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Kids, cats, dogs and my life.

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I am now 43 (yikes!) and time is moving too fast for my liking.  Most day's I don't feel grown up enough to be an adult lol. My son is now 26 and after finishing college decided not to join the army but got himself a good job with plenty of opportunity for career progression and has already moved up in his company and is currently working from home like lot's of people due to covid. The kiddo is turning 13 next week and is finally back in school full time after lockdown 2 here. They ca


caszandra in My Pic's

That's my pillow/I'll protect you

When I woke up this morning this was the sight that greeted me. I have never seen Alfie sleep this close to the kiddo before, usually he sleeps at the bottom of the bed or curled up at the side of me. I'm wondering if he was trying to say that the pillow is his (he sleeps on it during the day) and I will lie here even with you on it or I love you and I'll protect you from bad dreams trying to enter your head. Whatever his reason it was super cute and a nice way to wake up!



Baby Birdies came out to play!

Yay, the baby birdies at my mum and dad's came out for the first time today. I missed the first 3 but managed to get there in time for the 4th to come out. First pic is mum calling baby out of the nest. Second pic is mum trying to coax baby out. Third pic is baby looking right at me. Fourth pic is baby in a bush after it was brave enough to fly for the first time. The pictures do not show just how teeny tiny the baby birds are, when I left my mum and dad's there were at least 2 or more babies st



Whatcha looking at Alfie?

Alfie has been sitting in front of his litter box just staring into it for the best part of 30 mins now. It was fully changed yesterday and is clean, I have checked and can see nothing in there that would explain why he is doing this. Strange cat! Any ideas?



Give me attention now or else!

So I was sat at the laptop when Alfie jumps up and demanded attention, I give him a pet and a cuddle and ask him nicely to move, he sticks his head in closer and gives me the more attention or else look. Silly mum ignores Alfie hoping he will give up and go and lie down for a snooze. Well, said Alfie, if you don't want me then I will see too it that you can't have the laptop.     He is now computer literate and can adjust the screen brightness, adjust the volume f



Miss you Coops

7 years ago today I had to make the heart breaking decision to get my boy Cooper put to sleep. His girl friend cat Samantha had come over earlier in the day to wait for him at the back door so they could both go for their daily patrol of the neighbourhood. It was getting close to bed time and something stopped me going to bed until I knew Cooper was home safe and sound. He came home but he wasn't safe and sound. My brave boy suffered a clot in his spine which paralysed his back end and somehow h



I got up for 1 minute!

I got up for 1 minute to make a cup of coffee and came back to find my seat stolen. He had been happily sleeping in his bed just before I got up, he was not for moving so I had to squeeze myself on the very end of the seat to sit down. We then sat like that for 10 minutes until he decided to go back to his bed!  At least I got on the chair today as yesterday he stole the seat just before I pulled it out from under the table, he spent all afternoon sleeping there.



Imma just sunbathing mum, leave me alone

So I couldn't find the cat yesterday morning, usually when it is really sunny he will sleep on the armchair in the conservatory, nope not there, checked my bed which is his other favourite place, nope not there either, heard a kitty sigh and looked behind the curtain in my living room and there he was enjoying the sunshine having a snooze, cats can get comfy in the strangest of places lol



It's mine I tell you, all mine.

So I made a cat owner mistake, a rookie mistake at that,  I put a jacket down on a chair instead of hanging it up. Lo and behold Alfie sniffed it out in micro seconds and has declared it his! Here he is looking smug on said jacket. He then decided 2 seconds later that I wasn't worth his time and went for a snooze.



About me and proud Mama rolled into one.

A wee bit about me, I am 38 and live in Scotland, I have 2 kids and 1 cat, my son is 21, my daughter is 7 and Alfie cat is 1 1/2.  Now for the proud Mama bit. My son is starting up his own amateur football (soccer) club, he has already got the bank account in the clubs name opened, he has been in touch with the amateur football association to register the club and is just about to go to our local council to apply for funds to start to buy strips and equipment needed.  I am so proud of the w



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      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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