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MarblesMom Recaps The Chat

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Wednesday Wackiness



The Republican Debate and the must needed drinking game... someone promised some guidelines for the next one ... Jager... "PUKING JESUS" ... fundie faves... worst rabbit holes.... sweet, sweet, tea and 420... weather around the world.... best beer discussion.... Trump's Hair (The Entity).... Hall Pass Hotties.... Tumblr porn blogs... childbirth stories.... stretch marks.... followed by breast milk spraying and boob size discussion.     A lively Hump Day for everyone  :)

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How do I always miss the porn???  I gotta figure out a better plan lol


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Cannot believe I missed sweet, sweet tea and breast milk spraying!  Curse you, Perry the Platypus!  

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Funny, I didn't realize it was hump day and we were talking about hall pass lists. So appropriate. 

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Ya'll are tempting me to check chat out.  But I am grounding myself from doing so because Sunday is November and that means writing and I won't write if I am chatting.  

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I knew "puking Jesus" was coming back to haunt me! *blushes* :)

Just in case anyone wonders - the "puking Jesus" thing is my fault. I was that Catholic child who vomited in church, trying to get the wafer out of my throat. It tends to stick to the roof of your mouth and can be tricky to dislodge. I have a very finely honed gag-reflex, so using fingers triggered that. Since Catholics believe in transubstantiation, i.e.: the wafer literally becomes "the Lord"- I puked out Jesus. 

If you know the movie "Angela's Ashes", imagine my relief when I saw that, and realized that I'm not the only one who's had that happening to her! 


P.S.: In the meantime, I talked to my dad. Turns out, I remember it wrongly. None of the adults around me were concerned about "the Lord", in a puddle of child vomit. They were worried about the seemingly sick child.

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  • Posts

    • TrueRebel1


      37 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

      I just can’t see it working out. She seems to love her freedom Now way too much. She has Lauren her BFF servant, her parents right down the road, plexus to sell, a house she seems to like, and her kids to keep her company. What’s this guy offering? Sex. Hmmmph. You can get that without marriage. 

      Yup. She'd have to give up a lot of freedom and selfishness to actually make a blended family work. Like, how is this really going to go down? Does she kick Lauren out of the house and start doing her own work? Or does she, Lauren and Eric and various stepkids all live together without her changing her lifestyle? I can just see it...."Bye honey, Lauren and I will be back from the beach next week! Don't forget to remodel the bathroom while I'm gone!" 

      I mean, probably the most mature choice they could make is to be unmarried neighbors with benefits.

      I think Shoshanna knows how much singleness agrees with her, but my guess is she can't resist the power play of 1) Being very desired by a man/being able to play with their heart, and 2) Sticking it to James that she's still a catch. 

    • Giraffe


      I'm sorry what the son went through. I'm happy he's pushing back on her lies. I hope her other children see that and have the courage to go kn their own healing hourney. As of now Kristen, Bethany, and the one who's married to the Ukranian come across as sanctimonious and alt-truth (and anti-questioning) as Heidi. 

      I'd love to hear Kristen & Bethany's take on their brother. Even if they're not as close with their mom as they were when they were younger I could see both of them avoiding their brother at all costs and telling everyone he's delusional. 

    • JermajestyDuggar


      9 hours ago, TrueRebel1 said:

      It looks like Shoshanna could have wedding bells...umm, "biblical marriage" bells... in the near future with her flame, Eric. He just posted that he's moving from PA to TN (Shoshanna's state).  

      I just can’t see it working out. She seems to love her freedom Now way too much. She has Lauren her BFF servant, her parents right down the road, plexus to sell, a house she seems to like, and her kids to keep her company. What’s this guy offering? Sex. Hmmmph. You can get that without marriage. 

      • I Agree 2
    • LillyP


      I watched the interview on the Unplanned Podcast, and I'm actually really surprised at how much they said. Jeremy talking about how most of their outings were double dates with Jessa & Ben because he was a grown ass man who wasn't going to be taking a 10 year old kid along on a date with him. Not gonna lie that one had me laughing. Or what a joke it was how they had all these rules for courtship, and the irony behind if you need all these "rules" and chaperones you're not a good person and they shouldn't want her courting him to begin with (which has always been my personal argument too). Talking about the imbalance of kids raising kids. Maybe I was reading too far between the lines, but the whole interview gave me the impression that while they were placing the blame on the institution, I very much felt like there were tons of digs at JB & M. I just think that Jessa is smart enough to know she wants to maintain a relationship with her siblings, and in order to do that she cannot publicly bash her parents outright. Coming out and openly speaking about how bad the IBLP and the way she was raised, is basically calling her parents out without flat out naming names. 

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    • HereticHick


      16 hours ago, Bluebirdbluebell said:

      Another thing/problem with MLMs is that for a lot of people they become a bubble. They start selling it's going really well. Then the bubble bursts and they lose a lot of money/if not all of their income/money savings.

      If Plexus is paying for the Paul family cars, then those cars will be the first to go if the Plexus bubble drops.  Or if the family doesn't sell enough, Plexus will stop paying the bills. Those cars seemed to be leased and they will go fast. They might even lose their home.  Hopefully, they're saving for rainy days.

      They own at least 2 buildings in town & they have a cottage on their property that they rent out, and they host weddings and supposedly offer trail rides & similar "farm experience activities." Although to be honest, it doesn't look like they have a lot of business. Considering its wedding season, the only wedding that they seem to have hosted is their daughter's.  And considering that Amy seems to Instagram every damn thing on a daily basis, she's only mentioned 2 rentals in the last couple of months, and no mention of trail rides or other visitors to their "plantation"

      tldr: They have other businesses, but so far it doesn't really look like they are generating enough income from those to maintain their lifestyle & pay their property taxes. I have no idea if they have an mortgages. Amy & her husband both served in their Air Force* & may be collecting pensions at some point, if they aren't already. They may also be eligible for military health care & insurance (and shopping at military facilities--such as in Pensacola.)

      *Ironically, their eldest son hasn't joined the military & I wonder if they would allow their daughters to do so. Yet another example of fundy Christian parents with training, job skills & education who raise their kids to have less of those things.

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