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Other People's Sense and Nonsense (and a bit from me)

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Off I go...



"  'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."              --Abraham Lincoln

Excellent advice that I've rarely been able to follow. I lurked on FJ and promised myself I didn't need to be able to post. And here I am: posting, updating my status, commenting on blogs, and now starting my own. What am I thinking? (Sarcastic smile.) 

Here's one I used to write in the front of my notebooks in college, especially for the classes with lots of papers to write:

"Originality does not consist in saying what no one has ever said before, but in saying exactly what you think yourself."     --James Stephen

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I've been liking your posts a lot - I'm glad you delurked.

Love that James Stephens quote.

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Thanks! I always liked that one a lot. 

I discovered FJ last May, along with all the rest of the invasion force. My path from lurker to poster was a bit weird, but right now I need to shovel some nutritious food into Thing 1 & Thing 2 before they go beg for candy. Happy Halloween!

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