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Once Upon A Time Episode 402: White Out



They Shoulda Brought A Blowtorch

We open on Elsa shoplifting her sister’s necklace from Gold’s then walking down the street in her fancy Frozen gown. Everyone else is dressed normally, but the citizens of Storybrooke don’t seem to notice. They also don’t notice when Elsa vows that no one’s going to leave town until she finds Ana, but that’s probably because Elsa is not very good at being sinister. She just looks adorably pouty.

In the Enchanted Forest past, Ana arrives at the peasant Charming farm. Charming wears a very bad wig and we find out that he has been friends with Kristoff for a long time. Ana lies to Charming, telling him her name is Joan. (Get it? From that scene in Frozen?)

Then, here comes a fancy carriage. It’s THUG BO PEEP! She’s come to shake down the peasant Charmings. I don’t know why, but somehow I just love her. It might be the accent or the flouncy gown or how scared Charming is of her, but she is a laugh and a half.

In present-day Storybrooke, Henry makes a care package for Regina but she cuts him off by way of a raven at the window bearing a “leave me alone†message. I like how it’s Snow who has the bird land on her arm, ‘cause that’s her thing, ya know? Henry mopes about his evil mom not wanting to see him because she’s moping about her boyfriend of three days going back to his ex-dead wife.

And that’s when the lights go out. Charming and Emma head out to investigate and come upon the ice wall.

Back at Snow’s apartment, Granny, Grumpy, and Happy come to complain about the blackout and basically tell Snow “Your curse, your problem. Fix it.â€

At the ice wall, Hook meets Charming and Emma and they discuss the wall, who might have done it, and why. I like Hook’s delivery when he says whoever it is wants to “…kill us all one by one. That’s what I’d do.†Very jaunty. Hook flirts shamelessly with Emma who doesn’t care. Charming wants to know Hook’s intentions with his daughter. Emma is the only one who seems to be dealing with the whole wall-of-ice situation. She goes behind the ice wall and introduces herself to Elsa.

In the Enchanted Forest past, Bo Peep continues her thugishness, demanding payment or she will make the peasant Charmings her slaves with her shepherd’s hook of death. After Bo Peep leaves, Ana pep talks to peasant Charming about fighting injustice and overall not being a pussy. She offers to teach him how to sword fight.

Back at the ice wall, Charming and Hook screw everything up by charging after Emma, frightening the skittish Elsa and causing her to seal herself and Emma inside the ice.

Up until this point, I’ve thought these actors have been really good. They’ve made me believe that they are freaking fairy tale characters! But in this case, it looks like Josh Dallas and Colin O’Donoghue just couldn’t get on board with the story line. It’s like, “We’ve already pretended to talk to fairies, climb beanstalks, and slay dragons. But the ice wall is just too much.†I mean Hook claws at that wall and makes pronouncements about not giving up. As my teen daughter would say laaaaaaame!

Back in Enchanted Forest past, I find it hard to believe that Ana can teach peasant Charming the necessary sword skills in one day. Peasant Charming agrees with me. But Ana pretty much calls him a pussy again. So Peasant Charming feels the need to bring up a sob story about his alcoholic father. (I’m thinking the dad became an alcoholic because he couldn’t get over the guilt of giving away peasant Charming’s twin, but who knows?)

Next comes my favorite part: Snow, Granny, Grumpy, and Happy are at the Storybrooke power plant. Granny complains about her “iffy clams,†the others join in complaining and postpartum Snow loses it. The best line: “I’m starting to get why Regina was evil! It wasn’t her, it was you! You have survived your entire lives without light bulbs. Buy a flashlight!†Go Snow! You don’t mess with a nursing mother.

Inside the ice wall, Emma is, of course, cold as she gets to know Elsa and her story and guesses that Elsa can’t control her power. When Elsa finds out Emma has magic that she can’t control either, they share a bond and an impromptu therapy session. But meanwhile, Emma’s going to freeze to death.

Meanwhile Charming and Hook go to Gold’s for help. They tell the newlyweds about Elsa and Ana and the necklace at which point Belle pulls out an index card with a photo of said necklace. It seemed too convenient to me the first time I saw this that the picture should be right there. But now I’m thinking maybe they knew the shop had been burglarized and were going over inventory of what was missing? I don’t know. I’m grasping at straws here. Charming looks at the photo and remembers “Joan,†because you don’t forget a girl who calls you a pussy.

Charming sets off for the butcher’s store cleverly called The Chop Shop, where Storybrooke Bo Peep is hacking away at some meat. She threatens him with her knife by quoting Al Pacino “Say hello……†but never gets to finish her thought about her little friend because Hook grabs her from behind. They steal the crook just in time to get a walkie talkie transmission from Elsa. Oooooh noooos! Emma’s freezing to death!

In the Enchanted Forest past, apparently thug Bo Peep brings her own gazebo with her when she’s extorting money. She poses prettily beneath it while demanding her pay. Instead of paying, peasant Charming starts a sword fight which he wins even though it is totally unrealistic that he would have mad sword skillz after only one day of practice. But whatevs. We move on. Peasant Charming finds Ana and he blabs on about not being trapped in a life he doesn’t want. Ana seems to be the Tony Robbins of the Enchanted Forest.

In Storybooke, Hook and Charming bring the shepherd’s crook to the ice wall. They walkie talkie Elsa who says Emma’s freezing. Oh, for god’s sake! Hook is hooking the ice again. Charming tells him to knock it off and gives Elsa Ana’s motivational speech. Lo and behold Elsa finds it within herself to melt the ice.

So that crisis having been averted, Charming says he’ll help Elsa find her sister. I said it! I said last week that the Charmings would want to help and I was right!


Back at the Storybrooke power plant, Snow fixes the electricity by somehow relating it to nursing her son. Ok, I’ll go with it. Girl power!!! (See what I did there?)

At the Charming apartment, Emma warms up and Elsa whines about how she lost a sister…..lost her necklace…. Blah freaking blah. Charming shows her the shepherd’s crook and says that’s how they’ll find Ana.

In Enchanted Forest past, as Ana takes her leave from the peasant Charming farm she asks peasant Charming mom where to find someone to help with Elsa’s magic. Momma peasant Charming points her in the direction of Rumplestiltskin. Peasant Charming gives Ana his father’s prized steed. And Ana rides off into the sunset while Rumplestiltskin creepily watches her through a magic snow globe.

In Storybrooke present, the shepherd’s crook doesn’t seem to be working. It’s not showing our heroes where Ana is. Then they hear a heartbeat (which I don’t hear. Is there a sound effect I’m missing?) Emma says this means Ana is alive. I’m worried it might mean that she’s walking around with an empty chest cavity while her heart is in Regina’s vault.

Snow comes in looking confused about the stranger in her living room. Charming gives a speech about how they, as a family, Always. Find. Each. Other. Because they don’t like to give up. Hook, Henry, Elsa, and Emma all take from this what they will. Henry goes over to Regina’s and repeats the “not give up†thing. Regina lets him in, they hug, and all is well.

At the ice wall, Emma praises Elsa for her ice wall building skills (pours it on a little thick, I think). Elsa tries to take down the wall, but finds she can’t. We meaningfully cut to the town ice cream shop (Any Given Sundae, hee) where Grumpy’s getting a cone and we find that a character who’s going to be the Snow Queen has kept her ice cream unmelted during the blackout with magic.

Next week, (well tomorrow, it’s been hectic here, couldn’t get to it sooner) it looks like the Ice Queen freezes Marion. Even though I was mad that the writers ruined the Robin/Marion tale, I don’t like the Marion character. So I’m okay with this. To talk about this episode, go to the forums at http://www.freejinger.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=13046&start=40


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  • Posts

    • JermajestyDuggar


      I really hate the fancy appliances that companies put out these days. Like the fridges with a touch screen on it. Like why does my fridge need a touch screen? Wtf? 

      • I Agree 1
    • Mrs Ms


      1 hour ago, Ozlsn said:

      And it probably won't leak!

      Or at least won’t need a technician to fix…

      • Upvote 2
    • Ozlsn


      2 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

      I also think braggie's fridge is dumb. It comes with a pitcher for water. Great. I can buy a $35 pitcher with a filter and fill it in the sink and get the same result.

      And it probably won't leak!

      • Upvote 2
    • GreenBeans


      1 hour ago, Maggie Mae said:

      I guess I'm just a little confused if we are talking about the same thing. Because a place with dedicated staff, display cases, and seating sounds like a bakery to me, more than a bake sale.

      No, it typically takes place in a church hall or gym or a cafeteria at school or a community center. It’s not a permanently set up bakery, but these kinds of locations typically have some tables and chairs in a back room to put out and a fridge in the back, sometimes even plates and cutlery and a dishwasher. The “staff” are just volunteers who come out for the day. So you have one person making coffee, one handing out cakes, one handling payments and one in the back to get new cakes from the fridge, cut them, bringt them out etc. It’s all very much improvised and nothing like a real cafe or bakery.

      9 minutes ago, Mrs Ms said:

      but it is super common here and would be front page news if someone got food poisoning anywhere in the country from one. 

      Agree. I’ve never heard of food poisoning from a bake sale, ever. I know it makes sense to have all the hygiene regulations in place for professionally run businesses. But for charity bake sales, apparently they’ve been doing fine without those for decades here. It’s just not an issue.

    • Mrs Ms


      52 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

      They aren't completely wrong. Inflation IS making it hard for everyone. Wages aren't and haven't matched inflation in a long time.  However, economics is a complex topic and there are a thousand reasons why food, housing, and basic supplies are more expensive. [snip long paragraph of stuff no one cares about] 

      The "I truly don't know what we are going to do" is ridiculous. I have a suggestion. 

      Get. A. Job. 

      Like every other person who wasn't born into the 1% (and even they have jobs.) Plenty of people are struggling with mental and physical health and still go to work. Go sign up for a temp agency. There are tons of jobs that are just one or two days - company needs someone to catch up on filing. Company Y needs someone to sort out some boxes. Company Z needs someone to fill in and answer phones for a week. It's money that can help.  I can't see how someone who has experience with public speaking, can write coherently, and operate computers and basic software couldn't keep a job. I see people every day who don't email, can't figure out websites, don't know a browser from a bulldozer. Unemployment is at like 4%, everyone is having workforce shortages. We've hired so many terrible receptionists and had an administrative assistant who called out 25% of the time and we still worked with them. 

      So in the US, a bake sale is usually something put on by a group - like the French club wants to go to France, or the Band needs to raise money to get new uniforms, or a church group wants to raise money to send to a natural disaster type place.  They are low-key -usually, people donate some brownies or cookies, and it's just a couple of card tables in a hallway or on a sidewalk somewhere. They aren't going to buy glass display cases and set up a storefront. Maybe in areas wealthier than mine? 

      Not only is that a waste of money that they need to get to the fundraising goal, it also would open up a ton of liability and be against the law. Restaurants have to follow very specific laws - they pay $$ for their building, for commercial equipment. The employees go through either ServSafe or Food Handlers classes or both. 

      They have to carry certain types of insurance (commercial liability, liquor liability if they have a liquor license, music licensing if they have music, property insurance, car insurance if they have commercial vehicles, excess/umbrella, etc. ) They have to renew licenses and undergo extensive permitting.  They have to submit plans (all of which come with a fee), every time they change things.  Everything is inspected and regulated-  seating, business plans, outdoor seating, signage. It's extremely expensive to start a restaurant and I don't know why anyone would want to, the margins are so low. They require so many employees and there is so much overhead. 

      The bake sale where some kids sell each other cosmic brownies at lunch a few days a month is one thing, but setting up a permanent location where you ship orders, or operate what appears to be a bakery that skipped the legal process is another.  

      I guess I'm just a little confused if we are talking about the same thing. Because a place with dedicated staff, display cases, and seating sounds like a bakery to me, more than a bake sale.

      And more so than the unfairness of a charitable group being able to operate an unlicensed business at a lower cost than a business that invested heavily and paid for the right to be able to operate, we are talking about food and food safety. Which should be regulated because foodborne illness can kill people. 


      No, definitely talking about the same thing. Both the places I was involved with in Germany ran it like a cafe/sale hybrid during the school fairs or the open days and had space to store the cabinets during the rest of the year. Plus enough people to bake things and then have people staff it during the day. No clue how other places handled things.
      At my kids school here in NZ we do a similar cafe/bake sale hybrid in one of the classrooms for the school fair. The rest of the year, any of the classes wanting to raise extra money for camp or so do a straight bake sale just outside the staff room (which has a kitchen.) A parent or teacher will pre-cut any cakes or slices, a teacher will supervise the cash and the kids serve the baking. Covid has definitely made covering things and wearing masks more of a thing!
      As we are a food allergy family, it’s not my favourite, but it is super common here and would be front page news if someone got food poisoning anywhere in the country from one. 

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