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Worldly Distractions: The Simpsons 25.12 - Diggs





So the Simpsons did something weird this week - after a month's hiatus (Sochi, Oscars, other stuff), they aired two shows in a single night, something I guess they need to catch up before the season ends in May. This means that tonight I'm going to attempt the impossible - three recaps in one crazy night. Can we do that? Pfft, I'm no amateur. Let's get going!

Leprechaun billboard, Bart draws his family tree in the classroom. As the family sits on the couch, we get an insane (and beautifully ugly - IT MAKES SENSE, PEOPLE) scene by Sylvain Chomet, responsible for the magnificent French film Les triplets de Belleville. The family even speaks French and eats paté, though Lisa quickly liberates the goose. They can't find Maggie. Homer is eventually revealed to be sitting on her. (She's fine.) I usually adore the guest couch gags, and think it's one of the few good things about the later season. This one is no exception. Short, sweet, and drawn in impeccable style, it's a great addition. Now let's hope the episode measures up.

Rev. Lovejoy is boring everyone as usual, but he introduces an Indonesian guest speaker, who reports tales of a terrible illness in his home village, which affects all the adorable children with which he has just won over the congregation. Lovejoy accidentally insults the speaker and uses the opportunity to take a second collection. Bart, of all people, is won over by the children's plight and begs his mother for some money. Unfortunately, Marge is all out and Homer only has twenties. Bart eventually wheedles his father into giving him some cash, on the condition that it is paid back. Thus his good deed for the year is accomplished.

By the time the collection plate is in the aisle, Homer asks for his money. In fact, he won't let up, obsessing over it to Hitchcockian levels. He even talks about it in his sleep. Bart is pretty down about it, obviously (no good deed goes unpunished), and vents to Milhouse. In desperation, he announces to the school that he'll eat anything for money. He winds up consuming any number of gross things, including drugs from Otto. As a final act, prompted by Jimbo, he decides to eat one of the dissection frogs. Lisa protests, citing not her animal-rights beliefs or the significant health risks involved, but his ensuing social status. Bart swallows the frog, collects his money...and winds up in the hospital from formaldehyde poisoning. Homer, meanwhile, has forgotten that Bart owed him anything. Fortunately, Dr. Hibber then starts up the "Where's my money?" routine with him. 

However, Bart's troubles are far from over, as no one will sit with the gross frog-eating kid. He becomes a pariah in every way possible, and a bullying victim to boot. However, just as Jimbo, Dolph and Kearney close in, Bart is saved by - a falcon of all things. Okay, Simpsons writers, you can tell me - did you write this when you were drunk?

The falcon belongs to Diggs, who is played by Daniel Radcliffe, who previously appeared as an Edward Cullen knock-off in one of the Halloween episodes. Also, he can manage a surprisingly good American accent. He is a recent transfer student who has secretly revived the school Falconry club. Eh, my school had weirder, so I won't begrudge that. He also wants to be left alone, just like Garbo. However, he does let Bart in after consulting with his birds. This gives Skinner high hopes for the Esperanto society.

Bart is so interested in his new friend that he arrives late for dinner, a first in Simpson history. We get a glimpse of Bart and Diggs enraptured by the birds. At home, Homer assumes that Bart is sneaking beer, and is very proud of the boy. He is sorely disappointed to hear that Bart was just enjoying nature, while Lisa is weirded out.

Bart's falconry lessons continue. Awesome 70's-style footage plays, showing us a montage of their hijinks. I have to say, the animation in this episode is excellent, not even counting the couch gag. They sit in a tree while Diggs recites poetry and Bart stares in awe. Just then, Diggs' really weird side comes out, and he jumps from the tree to the ground, injuring himself badly.

While visiting Diggs in the hospital, Bart reveals that he's adopted Freedom the Falcon as a pet, though Grandpa thinks it's a Korean masseuse. Diggs shows him his cast, which he's signed himself with all sorts of celebrities and fictional characters. I caught a screencap because it's just that awesome - "Clare Quilty" alone made me do a double take:


Diggs confesses that he jumped because, caught by the vision of the bird, he theorized that maybe people could fly, but had just forgotten how. Bart begins to suspect that maybe something's off. Another doctor comes to see Diggs, and he is taken to another hospital - mental, I assume. In fact, Marge confirms this right away, and gently evades Bart's requests to visit him. Homer, in turn, suggests that he look up Milhouse again. Lisa is on Bart's side, however, saying that though Diggs has issues, he's still a good friend.

Bart continues the falconry, though his heart isn't in it, and submits to the bullies' taunts. However, they find him just too sad a target and quickly move on. However, Diggs is waiting in the falconry room, out on a one-day pass to attend a local competition. Bart is a little frightened, but agrees to go with him.

The competition has its usual Springfield motley crew, including Comic Book Guy (sans new wife?) and Mr. Burns, getting his talons sharpened. While Diggs prepares Freedom for the competition, he and Bart plot to let all the falcons loose, Free Willy-style. For some reason he gets away with it. Well, that was a non-plot. He heads back to the hospital and passes the Falconry Club to Bart. Before he goes, he thanks Bart for being his friend, and leaves the boy alone. Fortunately, Milhouse is always waiting.

Marge cooks a bird, and everyone's a little scared. It's "just a duck", though, so everyone digs in while Lisa rolls her eyes. The credits come up over piano music.

So, this episode. Um. First of all, it was interesting to have only an A-plot, with nothing on the side involving Homer's wacky adventures or Marge's perpetual discontent. It made a nice change, as those episodes become increasingly rare. The treatment of mental illness was a tad problematic, but had some honest moments, especially with Lisa's support for her brother and Diggs. The falconry was a gimmick, nothing more, and overall the episode didn't really hang. However, Diggs did prove to be pretty interesting, and Radcliffe did a bang-up job - seriously, he was great. I also really liked Bart's portrayal this episode, avoiding the stereotypical brat and much more nuanced than usual. Overall, it was pretty poor, but marked by some real upsides. On to the next episode - and let the snark take flight!

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  • Posts

    • Xan


      The egg apron is a deal breaker for me.  That was just an insult.  "You think you deserve a gift?  I'll show you your place!"

      And I'm a little bit tired of the social media scolds.  If they didn't put their lives on the internet, we wouldn't have opinions.  They did so we do.  If most of us think that he's a bully, he probably is.  I guess it's another case of the husband being so full of himself that he was sure the interview would show him in a good light.  It didn't.

      • Upvote 1
    • Xan


      I always find these Trump fantasy worlds very bizarre.  He's never in a nice suit meeting a world leader or even in a fireman's suit saving a child from a burning building.  It's always some fake macho outfit and, in this case, driving a car with a Confederate flag on it.  Their heroes don't seem that heroic.

    • JDuggs


      On 12/22/2023 at 11:51 PM, JDuggs said:

      It looks like Micah is in a relationship, or very good friends, with this Florida realtor Veronica Peters. I’ve seen photos of them together on Micah’s IG, but I always thought she kind of looked too old for him. Maybe not.

      This was on Moriah’s IG:

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      And this was on Veronica’s personal IG and professional IG:

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        Hide contentsimage.thumb.png.bfaa9a4a2ac77388067acef5c5afb81c.png


      Quoting myself from six months ago. I think this really is Micah’s girlfriend. She doesn’t seem quite as public about their relationship as she did back then.

      This photo of Veronica didn’t get copied over from my old post.




      • Upvote 1
    • JermajestyDuggar


      There was a post on social media talking about this recent interview with Ballerina Farm and asking what people think about some of the things in it. So many commenters were like, “it’s her business! It’s not your life so why do you care?” This is the type of thing that bugs me to no end. Ballerina Farm posts their lives willingly! They post their children’s lives! Of course people will speculate and care! If they didn’t put their lives all over social media none of us would know anything about them. 

      • Upvote 1
    • LongTimeLurkerOG


      On 7/25/2024 at 6:47 PM, LilMissMetaphor said:

      Just FYI in case someone missed it the first time round, this is what Art wrote on Reddit a year ago addressing some of the concerns that were brought up.  It's very telling if you read between some of the lines.

      "I don’t lie or make fraudulent claims to get money. That’s what a grifter is. I’ve closed all previous fundraisers and not all of them were successfully funded – for instance my legal name change and wedding fund did not get funded, so I still haven’t had a chance to do those things.

      I’m unable to work for a variety of medically supported reasons. It’s not okay to ask disabled people for proof of their disability simply because it’s medical information. To entertain the question is to concede that it’s okay to go ask other disabled people for their private medical history. It’s a common misconception that people pretend to be disabled for benefits or monetary gain, but it’s rare and doesn’t really make sense to do because benefits and fundraising add up to so little.

      I have been going to Seattle to look at possible places to live because it’s literally unavoidable, and I’ve been in severe pain because of it. That doesn’t mean I could do manual labor on a consistent basis. I don’t even drive, so I’ve had to cover gas and ask friends for help with rides.

      Have you ever tried working at a call center? I have. They’re severely strict and demanding, and incredibly demoralizing without paying much. They’re not an accessible alternative for people who can’t do more demanding manual labor. “Get a job like the rest of us” is ableist and is a fundamental misunderstanding of how accessible jobs are. It’s no better than yelling it at someone panhandling on the street. The supposedly “easy” or “low-skill” jobs are still difficult to do.

      I do use what resources I can, but it’s a total myth that there’s a robust social welfare system anywhere in the United States. If there was, we wouldn’t have so many hundreds of thousands of homeless people here, with millions more just a few missed paychecks away from joining them.

      The toxic mold was confirmed. My partner is literally terminally ill from it. If you read the actual updates, the name of the illness and the research surrounding it have been detailed. We have a letter from the pulmonologist that we sent to the landlord explaining that the environment my partner was in was causing the illness. Again, you’re demanding medical proof that you have no reason to ask about. Some things can’t just be washed out.

      I am as clear as I can possibly be about specific needs so that people know what they’re helping to support. I have said again and again that people shouldn’t give unless they can spare it and want to help. I even said that in the post linked to in this comment thread. My patreon is explicitly to support my writing.

      So why am I still fundraising and making money off telling my story? Because I literally have no other real options. I’ve been formally diagnosed with PTSD, it’s not “alleged trauma.” If it was working all that well, I wouldn’t have to keep detailing my needs.

      The real grifters in our society are billionaires, not poor disabled people. You sound like you just hate us for trying to exist."

      I remember reading this before. Well, they can take all their reasons and Stop. Grifting. Plenty of people with disabilities work and /or receive assistance (as I mentioned previously, my exPOS, who has disabilities so I'm familiar with a number of options and money). Some family, have / had disabilities. I've been an advocate for services and staff training (and provided training) for Years with previous positions - because it matters to me. So, yea, Artemis get. a. job. 

      57 minutes ago, Ozlsn said:

      Art lists manual labour and call centres. And that's it. Not any jobs they could look at involving writing, from editing to writing student essays for money (yes it's dodgy but people do it). Not even playing video games for money (get character to a level where they have cool stuff for someone.)  Nothing about remote work, which there is more of now, and not even entry level white collar work.

      On the one hand I agree with them that the social support is inadequate, and that detailing your medical needs shouldn't have to happen - but they just grifted nearly $5000 to move and for a holiday, and with the amount of effort that took they probably could have held down employment of some description and to be honest would probably be better off.

      So many WFH/remote legit jobs now. Hell, you can play games on your phone and earn gift cards; donate blood and get gift cards. I knew a homeless couple that donated plasma for higher amount g.c.

      Absolutely! The amount of money; it's disgusting. And that amount of effort... At some point, even we don't want to or circumstances we don't want to deal with and adult, because... We're adults! Plenty of things I want to ignore or not deal with, just have go away but persevere because the alternative... not an option.

      2 hours ago, Bookworm1564 said:

      My all-time favourite Art post is the one where they say “Just for today, you can double the impact of your support with this opportunity” as if this was the moment we were all waiting for.

      Like a sale for limited-time-only 🤣

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