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Another Bright Lights Mally Newsletter



There's a thread on this but I believe it's been achieved

and I've decided that I would rather blog these instead.  

link to the thread.

In short - I used to co-teach Bright Lights.  A program for girls written by Sarah Mally.  I've had to listen to records with both Grace and Sarah Mally speaking.  And I'm perpetually on their email list.  

I've gone back to church recently and discovered that Bright Lights has died out.  The person I cotaught with who championed it let it die when interest waned and her own daughter graduated from high school.  I am severely glad.  


I'm going to put this behind the spoiler because it typically comes over with the graphics when I copy from my email.  But don't miss "The Wood Story" from Papa Mally.  And Oh dear, they did 'outreach' at an NEA conference.  I bet that was interesting.  There is also an upcoming events section - they're going to be in Pheoenix at the end of the week.  



Dear Friends,
Greetings from the Mally family and Bright Lights staff. 
The Wood Story (By Harold Mally)
When I was 11 or 12 years old I wanted something.  I discovered that my grandfather had some wood stored under his porch, and I wanted it.  By wood, I mean lumber.  He had a big stack of some nice lumber under his porch that he was saving for future use, and I really wanted to have some of it.  I wasn’t thinking of stealing it of course.  I just wanted it, and I was hoping my parents would ask him if I could have some. 
My intent for this lumber was that I wanted to build a fort, or maybe it would be better called a hideout.  Well, I was at a stage in life when I was interested in such things and big enough to think I could build it.  I really had my heart set on this idea—but—I didn’t have any materials.  We had some tools at our house.  I knew how to use a saw and a hammer.  But I didn’t have any lumber.
There was a problem though regarding my interest in my grandpa’s wood.  I don’t remember the precise obstacles, but my parents weren’t very cooperative.  Either they didn’t want to ask for it, or they didn’t want to go through the effort of bringing it home, or they didn’t think I needed it, or something like that.  Anyway, I was unhappy.  Actually, I was more than that.  I was irritated, upset, crabby, pouting, sad and grumpy. 
So one day we drove to my grandpa’s house, and I stayed in the car because I was unhappy about the whole matter.  And then something happened that changed everything instantly.  I went from being unhappy to happy; from being grumpy to being joyful.  It all changed in a flash.  The miracle that brought about the change was quite surprising to me.  It was a thought.  I don’t remember if I prayed or not, but the Lord brought to mind a new thought.  It was this:  “If the Lord gives me the lumber, it’s mine, and if He doesn’t give it to me, it’s not.  And if He doesn’t give it to me, He must not want me to have it for some reason.”  This simple thought made me content.  I was satisfied to be content with whatever the Lord arranged.
This may seem like a very insignificant story, but the fact is that it affected me enough that I remember it after all these years.  I never did get the lumber, but I was content with that.  It never bothered me again.  There is another end to the story though.  Years later I learned that the lumber was Oak. At 11 or 12 years old, with a hand saw and hammer and such hard wood, I wouldn’t have gotten too far with my project. :-)  
“John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.” – John 3:27

Young Ladies Summer Ministry Reports
First “Speak Truth in Your Heart” Conference
This conference, held in the Dallas area, was a special time of rejoicing in the Lord for what He was doing. It seemed like the concept of replacing lies with truth really “clicked” for many girls.The need is great for young ladies to be replacing faulty thinking with God’s Word.  

Bright Lights Conferences
The conferences in St Louis were another highlight of the summer. Not only did the Lord provide fantastic hosts in the Whisler family, but He brought together a very godly team of leaders. Several attendees shared with us of the struggle it was to get there, and the enemy opposition they felt, but it was encouraging to see the Lord have the victory that week. Praise God! Thank you to all who were praying.  

Camp Ministry 
Sarah spoke for a week at Story Book Lodge Christian Camp on being strong for the Lord in our youth, and Grace spoke to high school girls at Kansas Bible Camp on witnessing. They both really enjoyed the more personal and intimate settings of these camps. One girl told Grace that she appreciated that the teaching on witnessing was something she could be putting into practice at her school or in her hometown. She said, “Now I realize what I should be doing all the time!”

Summer Evangelism Reports
NEA Outreach 
We were thankful for the opportunity to help Answers in Genesis at the gospel booth at the NEA convention which was held in Washington DC this year. Praise God for good discussions with many skeptics. On our way home, we stopped at the Ark Encounter to volunteer for a few days as it was opening. We had the surprise opportunity to witness to a group of atheists who were protesting the Ark encounter. But we will have to save that report for the next newsletter. :-)  

Witnessing Workshop
We held a Witnessing Workshop in Cedar Rapids on August 5-6 as extra training for those who would be coming to help at the gospel booth at the Iowa State fair the following week. On Saturday we took everyone to Iowa City to practice witnessing, hoping we’d find enough people to witness to, and—praise God—a “Soul Fest” was happening downtown, and the area was packed with people. We all came back for pizza and were thrilled to hear many stories of divine appointments.

Iowa State Fair
The Creation Evangelism Training camp (August 15-19) combined with witnessing at the Iowa State Fair was an amazing time that truly exceeded our expectations. Many who came to the camp commented on how helpful it was to receive training and have the opportunity to put it into practice that very same day. At the gospel booth at the fair (run by Answers in Genesis) about 75,000 gospel tracts were given away and there were hundreds of substantial one-on-one gospel conversations. Witnessing together at the fair provided hours of encouraging times learning from each other, coaching, and sharpening. Each day we were overwhelmed as we shared stories of how we had seen the Lord’s miraculous working and guidance, and rejoiced in what He had done. We are grateful to Tony Ramsek (from Answers in Genesis) for all the excellent evangelism training and coaching he provided, both at the Witnessing Workshop and the camp. We heard much response from attendees by how they were helped by it. You can view his messages here: https://vimeo.com/tramsek

Upcoming Conferences
Speak Truth in Your Heart Conference near Phoenix, Arizona
We are excited to announce a Speak Truth in Your Heart Conference in the Phoenix, Arizona area, October 28-29th. Based on material from Sarah’s new book (not finished yet), this conference challenges girls to identify the lies which are the root issues behind struggles they face. From the beginning, Satan’s strategy has been to use deception. This is why we must be well grounded in the Word of God. Many girls try to change their wrong actions, but never learn to discern the wrong thinking behind the actions. Often struggles in our spiritual lives are intensified because we don’t know the Lord and His Word well enough! As girls replace lies with the truth, they will see how God’s Word will transform each area of their lives as the truth sets them free. The conference addresses topics such as a girl’s emotions, purity, her view of God, and a proper view of herself in light of the truth of Scripture. When a young lady learns to “speak truth TO herself,” she is building her life upon an unshakable foundation that will resist even the most powerful attacks of the enemy. 
Leaders Encouragement Retreats
We are very excited to announce that we have scheduled Bright Lights Leaders' Encouragement Retreats in seven locations around the country this fall and winter! These retreats are for past Bright Lights leaders, current leaders, and for young ladies or moms who are considering starting a group in the future. We pray these will be a time for leaders to get better acquainted, and to be refreshed and inspired.
It will be a time of fellowship with others who have a heart for reaching young ladies and a chance to glean and share wisdom with others who have experience in discipleship ministry.
Retreat will include:
Bible study through the book of Philippians
Group discussions—sharing ideas and discussing challenges
Encouraging videos to watch together
Prayer times and lots of fellowship with likeminded sisters!

Locations and Dates:
Franklin, North Carolina (October 28-29) hosted by Hannah Booth
Hortonville, Wisconsin (September 30-October 1) hosted by Hannah Rocke
Livingston, Montana (October 7-8) hosted by Cheyenne Wolf
Mason City, Iowa (October 29) hosted by Jennifer Huang
St. Louis Park, Minnesota (November 4-5) hosted by Amanda Engelmeyer
Sumas, Washington (January 5-7, 2017) hosted by Anna Kirk
Corona, California (January 20-21) hosted by Amanda Dautrich
More locations may be scheduled soon.
Registration is free. If you are leading a Bright Lights group or are considering starting one, you may want to attend the retreat closest to you.
Online Resource of the Month 
50% off  Bright Lights Leaders Manual Download (reg. $10) and Leaders Training Audio Download (reg. $20)
The Bright Lights Leaders Training material was developed to equip young ladies or mothers who would like to begin a discipleship group for younger girls in their area. Leading a Bright Lights group will give training and experience in the most comprehensive fundamental of ministry: how to “disciple.” This conference gives practical training in discipleship, teaches key principles of ministry, shares insights about how to reach the hearts of younger girls, and includes lots of helpful ideas. 
The great commission is not “go and make converts,” but “go and make disciples!” (Matt. 28:19-20) Unfortunately, many Christians are unsure about how to fulfill this calling. Many have never been discipled themselves, and have never been taught how to disciple others. The pattern we see in Scripture is for older women to teach younger women (Titus 2:3-4). We believe this can and should start by older girls teaching younger girls. When a young lady begins a Bright Lights group or another discipleship ministry, she is usually the one who grows the most as she leads the younger girls by her words and example.
Ages 10-14 are often a turning point for young ladies. Decisions made at that time greatly influence their entire lives. Girls need guidance from the Word of God and vision for ministry. When a godly older girl takes a loving interest in them and encourages them in the Lord, it makes a strong impact on their hearts and lives! This training will help equip and encourage older girls to do this.
The 50% off promo code can be used for the Leaders Manual Download and Audio Download. This offer will be honored on our online store through October 31, 2016. At checkout, use promo code: download2016. 
Prayer Requests

Pray for Bright Leaders to be encouraged and more groups to start as a result of the Leaders Encouragement Retreats.

Pray for the book Sarah is writing on the topic of “Speaking Truth in Your Heart.”

Upcoming Schedule

October 28-29, 2016 – Speak Truth in Your Heart conference (Phoenix, AZ)

February 3-4, 2017 – Speak Truth in Your Heart conference (Camp Berea, Morelia, Mexico)

March 31-April 1, 2017 – APACHE homeschool convention (Peoria, IL)

April 7-8 – Answers for Women Conference (Florence, KY hosted by Answers in Genesis)

June 2-3, 2017 – CHAP homeschool Convention (Lancaster, PA)

God bless you and your families!
The Mally Family and Bright Lights Staff, Nickie Biegler, Bekah Hicks, David Rodgers, Haley Skrnich, Emily Selander, Shelby Rathke, and Hannah Sandersfeld

Tomorrow's Forefathers, Inc.
945 7th Ave
Marion, Iowa 52302



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I was exposed to their materials too. Recently, I came across a the Prince Charming book, and lo and behold, the list of endorsements are totally out-of-date and cringeworthy.

Did you see the latest blog post about the Sarah Mally's recent speaking engagement? Has it been discussed here?

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I did not see anything about a speaking engagement.  I suggest starting a thread.  

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Posted (edited)

@clueliss.  Can you unearth the last thread and add to it?  I'm afraid a blog will be over-looked.  (A mod can move the thread on request, I think, if it is archived.)

What can I say? The Mallys and Bright Lights intrigue me and I'd like to get more people focused on them.

Edited by Palimpsest
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Facebook just scared the crap out of me.  I cross posted this under Fundy encounters.





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And they have 'gifted' me with another stunning newsletter.  Let's see - how to testify/win souls at the Iowa State Fair, speaking schedule including Michigan, Cincinnati, and Mexico (for which some of us are truly sorry).  Will Our Generation Speak is a book by the way - I believe my copy made its way to ye olde dumpster.  Grace has a new blog post.  Oh hey 3 minute video out there.


This email contains graphics, so if you don't see them, view it in your browser.

Dear Friends,

Greetings from the Mally family and Bright Lights staff. 

Living the Love Song (by Grace Mally)

I know I should ask her forgiveness, but that’s the last thing I feel like doing at the moment, I thought. I was still upset, and I did not have any desire in my flesh to humble myself! But I knew that’s what the Lord would want me to do.

Then I had another thought: This is a special opportunity to say “I love you” to Jesus.

Our submission to the Lord when it’s extra tough must be especially meaningful to Him, don’t you think? Humbling ourselves before others, even when we feel they were wrong too, is one of those “tough things.”

We sing to Jesus, “As the deer panteth for the waters so my soul longeth after You ... You alone are my Strength, my Shield. To you alone may my spirit yield …” But singing a love song to Him is one thing. Living the love song is another.

What a great treasure we have in this reality: Jesus has actually given us ways we can truly love Him back for all the love He has shown us. Can you imagine if there was no way to demonstrate your love for the Lord? If there was nothing you could do that He would appreciate? Can you imagine having all this love for Him and then no way to express it?! I’m so glad that He gave us an “outlet” for our love for Him. In fact, He gives us plenty of ways to express it! He said, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments ... This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you” (John 14:15, 15:12).

And we can take joy in knowing that He sees the struggle of each act of obedience. He knows when we are doing the last thing we feel like doing. And He knows when we are doing it “as if we were sending a love note to Him.” If our prayers are like incense to Him (Psalm 141:2, Revelation 8:4 ) how much more our obedience (2 Corinthians 2:15)!

Humbling ourselves before our brothers and sisters in Christ, saying we were wrong, taking the blame, and being “the loser of the argument,” are some of the hardest things to do. But guess what results? Love. Strengthened relationships. Joy. Glory to Jesus, and pleasure to His heart.

All over the globe God’s people are laying down their lives out of love for Christ. In light of their sacrifices, we can certainly join their number in a lesser way and do “that hard thing” before us, whatever it is, as unto Him. “We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren” (1 John 3:16).

Office News:

2017 Bright Lights Conference Schedule  
We are excited to announce our upcoming Bright Lights conferences in the Cincinnati and Detroit area this July. See information here. If you’d like to help us spread the word, please email and ask for our promotional email, or use the image on this post for sharing on Facebook or Instagram.

Iowa State Fair Outreach 
Grace produced this 3-minute video about the Answers in Genesis gospel outreach at the Iowa State Fair last year. See additional stories and reports on Ken Ham’s blog. This outreach was a huge blessing to believers and unbelievers alike, and we pray that many more will volunteer to help at the booth this year.

TESTIFY Training Camp 
August 10-14 we will be running a 4-day (4-night) training camp, together with Tony Ramsek from Answers in Genesis, to equip believers in witnessing. The camp will be held simultaneously with the Iowa State Fair, at a location about ten minutes away. After witnessing training sessions in the morning, we will drive everyone over to the fair where we will put into practice what was learned together! We ran this camp last year and were blessed by the sharpening fellowship. It was so encouraging to see the Lord’s hand in putting it all together. See more information on our flyer. More pictures and details from last year’s outreach and camp can be seen on Grace’s blog post about it. Register here.

Testimonies From Campers Last Year:
“It’s encouraging to be around so many Christians who want to share to gospel.”
“Very encouraging and helpful training in sharing the gospel.”
“I realize that I am given the responsibility to share the gospel and the Holy Spirit does the work.”

Prayer Requests and Praises:

We had a wonderful trip to Mexico in February. Grace documented it here. Our good friends the Clarks and their team did an amazing job hosting everyone at their camp (near Morelia) for our “Speak Truth in Your Heart” conference. We were moved with joy to learn that girls and moms had driven from all over Mexico—even up to 16 hours—to attend. This demonstrates their THIRST for discipleship in the Lord. Praise the Lord for what He is doing! We’ll be returning to do the same “Speak Truth in Your Heart” conference in Torreon, Mexico and Monterrey, Mexico (still tentative) this September.

Grace was grateful for the opportunity she was given to speak on “Sharing the Gospel with Confidence and Grace” at Answers in Genesis’ Answers for Women Conference last month. Her message is available for download on the Answers in Genesis website.

Online Resource of the Month: Will Our Generation Speak? Study Guide and Handbook  

Available this month for $5.00 (retail $14.00)
162 pages, by Grace Mally

“… provides much-needed training in evangelism that upholds the authority of the Bible. It teaches Christians to boldly proclaim the gospel and defend biblical truth. I heartily endorse it.” – Ken Ham

“Expanding on her extremely effective book, Will Our Generation Speak?, Grace Mally manages to not only give deeper insights into the principles of biblical evangelism, but through this new exhaustive study guide and handbook, she continues to present powerful, gripping, and transformative truths. This excellent resource is calculated to greatly inspire and equip all who study its pages.”– Ray Comfort

Although this study corresponds to the chapters in Will Our Generation Speak?, it was not designed to merely produce discussion about the book, but also to provide a “trail to discovery” of what Scripture teaches about evangelism. It includes many short articles on topics such as “How to Use Evidence,” “Keys to Boldness,” “Building Relationships with Neighbors,” “What about the Sinner’s Prayer?” and “Tract Tips.” It also includes over fifty cartoons drawn by Mr. Mally and examples of gospel sketches and illustrations.

This study guide is recommended for high school and college groups, personal Bible study, family study, or for a homeschool Bible course in evangelism.

Often we hear from young people who are excited about witnessing, but they feel alone. Their friends from church do not share their enthusiasm. They easily become discouraged. For us, we have found that it helps so much when the Lord provides a team to come witnessing with us. The accountability helps, the prayer helps, the encouragement helps, and doing it together makes it easier. In addition, when we have a witnessing outreach on the calendar, it’s harder to back out! In the New Testament, we often see believers sharing the gospel in pairs. Our prayer is that individuals who have a heart for evangelism will lead this study with a group and form a witnessing team.         

This offer will be honored on our online store through June 30, 2017. At checkout, use promo code: studyguide2017 (Please note: This price is not for resale.)

Upcoming Speaking Schedule:

June 2-3, Lancaster, PA CHAP Homeschool Convention
July 21-22, Cincinnati, OH Speak Truth in Your Heart Conference
July 24-25, Bloomfield Hills, MI Strong in the Lord Conference
July 27-28, Bloomfield Hills, MI Speak Truth in Your Heart Conference
August 10-14, Des Moines, IA Testify Training Camp
September 2-3, Torreon, Mexico Speak Truth in Your Heart Conference for ladies
                           Torreon, Mexico Just Men Conference for men
September 8-10, Monterrey, Mexico Speak Truth in Your Heart Conference (tentative)

God bless you and your families!
The Mally Family and Bright Lights Staff, (I removed names here)
Tomorrow's Forefathers, Inc.
945 7th Ave
Marion, Iowa 52302




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2 hours ago, clueliss said:

blessed by the sharpening fellowship

This sounds painful!

Thanks for posting the newsletters.  These folks really get around, don't they? 

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  • Posts

    • SassyPants


      9 hours ago, Gobsmacked said:

      The worst case of this was at Anne Franks house 2 years ago. Everyone respectfully murmurs - same as in a library. A group of high school aged children were running through the rooms and watching stuff on mobile phones with the volume on. Not one teacher said anything. They were there! 
      A few visitors did have a word with them. Things didn’t improve though. 

      The most tense place I have ever been is a Holocaust Museum where several people were being disrespectful and a brawl broke out right next to me. This was maybe the 3rd HM we have visited. I told my husband that’s enough. No more of those. I know what happened and have seen enough. 

    • Howl


      Whatever the results were for the recent scan...if it was showing the cancer shrinking to nothing, they'd be shouting the good news from the rooftops, right? 

      My recent experiences with MRI were that the results were read by the radiologist and posted in the patient portal within a day or two and I assume other scans would be equally speedy. 

      Shalom posted an Instragram story: "Microbiom[e] plays a role in healing from cancer"  

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    • Hane


      @Columbia, thanks for digging up that account! I remember that depressing saga as if it had happened yesterday. IMO, Bradrick! has many, many miles to go before he's able to redeem himself.

    • SassyPants


      Today she is in cargo type pants that are form fitting with her shirt tucked in. She doesn’t look obviously pregnant.

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    • Jasmar


      5 hours ago, Columbia said:

      Kelly was supposed to be the shining example of how stay-at-home-daughterhood was the perfect prescription for a young woman to seamlessly move into courtship, marriage and motherhood. She spoke at one of the VF Father-Daughter Retreats, she wrote articles for Vision Forum, the magazine carried a book she wrote about her grandfather in WW2, she had a big section in Return of the Daughters (starts around 26:60.) Their wedding was a huge event, and Doug Phillips made a big deal out of seeing their first kiss at the altar (I believe this indescribably weird photo came from that wedding.) I've always thought this was a good overview of her life within Vision Forum.

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      I don't think so. They ran their own little "family ministry" on the side and frequented the conference circuit. One of the daughters also wrote occasionally for Vision Forum.

      Isn’t the infamous Wide Stance photo from this wedding, too? That one still makes me laugh til I can’t breathe!

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