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Baby Birdies came out to play!



Yay, the baby birdies at my mum and dad's came out for the first time today. I missed the first 3 but managed to get there in time for the 4th to come out. First pic is mum calling baby out of the nest. Second pic is mum trying to coax baby out. Third pic is baby looking right at me. Fourth pic is baby in a bush after it was brave enough to fly for the first time. The pictures do not show just how teeny tiny the baby birds are, when I left my mum and dad's there were at least 2 or more babies still in the nest. We looked online and found that the babies will stay with their parents for 2 weeks after they first leave the nest then all the birds will leave and not come back :-( I hope to be able to see them a couple more times before then and try and get some more pictures.




Screenshot_2016-06-05-19-37-15 (2).png

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Oh, how exciting!  What species are they?!  :tw_love:

The speed at which birds grow just absolutely astounds me.

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They are Blue Tit's @SpoonfulOSugar, the parents started building the nest in the bird box in April so it is very fast growth!

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So cute!  Great job getting pics of them!  :bird:

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Thanks @Tikobaby, I'm so pleased I was able to be there and get some pictures of them, I only go to my parent's twice a week so thought there would be no chance of seeing them. I sat in the garden for 2hrs just watching the bird box and taking as many pictures as possible, think I ended up with 15 or so pics and only 2 or 3 were dud's!

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I do a lot of backyard bird photography and I know it can be tricky to get those good shots. Takes time and patience. Am so glad you got some!  Love seeing different birds and I've never seen your birds in real life.  Hope you're able to get a few more shots before they've grown up and left the nest.   :bird::bird::bird:

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  • Posts

    • throwaway9988

      Posted (edited)

      Wow, it’s crazy how much that blepharoplasty (I’m assuming) changed Amy Stites. Almost looks like a different person. Congrats to her surgeon for a job well done. 

      Does anyone know what Remnant teaches about all the new weight loss drugs like Ozempic? My assumption is that their stance would be similar to what they used to teach about eating disorders.

      For bullemia, you are overeating but then either purging or overexercising to stay skinny; it doesnt matter that you aren’t fat because you still have the sin of greed for food in your heart and are on a path to hell. For anorexia, you are controlling when and how much you eat instead of obeying god’s will regarding when you should eat and when you should stop eating; again, it doesn’t matter that you aren’t fat because you still have the sin of control in your heart and are on the path to hell unless you start following god’s will for you instead. I assume Remnant’s current teachings about the new weight loss drugs would be similar to these prior teachings, but I’m curious if anyone has heard anything directly so that I can know for sure.


      And does anyone know if people in Remnant are secretly taking these new weight loss drugs under the supervision of their doctor but then hiding it from other Remnant members or Remnant leaders so that they can fit in with the popular crowd or reap other benefits?

      Edited by throwaway9988
    • Bassett Lady


      I am able to feel sorry for the inadequate education and moral training she received and be disappointed that as an adult she is not taking the steps necessary to protect herself and her children. 

      Horrible things were done to her, without question. However, she is responsible for protecting those children. For the moment, he is incarcerated and away from all minors. 

      When he is released from prison, then it will be up to her to protect those kids. 

    • Pleiades_06


      Although I agree Anna is brainwashed and woefully uneducated, I just want to push back a little and say top education doesn’t necessarily make you more able to make good choices. If that were true, events like the Holocaust and slavery in the US wouldn’t have happened. 
      People like the Duggars choose  Trump because they think he will protect their power in the caste system of America. And although Anna doesn’t have a lot of outright power, she’s benefitted from being around people who do.

    • hoipolloi


      1 hour ago, HereticHick said:

      Were they only in Vietnam for 3 nights? Possibly 4? They spent almost as long in transit as they did on the ground. Probably more, if you really count door-to-door.

      Maybe 4: two in the Hanoi hotel, one night on the excursion boat at Ha Long Bay, and a final night back at the Hanoi hotel.

      It is a long ass trip from the US no matter how you go. I am sure they were jet-lagged and with such a short span + international dateline you essentially meet yourself coming & going. Donʻt envy them that stress but theyʻre young and itʻs not like they have to return to actual work. Just more farting around the family compound in FL.

    • FilleMondaine


      On 6/16/2024 at 9:30 PM, JermajestyDuggar said:

      It does look like she’s had an eye lift. At least it doesn’t look too tight like a constant surprised look. It seems like pretty good plastic surgery to me. I’m sure they have the money for a good surgeon. 

      I learned not to judge eye-lifts, especially since those hooded eyes would have impeded vision. Insurance even covers it because they are so necessary.

      Now, plastic surgery in general is a difficult one. I have recently had liposuction for some breast reconstruction following a breast cancer scare and a double mastectomy. My god! This has hurt so, so much! So I have actually grown more concerned for people who pursue and pursue and purse plastic surgery. The level of pain is intellectualised away--not healthy!

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