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MarblesMom Recaps The Chat

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Kids, what have you learned tonight?



Bridges, tunnels, grocery stores, sex toys mishaps, preppers, sushi, how LA sucks, etc. and apparently placenta face masks. 

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The chat is great. It's like thread drift on steroids. <3

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Wow - I shoulda been there.  Except I don't know about those face masks :my_sick:  LOL

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This is awesome - like super succinct cliff notes!  (No pop quizzes though, right?)

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  • Posts

    • Ozlsn


      14 hours ago, TrueRebel1 said:

      I mean, probably the most mature choice they could make is to be unmarried neighbors with benefits.

      I really wonder if this is what will happen in some way. Either Eric or Lauren as the neighbour.

    • JDuggs


      Joy posted a video about Gunner choking on a piece ham and rushing him the hospital. He had already thrown up before leaving for the hospital, but he seemed so out of it, they thought something still might be wrong. They were at Austin’s parents’ camp so they were an hour away from a hospital, so that’s why they didn’t call an ambulance. He’s fine now.

    • JermajestyDuggar


      This fundie dad tried to have the bio parents of 5 of his kids killed because they were becoming a problem. I hate how this article makes this fundie couple out to be these perfect Christian savior parents. 


      • WTF 1
    • MargieB


      They have raised $1736.00 and Art still says they need more money for vet care and shipping.  $1736 seems like it should be enough to move them and, if they cannot afford to care for their cats, they should give them to someone who can.  They cannot even support themselves, let alone pets.

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    • Smee


      Have we seen/heard from JB much lately? Maybe he's just losing his grip on ALL of the cult. 

      I tend to think Jason doesn't GAF what JB thinks of his girlfriend's modesty standards and after the past few years he's probably figured out JB can't tell a 24 year old man who he is and isn't allowed to date.

      On 6/10/2024 at 11:24 AM, JDuggs said:

      If I have the right girl, it appears that her mother is an educator with advanced degrees and her dad was on the school board. It looks like this family is actually invested in public education. I hope this means Jason’s future kids might get to go to school.

      Even if they do homeschool, it'd be night and day from how the Duggar kids were taught. If she finishes her education degree then she'll likely be a capable teacher, whether she teaches a class full of public school kids or her own brood.

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