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I'm not sure why I decided to start another blog when I have a number of personal ones that are long neglected, I hate blogging and I have to try and figure out what to post on the FJ Blog as it is, but in a fit of apparent insanity while at my dr. appointment yesterday, I decided starting this blog was a Great Idea (tm).

We have been talking about coloring in various places on FJ lately and one of my status updates sparked a bit of a conversation about it and I decided since I color like it's my job right now, I might as well share the information I have about various supplies and show off my creations for the occasional head pat ;)

I'll probably post other stuff from time to time based on something shiny I saw or some random thought I have, but for now I plan to post mostly about coloring since it's my current jam!

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This is gorgeous!!  I'd love to see a regular coloring book blog just for the photos alone, but reading others ideas and inspiration always makes me happy.  There are so many ways coloring books keep me out of my own head and distracted when needed, so thanks, Curious!

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Thanks @violynnkelly    I have always loved to color and had kids coloring book and crayons around the house as long as I can remember.   So I've been really happy that it's become a "thing."  

People no longer roll their eyes at me for coloring AND there are so, so, so many coloring books to choose from now.   I admit I have a bit of a coloring book addiction right now.

I do color very regularly so I'm using the books I get, but I have an embarrassingly large collection of books/supplies.    It's a relatively cheap (since you buy over time) hobby and it keeps me off the streets and out of trouble ;)

It's been a real lifesaver for me since I've had my surgeries and have been relegated to essentially living in a recliner for the last few months.

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Thanks @violynnkelly    I have always loved to color and had kids coloring book and crayons around the house as long as I can remember.   So I've been really happy that it's become a "thing."  

People no longer roll their eyes at me for coloring AND there are so, so, so many coloring books to choose from now.   I admit I have a bit of a coloring book addiction right now.

I do color very regularly so I'm using the books I get, but I have an embarrassingly large collection of books/supplies.    It's a relatively cheap (since you buy over time) hobby and it keeps me off the streets and out of trouble ;)

It's been a real lifesaver for me since I've had my surgeries and have been relegated to essentially living in a recliner for the last few months.

I'm picturing your coloring supplies keeping you from becoming Pinky Tuscadaro...the tough talkin' girl with a heart of gold, leader of her gang... (and some super jazzy hot pants!)  



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I'm picturing your coloring supplies keeping you from becoming Pinky Tuscadaro...the tough talkin' girl with a heart of gold, leader of her gang... (and some super jazzy hot pants!)  



PINKY!!!!  I loved her SO much with the Fonz!!!  :thumbsup:

I've got to find out what happened to my old "Sit On It" t-shirt  

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