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25 Years of Journals



I received my first journal as a Christmas present in 1990. I was nine years old. I have kept a journal off and on since then. I didn't write consistently until the mid-2000's though. I've never kept a journal with the purpose of writing my deep thoughts or anything like that. I've always just kept it more as a log of my day to day life. Needless to say, all 9 of my journals so far have been quite dull. I don't really mind though. I'm not much of a writer....to say the least. For the past year, I've been keeping a "line a day" journal. My husband and I were just laughing about my entries because they are all so similar - "Henry slept in today. He didn't want to nap. Lazy day. Went to Costco. Took a bath. Watched Drunk History." No, I am not joking. That's seriously what my current journal looks like. I think many people would find this odd but obviously I don't really care. One of the main reasons I keep a blog these days is because my memory is awful. I wish I'd kept a journal like my 'line a day' one for my entire life.

I get a little freaked out thinking about my past because so much of it seems to be a blur now. It makes me quite sad. I can vividly remember some things but others have almost completely disappeared. I get worried when I think that some day, days like today will just be completely forgotten. I suppose it's not that important in the big scheme of things since today is just a regular day. But that doesn't mean I want it to be erased from my memory. How much of my son's life, for example, will be a blur when I am older? As it is, I have a hard time really remembering what he was like as a baby....and he's only 2 now!

Recently I was thinking about college. I did write in a journal a bit during that time. Though I have to say, most of it is about the crush I had at the time (well, 2 of them.) I wish I'd written more of the day to day stuff because again, it's a bit of a blur. And then sometimes I'll get little glimmer of a memory. But it will be incomplete. Example - I remember being at a party. I remember a dark-ish basement. There were Christmas lights strung up on a wall. Loud music. But where was I? Who was I with? It's not like I was black out drunk or something. It's just that I apparently didn't commit that night to memory or something. It's bizarre. It makes me feel uneasy.

So because of that...I've been trying to write in a journal often. Even if it's just mundane, day to day things...like what I watched on t.v. I am also so thankful for digital cameras. I think if I'd had one in college (and when I was even younger,) I wouldn't have such a hard time remembering things. I probably have less than 100 photos from my college years. Quite different from now. I take literally thousands and thousands of snapshots every year.

Anyway...I just can't believe that come December 25th, it will be exactly 25 years since I started writing in a journal.

Here's a photo of all of my journals from over the years (because why not?)....


Here are my first two entries back in 1990. Yep.....


First one says - "I had Megan over to spend the night. We played Guess Who about 10,000,000 times." 

Second one days - "I played Guess Who with my sister after my sister, my mom, and me went shopping. I got rock candy and earrings."

Here's another random entry....this one from 1992....it really showcases how super exciting my journals have always been...haha!


It says - "Last night I got sick so I didn't have to go to school, but it doesn't matter because school got canceled. It was too icy." (Side note, I am pretty sure that was the last time I ever vomited. Seriously.)

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I see journals all the time at places like Michael's and they call to me (because I really like paper and tablets and stuff like that), but then I think what the heck do I have to journal about.    I'm not really a "write deep thoughts" kind of person and since I'm pretty much restricted to a recliner right now all my entries would be like "worked on FJ, watched some netflix, colored" day after day after day.

I'm kind of intrigued by your "line a day" thing though.  Is that a specific type of journal or do you just write one line about your day each day?  Is this a "thing" that has webpages I could read on it or just something you do yourself?

I'm glad to see you decided to start a blog, btw :)

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I like to prayer journal.  Although I come and go from it.  I'd been thinking of that lately.  And I used to keep a writers journal due to a creative writing class I took.  I do more of that on the computer now though.  

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I see journals all the time at places like Michael's and they call to me (because I really like paper and tablets and stuff like that), but then I think what the heck do I have to journal about.    I'm not really a "write deep thoughts" kind of person and since I'm pretty much restricted to a recliner right now all my entries would be like "worked on FJ, watched some netflix, colored" day after day after day.

I'm kind of intrigued by your "line a day" thing though.  Is that a specific type of journal or do you just write one line about your day each day?  Is this a "thing" that has webpages I could read on it or just something you do yourself?

I'm glad to see you decided to start a blog, btw :)

The line a day one is this - http://www.amazon.com/One-Line-Day-Five-Year-Memory/dp/0811870197/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1447873852&sr=8-1&keywords=one+line+a+day

It gives a few lines for each day of the year, for 5 years. Each date has it's own page. You just write whatever you want. I have always loved going back to old journals to see what I was doing on today's date, for example. So it's kind of nice that I can have 5 years all together.

Mine is VERY repetitive. But oh well. I still enjoy doing it. :)

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I'm kind of intrigued by your "line a day" thing though.  Is that a specific type of journal or do you just write one line about your day each day?  Is this a "thing" that has webpages I could read on it or just something you do yourself?

They do sell specific 'line a day' journals, at pretty much any major bookstore & probably craft stores, I'd expect. They do no good for me; my journal writing tends toward the rambly :)

I'm not sure there's much in the way of reading on it, but if you search for 'line a day journal' on Amazon you get many results, including ClaraOswin's specific journal.

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Thanks @ClaraOswin and @Bragandbounce  I like the looks of the linked one.  I'm going to take a look at the ones available and put one on my wishlist for the next time I order from amazon.

Now that I looked at it, I can think of all kinds of little things it'd be nice to have a record of down the road.

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Looking through journal options, I found this one http://www.amazon.com/Day-5-Year-Journal-Potter-Style/dp/0307719774/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1447876057&sr=8-5&keywords=line+a+day+journal

It looks like this one might be fun.   You answer the question at the top of the page each day for a year, then start over and answer them again the next year, rinse and repeat for 5 years.

Being able to see your last 5 years at a glance like that might be sort of cool.

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A question a day. That's a good idea! I should show that to my husband. He bought a line a day one but I think he got bored of it and rarely fills it in now. He probably would have liked the question one better.

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I've seen ones that are like a doodle a day too, and that works in very well with my coloring hobby :)

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They do sell specific 'line a day' journals, at pretty much any major bookstore & probably craft stores, I'd expect. They do no good for me; my journal writing tends toward the rambly :)

I'm not sure there's much in the way of reading on it, but if you search for 'line a day journal' on Amazon you get many results, including ClaraOswin's specific journal.

I am quite rambly at times too. I am keeping a regular journal in addition to the line a day one for that very reason. :)

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I liked seeing all your journals lined up. :my_smile: My old ones were always just spiral notebooks. When I got a little diary with a lock, I kind of lost interest. But I like to use my calendar as a simple log. No television watching, but lots of shopping trips. Now I want to go find a spiral notebook and find out if I have anything to say. 

I know what you mean about the days blurring together. Awhile back I wrote a poem that started:

"Each day
Is gray
Drawn with a blunt pencil"

Glad you started your blog. 

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    • katilac


      3 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

      What restaurant is serving venison? Wild game meat is not allowed to be sold in restaurants. 

      They're in Scotland, so the rules are different and they can serve wild game there under certain circumstances. 

      Regardless, though, game meant does not have to equal wild game meat. I have easy access to restaurants that serve bison, venison, rabbit, alligator, boar, turtle, elk, lots of different game. 

      6 minutes ago, Melissa1977 said:

      Isn't she in Europe? I think it's a common food in some countries and the meat comes from farms.

      It's a common food in America, and yes, the venison at restaurants comes from farms/ranches.

      • Upvote 1
    • Melissa1977


      3 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

      What restaurant is serving venison? Wild game meat is not allowed to be sold in restaurants. 

      I also don't know what king ranch chicken is, but it sounds like it involves ranch dressing, so that's a no from me. 

      Isn't she in Europe? I think it's a common food in some countries and the meat comes from farms.

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    • RulerOfTheQueensNavy

      Posted (edited)

      On 5/18/2024 at 9:40 AM, ptm6114 said:

      I’m also curious if Liberty, or anyone in her family, is aware of how much VF teachings/christian nationalist/quiverfull bs aligns with with Nazi Germany.

      NPR posted an article a few days ago how children in Gaza are dying from their injuries when they could have made a full recovery. Because they have no supplies to treat the wounds, etc. Liberty vaguely tiptoed around the subject in her post. Could you imagine if they took all the money used to celebrate the DDay 80th anniversary and sent supplies to the children in Gaza? But then they would have to forgo the drinking and celebrating. Bert wouldn’t be able to receive the attention and validation she missed out on from her parents as a child.


      I'm sorry, but D-Day still deserves remembrance and has nothing to do with Gaza.  None of the money that rightfully goes to the memories of those heroes at Normandy should have anything to do with Gaza.  If you want to get money for Gaza, cry to the extremely wealthy nations like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, etc that don't give a flying f*#K about their brothers in Palestine. 

      Liberty Philips is a grifter, but don't let that take away from our heroes and what they have done. Don't take even a cent away from the 80th remembrance of D-Day and the unbelievable courage heroes had to fight evil during that time.

      Edited by RulerOfTheQueensNavy
    • Maggie Mae


      What restaurant is serving venison? Wild game meat is not allowed to be sold in restaurants. 

      I also don't know what king ranch chicken is, but it sounds like it involves ranch dressing, so that's a no from me. 

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    • JermajestyDuggar


      11 minutes ago, treehugger said:

      The other cafe probably breathed a massive sigh of relief after they left.  Hey guys, look, apparently ignoring customers you don't want to serve does work! 😅

      In all honesty though, people with the enormous amount of privilege Braggie has should be bastions of positivity. Instead she is the most negative human I've ever run across.  What arrogant twat. 

      You bring up something I often think about. I hear people all the time saying, “wow they are so nice!” When talking about rich people. As if they expect all rich people to be rude. And it just mystifies me that so many rich people are like that in order to cause that prevalent a belief. Rich people should be the nicest folks yet that’s often not the case. 

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