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Why oh why did we purchase a motel - trial and tribulations of running a motel and cleaning up after people

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The times they are a changing

So it's been a while since I have updated. Motel Dad and I have been going back and forth with how we wish to proceed in the next few years. The motel isn't doing too well. Built in the 70's (that's 1970) when things were a little simpler where accommodation was concerned.  40 odd years ago, being out of the main shopping district was a bonus especially with the river across the street. A beautiful bit of river it is too.  The golf club is 2 mins by car away and we are up the other



Well this puts life in perspective (trigger warnings -suicide)

So have been trying to come to grips with this today. I found out this morning that my nephew tried to commit suicide last night. I think it has only just hit me as now I can cry. This morning when I heard about it I was sort of numb to it.  I always thought it was up to the individual to decide if they wanted to live or not and that nobody should be able to tell you not to if that's what you really wanted. This of course was in reflection to me killing myself, now that it's somebody I love I



Makes it all worthwhile

The guests we have had in this week are why we do what we do. They are a fantastic bunch of folk. They are wonderful people (and yes I may be a little tipsy after enjoying a BBQ tea with them) and they really are the reason we do it.  MD and I wondered tonight why we didn't do this every year for the last 10 years. They have kept me super busy this week, however I have felt appreciated and have actually enjoyed cleaning up after people... I don't know how to explain it I suppose it all com



Take care when using "Hotel Hacks"

Just recently Uncle Brad Takei posted a link for 11 Handy Hotel Hacks (or let's be honest, whoever does his FB page did) This is the link http://www.destinationtips.com/advice/11-handy-hotel-hacks-to-get-the-most-out-of-your-stay/?listview=3&utm_source=tse&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=TSE001_DST_0000000_AL_XXX&utm_content=inf_4_3166_2&tse_id=INF_7c904a8dad6c4ea2bd50999432e023dc I would suggest that only some of these are actually helpful, the rest could get you in real t



Bitch, bitch, bitch

How the hell do you go through a roll of toilet paper every day? There are 2 of you in the room, you are gone by 10:00 am each morning and don't return until 7 - 8 pm. We are a family of 4 (3 adults and a child) and WE don't go though that much a day. You may wonder why I work with the public when every little things gets to me. Well the answer is simple, I loved the public, but the public ruined it for me.   Housekeep tip: If the air-conditioning is not evaporative, shut the doors



Our ad just popped up on the Home page....lol...

This seems to be becoming a pattern, but I have been indulging in a glass or two of wine tonight. For those interested a glass of Yellow Tail Moscato on lots of ice. That was weird I have been busy working on our new website, so have been back and forth between all our 3rd party extranets and now everything I open that has ads we are popping up . (I wish I could show you all, but that would  not be very professional). I always get a secret thrill when it does especially if it is previewed by



Bitchy me

So this is basically going to be a bitch fest.   I have had a few glasses of wine and well.....   1: ladies * if I can call you that* once a sanitary product is out of it's wrapper consider it used. DON'T place it into the bin in its natural state!!! This especially goes for tampons. The "sanity bags" are not there for you to take home, use those motherfuckers.    2: Gentlemen, piss in the toilet please, don't piss on the tiles surrounding the loo or indeed on the b



Premmies and

I am meant to be clearing out and painting our *residence lounge / dining room now that the youngest is back at school for the year. Grade 5 so now able to ride up and back by himself (it's only up the road and I can see him the whole way) Instead I am procrastinating listening to some songs and typing this..lol... Our first major renovations involved replacing the extremely loud old fashion window type air-conditioning units with nice quiet split system reverse cycle ones. Still believe th



Faulty towers have nothing on us!

Little bit of history, my parents had purchased a motel when I was 16 so I grew up in the industry. After many years working for them I moved on to the  hospitality industry as a waitress and I also cleaned motel rooms and then became a full time receptionist at a golf club where I met my husband (moteldad) . Upon becoming pregnant I decided continuing to work at the golf club was hazardous to my pregnancy, the doctor agreed.  For some reason we thought that purchasing a motel was a good idea



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    • Destiny


      Sorry about that friends. Miscommunication happened. Should be all good now. 
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    • bea


      Election judge training today - we have new electronic pollbooks, so I have to go in and learn how to use them.
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    • smittykins


      Just filled out my absentee ballot.  Blue all the way! 💙
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    • Hazelbunny


      It is never too early to start the Christmas music 😍🎻
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    • Kiki03910


      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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