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Baby Thor

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Kitten = Toddler. With claws. & Teeth.



He's a wild kitty. He know when it's bedtime but is way to interested in holding on to our noses with his teeth to go to sleep. Yes. He just holds them... but it still kinda hurts. :my_biggrin: 

So he does the cat thing of running up & down the hall at break neck speed singing the song of his people whilst scratching at the door. Oh & he really likes boxes (naturally).

Did I mention he's a total slut? When he wants to be cuddled it's all purrs & kitten flops. 




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Yes, kittens are toddlers...and cats are 2 year olds! He's getting so big and so adorable and so naughty. He KNOWS he's a spoiled little dude and plans to take FULL advantage of it. Go for it dude...you've got your hoomans right where you want them. 

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One of my mother's cats is a 14 year old Siamese, & she still acts like a kitten sometimes. In fact, she takes great pleasure in tossing things off of my mother's nightstand and onto the floor. When she does this, Mom calls her "You son-of-a-bitch!", but she means nothing by it. It's all in fun. 

Their cats are spoiled rotten & treated very well. And so are the wild animals that they feed outside, too, but that goes without saying.  ;) 

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I love that the box that is full of squishy kitty parts is labeled " Good Stuff". 

He certainly is good stuff!

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Darn it, BBB, you took the words right out of my mouth...filthy unsanitary habit. (g)

Moar pictures! Are you going to dress the CatBrats up for Hallowe'en?

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Kittens - tiny, clumsy, ninja killer toddlers that purr. 

Also, I would like to announce that Mela'sCats get dressed up in costumes every Halloween and I plan to share the photos

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our cats are called @$$holes. Luke was trying to fight with Leia...Leia jumps to the top of the curio...we laugh and call Luke an @$$hole. Right now Leia is snuggled up with her papa and Luke is on top of the cat tree where he thinks he's invincible. 

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My Charlie is affectionately called YouLittleShit because when he was a baby he would chase feet while we walked, among other typical kitten mischief.  Lately his trick is to sabotage the jigsaw puzzle on the table.  

But I'm with BBB and Samira--everyone should have a box-o-cats labeled Good Stuff!

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I would love to dress them up, but the older ones just get pissy & pull it all off. If we can catch Thor in a calm mood we're going to try some bat wings! Not sure how it's going to work out but if it does there shall be pictures!

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There is no way my little idiots would allow me to dress them up. Leia won't even keep a collar on. I mean, I'll put a collar on and it's GONE in hours. Luke...well...he has had the same collar since he was a baby, he doesn't give a shit. However, this is also the cat that rolls off the top of the cat tree...

We were entertained this morning by watching Leia "explain" to her brother that she wasn't going to put up with his crap...IOW, he was being a jerk, she kicked his ass...it explains the tufts of hair on the carpet. Sibling rivalry...it's a beautiful thing. 

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    • Vivi_music


      13 hours ago, Meggo said:

      I am an American living in Canada - and cannot even express how distressing it is to find SO MANY Canadians that support him. I know I live in a very WHITE part of a very white province (which we didn't realize when we moved here - it didn't factor in) but are you KIDDING ME? People around here seem to really like Trump because he's a good business man (uh - how many failed businesses?) and he "tells it like it is" and supports their rights. (you live in Canada! He's not supporting YOUR rights at all!!)

      I know some Canadians support him. In fact one of my good friends (at the time) I went to college with is now a very far-right winger and spouts out some crazy pro-trump rhetoric on social media. That being said, I do not think he and other Trump supporters are very big in numbers. At least not in my area.

      And I don't get it either. We have a direct look at the US, as one of their closest neighbor. Politics are such a mess south of the border. I don't know why would anyone wish to emulate that here.

      PS: @OldFadedStar I wouldn't be surprised if Trump TRIED to extend is mandate though. That man doesn't believe in democracy and the vote of the people and that is scary as hell.


    • JermajestyDuggar


      Braggie had a shitty international experience. No surprise there. She seems to only post all the problems. But honestly most people have some issues when flying overseas. 


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      Elishaba posted that after seeing a few more specialists for advanced testing, it seems her tumor is a less aggressive type than originally diagnosed. It sounds like it's still serious but she has a longer life expectancy and a slightly higher chance that it will respond to chemo. Good for her, she deserves a little good news.

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    • Columbia


      4 hours ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

      That grift is never going to end because after the W2 veterans have all passed on there will always be more veterans -- Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan, whatever comes next.

      I think those are going to be a little more difficult to romanticize than WW2. And harder to lead tour groups there, too.

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