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Truly, Lawfully, Evilly Yours

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In which I respond to questions- mostly those nobody asked.

Entries in this blog

This Fucking Summer

This fucking summer. This fucking year, really. So. My marriage, which limped along while I was super depressed because I just didn't care, is really rocky right now. I'm not sure he knows that it's total shit- I think he thinks everything is great. I mean, I finally stopped nagging him. I'm just really quiet all the time. I never ask him to do anything around the house anymore and just do it all myself. Because I'm fucking tired of having to tell a grown man, over and over and over again, that



Killing Time

I got enough of a sanity break this weekend to look up and notice that the walls are still bare (I've been busy!). I looked around in some stores that have Arts. Everything was expensive, and I don't need a 3 foot tall EAT sign with blinking lights in my kitchen- I'm great at eating already. Everything I liked was expensive. Everything I thought was OK was still too expensive for the amount of OKness I felt. So I'm cobbling together some crappy DIY art with GIMP while I watch people yelling abou



Internet Privacy

The paper here published an article about a website you guys might want to be aware of- http://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article126534709.html My ex-husband commented that it didn't even know who his grandfather was, the site seems to be pretty much exclusively useful for easy stalking.



Notes on Diet

I quit eating mammals and poultry early this fall. It's mostly a secret. My husband knows, but I try to keep it quiet- people get really upset. I still eat the occasional fish (mostly sardines- much more sustainable) and if I'm a guest and I can't get away with skipping a meat dish I take a very small portion. I get my eggs from someone I know, but I eat eggs. I'm very lactose intolerant but I do eat a little cheese. And I'd never try to feed my cats that way- they're obligate carnivores, it's c



Kitchen Organization Pt. I

I'm trying to decide which kitchen appliances should go and which should stay- this month I'm evaluating the Kitchenaid. I used it a lot right after I got it (almost 10 years ago now) but not much for years now. It's easier than I remembered, maybe just from more practice in the kitchen in general.  So, pizza dough. I've... I've ordered worse? That's not really a high bar, though- most of the veg pizza in town is a solid "meh".



Nostalgia: The Pain from an Old Spoon

We're 4 days into the New Year and already one of the 2017 predictions has come true, look at that. On an unrelated note- I've put a lot of time, effort, and enthusiasm into learning how you really cook good food- and I've mostly overcome bad habits and mental ruts from cooking the kind of sludge my family ate when I was growing up. For example- despite a childhood in Texas, I didn't know what cumin was (I'd only tasted it in spice mixes) and I'd never tasted an avocado when I was 18. Yik



Man Pain, Part Whatever: In Which I Still Don't Care

Somewhat recently an online acquaintance responded to a trending Tumblr/Twitter topic about the new Star Wars villain being quote unquote "emo". I'm going to skip summarizing it and just link it: my acquaintance says... Now, not to bury the lede here, but you may have guessed that I don't fucking care. I don't. I am intensely sick of the excuses people make for abhorrent behavior. Particularly white men behaving badly. Spoiler retort: Non-spoiler retort- the villain is a troubled you



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    • bea


      Election judge training today - we have new electronic pollbooks, so I have to go in and learn how to use them.
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    • smittykins


      Just filled out my absentee ballot.  Blue all the way! 💙
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    • Hazelbunny


      It is never too early to start the Christmas music 😍🎻
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    • Kiki03910


      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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    • Kiki03910


      From a Dodgers fan friend:

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