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FJ Reviews & Recaps

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  • crazyforkate 304
  • Maggie Mae 97
  • jinjy2 35
  • MarblesMom 33
  • Curious 9
  • GolightlyGrrl 8
  • kunoichi66 2

Meet Our Bloggers: kunoichi66



Live in Scotland, unlikely to move.  May be developing gills.

I studied classics, but my interests range far and wide beyond that, in both practical and theoretical subjects.  I am very interested in religion*, and also in the workings of the human mind - why people think the way they do, why they act the way they do.  These things are probably the main reasons for me being so interested in (and, needless to say, horrified by) fundamentalists.

To be perfectly honest, my first forays into the world of fundamentalism (though I didn't realize it at the time) was through the blogs of ladies who wrote about modesty in dressing.  I was looking for ideas on the internet on how to dress up long skirts, since I had just made the switch to wearing them, and wasn't sure on what to wear.

At first - ah, the way it snares you! - I thought that the blogs were quite nice, in their own way.  There were more biblical references than I was used to seeing on a daily basis, but it would be a funny world if we were all alike, as they say.


I began to notice the other postings on the blogs.  The ones about hating QUILTBAG people, about judging those who were not like the bloggers themselves.  I started to realize that these 'Christians' were full of hate and spite for others, and that I wanted no part of that.

And the rest, as they say, is history!

I'll be focusing on the mental aspects of fundies - their adherence to gender roles, their 'education' and so on.

*I'm usually drawn immediately to the heretical\non-mainstream religious ideas and groups first, which probably says more about me than I should really want people to know.  I guess I'm not a follower.  Oooh, fundies would HATE me.


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  • Posts

    • Mrs Ms


      Going by apparent comfort levels with each other, I would have guessed 2 brides and a male attendant 😂 

      (Not implying same-sex attraction in the slightest, but that in typical fundie tradition, the couple has clearly followed the “don’t think about sex or be alone with anyone of the opposite sex that you could do it with” to such a degree that they look awkward together, no matter how much they might actually be attracted to their new spouse)

    • Mrs Ms


      The astonishing thing is, is that offering to bake cookies is the most active thing Artemis has done to raise money since I started following them!! 
      Baking cookies once a week or even once a month and selling them locally would have been an actual income and might have been enough to cover for some of the stupidly low costs that managed to surprise them EVERY fucking month. :pull-hair:

    • postscript


      For someone who despises dancing, Gary seems to do a lot of quasi-dancing during his sermons. That picture with his arms outstretched bears a strong resemblance to Tevye in a community theater production of Fiddler on the Roof. I wouldn't be surprised if he burst into a rousing chorus of "Tradition!" 

    • thoughtful


      Looks like Gary enjoyed the experience, and Donald felt the need to shout about it:


    • thoughtful


      I kept getting interested in the Rod thread when I took my breaks from cleaning, and taught a piano lesson in there, as well, but I think I have time to tackle some of Gary's inspiring words before bedtime.

      This morning, Gary preached at Zion Hill Baptist Church in Murfreesboro TN. That means that Becky had to ride for about 83 miles each way, rather than the usual 42 to Family Baptist.

      The video is almost three hours long, but don't be alarmed, from the 52 minute mark to the end, the service was over. A man in shorts and a woman in a skirt above her knees (I bet Gary was not happy about them!) chatted for a while, the lights got turned out, but the camera was still on for another two hours!

      As the video starts, Gary is already into his message, so I don't hear his bible reading. But the first sentence I hear tells me it must have been Job. Gary just loves Job. Suffering, persecution, boils, dead children - right up his alley.



      Gary says, about Job: "We got a man here that's had his world turns upsahd down. Now, here's the title of the message: When Your World is Turned Upsahd Down."

      He talks about the things that turn a person's world upside-down - in his case, his mother's final illness and death. He says he misses her more now than when (well, of course he says "whenever") she passed. He talks about the fact that they are without a pastor - he doesn't know who God will send to them, but he tells them "don't quit," and comes down from the pulpit to pace.





      "Ah know that - ah know how it is; mah daddy was a church planter, an' stuff lahk 'at, an' ah know how this works out an' everything, but listen hey, when the - what is it - when the cat's out playin' around, th'm- when the cat's gohn, th'mouse go t'playin', amen?"

      :cat: 🐁 :wtf:

      He looks at the back of the church and says, "Y'all c'mon in." Someone must have been hesitating due to that bizarre cat and mouse statement.

      He babbles about how persecuted Jesus was, and the church still is. He says he's going to give them some examples of people whose worlds were turned upside down (from the bible, of course), and "show you that they done it, we kin still do it in 2024, amen? Turn t'Ginisis, chapter 41. Ginisis, chapter 41. Ginisis, chapter 41, look in verses, uh, 40 - uh, let's see here - verses 41."

      I'll meet you there tomorrow, to hear all about Fay-row and Joseph.

      • Thank You 1

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