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A Photographer's Daughter 

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The Random Nature of Life (and Death)

My grandmother was born in 1898 and died at the age of 102 in 2001, thus living a life touching three centuries.  At the time of her death she was of diminished stature and eyesight but was otherwise ‘healthy’.  She had never contracted polio, as my grandfather had, and she was never stricken with cancer or heart disease, or any other ailment.  She simply died of old age as her body just could not sustain life anymore. My grandmother lived most of her life in England, moving to Canada when



The photograph

My dad was hired to take this photo of my mum's nursing class.  Someone invited him to stay for the dance that evening.  This, then, is the day they met.  Mum is in the back row, fourth from left.  



A Love Story

There once lived a beautiful nineteen-year-old girl. She was a nursing student in a quaint seaside town in the south of England. At a dance one night, she locked eyes with a dashing young man of 24.  They fell in love on the spot and, a few months later, they married.  They had twin boys, followed twenty months later by a daughter.  The girl turned twenty-two a week later.   This girl and boy eventually moved to Canada where opportunities for a talented photographer were better.  The family



My Mum's Daughter

As some of you may know, my mum has cancer.   She is 81 and has, until recently, never been sick.  She is a very good tennis player but hasn't played for months.  Her mum died in 2001 at the age of 101 (and a half), and we thought Mum had a good many years left. She has cancer of the vulva.  She is in agony, and has been for over a year.  She recently had some scans and, because the cancer hasn't spread, the doctors feel they can remove, well, everything.  She will have a colostomy and a urosto



My Dad's Daughter

I would like to discuss photography.  When we moved to Canada years ago, my Dad became one of the highest sought after advertising photographers in the country. Any fellow Canadians who have purchased Loblaws or President's Choice products will have had his work in your home (Decadent Chocolate Chip cookies, anyone?). In the last ten years or so I have really taken more of an interest in taking GOOD photos, even though we've never had an expensive camera.  I'm hoping that some FJers will post



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      It is never too early to start the Christmas music 😍🎻
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      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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