see a face.  I'm never any good at those types of things though.

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You aren't hogging the blog.  You're making me feel better about at times posting 2-4 photos in a row.  

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  • Posts

    • JermajestyDuggar


      She’s lying again:


    • Hane


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    • Alisamer


      12 minutes ago, Cam said:

      As for Anna, her spin on it is probably, “Now you (Trump supporters) see how Trump was wrongly convicted, and that’s the same thing that happened to my Joshy Boy!” Oh, she feels somewhat vindicated. Anna sees the court system as corrupt because it didn’t give her the results she wanted. She thinks she’s some kind of expert because she attended her headship’s trial for x number of days and she talked to lawyers. I’m sure Josh’s attorneys told her everything she wanted to hear while they were cashing JB’s checks for Josh’s defense. Ka-ching!

      Yeah I think she is undereducated, sticks to learning only news that supports her views, believes what she's told, and of course has an automatic disdain for the courts because her husband got convicted despite managing to convince her he was innocent.  She posts from a very naive, uninformed perspective. 

      On 6/4/2024 at 4:47 PM, Pammy said:

      I'm very curious about this perspective, which (to an outsider) seems a little too catastrophic to be realistic. Can you help me understand?

      From my perspective, he was president of your country for years, and other than mismanagement of the pandemic and his impact on the supreme court (which were huge) there was no other significant national-level harm. I would grant that if there is another significant world event during a future term of his, he would probably mismanage it badly and people would pay the price... but if there's neither a war nor a pandemic nor a collapse of society: isn't he quite likely to just sit around and bask in the glory of his position, behaving, legislatively, like any other member of his party?

      Why do so many people think that if he gets another term he will be able to successfully change so much of your country's basic legal structure and identity? What has changed so much since his last term? Is the nature of democracy in the USA so fragile/unprotected? (Does the president actually have the power to just rewrite laws about the future of voting etc?) Is there no expectation that the UN, at least, would intervene if the USA began to turn totalitarian?

      I find the rhetoric of 'the other candidate is the end of the world' often leads to an unnecessarily extreme position. If that's not the case here, maybe help me understand why not.

      Once thing I've not heard mention as an explanation to this is the fact it would be his second term. If you look at our presidents, those that served two terms ALWAYS get tons more accomplished in their second term. The first term is partly figuring things out and laying the groundwork (supreme court justices, for example) and assembling a team - but they are also trying to make sure they are re-elected. There is no re-election after a second term, that's it, they're done. So that concern is gone.

      A second term means no real need to compromise, or soften things, or be careful about not alienating voters, since they can't run again for president. Trump's first term, he had no intention of winning and no plan, and no idea what to even do. He did not have most Republican politicians firmly on his side, yet, many of them were opposed to him at first until he managed to get them in a stronghold. But now? His bootlickers are loud and disruptive, he wouldn't have to worry about alienating his base, and he'll feel free to do whatever he feels like doing. Or that his handlers tell him to do. 

      So I don't think it's unrealistic to be concerned. He's already said he wants to be a dictator. People around him already have plans in place to destroy democracy. I would hope that the UN would intervene, but really I don't much know what they'd manage. But the president is the commander in chief of the most powerful best funded most well armed military on earth. If they follow his rule, and he buddies up to Putin and calls in China to help out lest they meet his wrath, what's the UN going to do?

      Honestly I don't think he's cognitively able to do anything too catastrophic on a worldwide level, but some of the people using him as a puppet might be, and he can certainly screw up the US for many decades to come if he becomes president. 


      On 6/6/2024 at 1:47 AM, noseybutt said:

      Meh. The point is that Trump supporters do NOT outnumber the anti-Trump people. Clinton won the popular vote, Trump lost, yet we still got him for president. Most of us would cheerfully accept rule by the majority. The anger is that this is rule by a minority. Trump is likely to win again in 2024 under similar circumstances.

      I hope hope hope he does not win under any circumstances. But yes, the system here is set up to allow the minority to rule the majority which is backward and ridiculous. And the minority (the ones on top, anyway) realize this and want to keep their rule in any way possible. I'd be happy with popular vote deciding the president, and majority rule being the standard. It has problems, certainly, but would be far better than the way things are now.

      On 6/7/2024 at 1:26 PM, GuineaPigCourtship said:

      Obviously it was because it wasn't the RIGHT religion. /s

      This. They want theocracy, but it has to be THEIR theocracy. 

      I think if a Christian thocracy was to happen, things would start to break down quickly, though. Once they'd imposed their rules on other religions, the infighting would start up in earnest. The farther out there versions of Christianity would be squeezed out first (Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. probably followed by protestant vs catholic) and then they'd start in on the picky differences. Because nobody can agree on what a "true Christian" actually is.

      Even within the Duggars, they don't all agree on what the rules should be. Imagine that on a national scale!

      • Upvote 3
    • clueliss


      I wasn't sure where to post this but did a search on the last name and due to YouTube channel found this thread. There's a people magazine online article about Myka and James Stauffer p And a missing adopted child. 


    • Coconut Flan


      4 hours ago, llucie said:

      I am thinking maybe Jason is really deconstructing. I am sure they will still be conservative christians and homophobic, but it is a step forward. The question here is, will Jim Bob be as upset about this as he was about Jill? i am thinking probably not. Double standards for the boys.

      So many kids are moving to conservative vs fundie,that Jim Bob can't pick on them all.  Jill's biggest "sin" to JB was making him accountable for the money.  That's JB's true god. 

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